Out of Control Staff Sunday Night

Started by justkitteh, May 27, 2008, 07:30:30 PM

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Fanime is a volunteer run organization sadly, therefor no major backing = no major company to go after for cash back. >.>

Again, if it was an SoS Staffer, there are some changes being made in the future. And I do apologize for the stress you have encountered.
Director of Marketing
Staff Moderator - Fanime Forums.

Please PM me with any questions, comments, or concerns.



I understand staffs were being strict this year; however, they had no right of being jerk.  Staffs still have to treat attendees with respected. 


I sent you a pm, Kitteh about 3 minutes ago.

As I stated in the response, the woman you described may have been from Con-Ops.  Once again I apologize for any inconvenience you experienced and my department head for Safety has been personally notified of your incident and is currently investigating.  Their email is [email protected]
Fanime Safety on Site 2008
Fanime Rovers 2007


Con-Ops, if it was someone from there, should not be handling a safety concern.
Director of Marketing
Staff Moderator - Fanime Forums.

Please PM me with any questions, comments, or concerns.



It's no big deal steve.  Kid prolly just had more testosterone in him than I do  :-\   

I'd like to help out again next year if i can.  It was all so last minute this year, but at least now I know where to reach you guys. I got plenty of talents and XP, i'm sure you can fit me in somewhere.



Hmm come to think of it...

If you wanted some non-threatening cosplay "safety" staff get some cute girls in meter maid outfits. 

Cute, attractive, and probably not likely to grab anyone or get in someones face. 


if people arent showing up to the training for such important positions... can't you deny them a staff badge for that? because if they have no training for what they're supposed to do, it stands to reason they would be less than capable of fulfilling what they were brought in for.

anybody who'd volunteered for said position previous years and already gone through the training could probably get a waiver though... or at least enforce attendance once every so often?

can you imagine if lifeguards were hired for a public pool and decided not to take their CPR or water safety classes?
~spinning...spinning!! wai wai!!~
*plug plug*Everlasting Wanderers - a Ragnarok Online comik*plug plug*


Quote from: crazychichi on May 28, 2008, 03:48:27 PM
I sent you a pm, Kitteh about 3 minutes ago.

As I stated in the response, the woman you described may have been from Con-Ops.  Once again I apologize for any inconvenience you experienced and my department head for Safety has been personally notified of your incident and is currently investigating.  Their email is [email protected]

To the best of my knowledge, there were no Con Ops staffers involved in this incident.  The head of Safety has been notified of this issue, as well as the head of the Operations division and next year's con chair. 


Con Ops Head
FanimeCon 2008


Tell me about it. Some little kids who were vols at the dealers room exit gave me some attitude until an official staff came to settle things down. 
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This is why I went to every training meeting, mistakes ruin things for everyone. I was actually on shift that night but I was patrolling a rather large area so I didn't see the event.

Did I see you and the humidor? Oh yes I did, it was very large and expensive looking and someone told me what it was. But there's no rule about carrying around a big box of cigars. You weren't passing them out, you weren't showing them off, you weren't even telling people about it. You were just holding it.

I mean I just passed on by without even stopping really.


Quote from: toqer on May 28, 2008, 04:31:42 PM
Hmm come to think of it...

If you wanted some non-threatening cosplay "safety" staff get some cute girls in meter maid outfits. 

Cute, attractive, and probably not likely to grab anyone or get in someones face. 


Force them into maid outfits! HELL YEAH!


Quote from: spinny on May 28, 2008, 04:34:49 PM
if people arent showing up to the training for such important positions... can't you deny them a staff badge for that? because if they have no training for what they're supposed to do, it stands to reason they would be less than capable of fulfilling what they were brought in for.

anybody who'd volunteered for said position previous years and already gone through the training could probably get a waiver though... or at least enforce attendance once every so often?

can you imagine if lifeguards were hired for a public pool and decided not to take their CPR or water safety classes?

Yes and yes. If someone signed, up for SOS staff but did not attend any of the training meeting they were removed from staff and therefore could not even get a staff badge.

That being said. There are volunteers that sign up the day of con (just hit the Vol Hall) and get a volunteer ribbon and badge. The majority of the bad apples unfortunately come from this bunch. Not because the volunteer dept is doing a poor job (because they do an outstanding job) but because *most* of the people that Volunteer up and get the "nifty" SOS badge take it as a shield and try to do whatever they choose. When in fact, as they are untrained, SOS volunteers are assigned for door duty (checking for badges and whatnot). If they see any disturbance, they are to inform a SOS staff member (easily spotted because they have Radios)

Even folks who are past SOS members are required to attend at least one SOS training meeting as policies and procedures change from year to year.

I am currently looking into the issue with this woman in Red from the B&W ball as more than one person has mentioned her. I apologize for the inconvenience she caused and if indeed, she was part of the SOS staff. This issue will be taken care of accordingly.


Ops Div


Quote from: Jeanne on May 28, 2008, 04:50:31 PM
To the best of my knowledge, there were no Con Ops staffers involved in this incident.  The head of Safety has been notified of this issue, as well as the head of the Operations division and next year's con chair. 


Con Ops Head
FanimeCon 2008
I think that says it well enough, especially given the circumstances of this incident. Complaint lodged, relevant parties notified, thread closed.
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