Your Fan Name

Started by Raedyn, May 28, 2008, 08:42:05 PM

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deonchan. It's a name I've had since my freshman year in college.

Ops Div


I actually do respond to 'Phobia'. lol Moreso then my regular name. But my real name is real common, so I don't respond to it as much.

2010 cosplay...?
Zero:80% Kadaj:?? Sisen:??


Everyone just calls me Ryo or Ryo Hellsing. :D


My Fan name is YoureMyHiro, Ive used this as a handle for who knows how long? I believe since the late 90's; however, those who know me personally usually just call me by my real name.

Or Awesome...mostly Awesome. ;)


Like most people, my fan name is my account name.  Actually its just Ophelia, but there's a story to this.
My anime club is going as a group and our president registered all of us.  But I suddenly realized that I didn't give him my fan name for my badge.  But then I found out that he just used my e-mail, which is what I use for everything anyway. Seems I didn't have to worry.  But I'll respond to either Ophelia, Ophelia Cat, or my cosplay character. old fan name was JettaCat....but people always thought I was talking about the car model.
"I like to quote myself."

Cosplays for Fanime 2011
Fri  -  Kanae Kotonami, Skip Beat!
Sat -  Relm Arrowny, FFVI
Sun - Sailor Jupiter, SMStars


same as my name here  :)


mines "No.1 animefan™" but im thinking of changing it maybe, but i didn't want to do my account name since it has numbers in it and i use it for like everything youtube, XBL, PSN etc. so yah

im terrible at names ._.


My name is from 3 of the 7 codes of Bushido.
Gi - Justice
Yuu - Bravery
Meiyo - Honor

Cool huh?


Over the years:
"The Stig"
"Captain Slow" <-This year

†Alexander Anderson†

Mines going to be one of the following Anderson names used by the Hellsing series. (IE: Bayonet Anderson, Father Anderson, Angel Dust, ect.)


Mine's Kiri-Chan!!!!!! YaY!!!!!!       >    w    <              :D :B :D


I change it each year. Last year it was LadiesMan217. This year it's Volfogg.
Starting work for Fanime 2011


Lucifer Angel


It's the same as my SteamID; [G4B2S]AwesomeFace


It changes every damn year.

2006: R10k
2007: G.S.
2008: gs68
2009 (just now): Ray Ayanami
Possiblly for 2010: Alphonse Michel, TsundeRay
Raydere / Raymoo, purveyor of crazy Japanese music games
Twitter: @Raydere | Tumblr: raydere2


SweetRinoa like my account name.


My fan name is based on my cosplay~
last year was Rikku~this year is Sheryl~ ;D


Changes every year pretty much.
2004-5 I didn't even put one
2006: Squeek
2009: Ciel


Quote from: ~~Loktera~~ on May 29, 2008, 11:20:24 PM
Mine is what you see here.

This is really the only name I use online.

Aside from Capt.Mudkip
But we'll save that for another time.

Heya. Just to keep things up to date. This is new Lok is the same old Lok, just nicer packaging and a few upgrades.
"I reject your reality and substitute my own."
~Adam Savage