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Messages - Pengin-san

I'm sorry if I'm not supposed to ask this, but I too want to get prepared.

So, are we allowed to edit the karaoke tracks at all?  As in, I want to change the instrumental version of the song to a lower pitch.  Can I do that?  Or does it have to be the original, official karaoke track?
Aww... last year was so much fun :3.  I still have my Lloyd cosplay.  *Sigh* I'll never forget about it.

Well, as I posted on the forums, I'll be going as Guy this year.  The outfit is looking really good so far.
I didn't make it to the gathering for '07, but I'll certainly make it this year ^^!  So if you can, please sign me up as Pengin-san going as Guy Cecil from Tales of the Abyss.
This just sounds so vain, but I'm really curious >_<.  Did anyone happen to snap a shot of me?  I was Lloyd (Tales of Symphonia)... I know there was another Lloyd running around (never saw him/her).  I was kind of short... and female XD!
I will be going as Lloyd Irving (Tales of Symphonia).  Though, I will be staying as Lloyd through-out the convention.
So what time should we gather o.o?
Oh that's awesome ^^!  I'm going as Lloyd (Tales of Symphonia)!  I'm looking forward to seeing the Dist and Zelos cosplay X3!