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Messages - Elimeno

hey!  I sold buttons a few years ago in AA and used these guys http://www.poseurink.com/modbuttons/  They did good work and the prices are good!
^  This one! bonus points if you know who it is :P

< Made me feel special by telling me cosplay plans before irl friends. :P

> Turns out I'm not selling at Fanime AA again this year.  Oh well, the con is more fun when not on business anyway ^^

v What's your current fixation?

7 years straight!  I'm going to this con until they kick me out of the convention center.
Forum Games / Re: Super-Ultra Random Prize Machine
January 22, 2012, 10:16:38 PM
you get 5 dollar headphones... the right ear is broken

*insert coin*
I can't give you any help right now, but I like the project idea. Good Luck!
Quote from: Rhornez on January 21, 2012, 02:06:28 PM
Quote from: ispyangie on January 15, 2012, 12:06:10 PM
Finally pre-reg'd.

And...I have a cold. Wah.
atleast you dont have a cold the entire fanime con weekend like i did in 2011

ew, that sucks!  Hopefully you still had a good time.
prostrated: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c2t3BaNme6k
prostrated: i've listened to this song 4 times now....
prostrated: I miss those times...
prostrated: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sF_YC1-hsqg
Alli: those times?
prostrated: heh
prostrated: When Naruto and Fullmetal alchemist were big
Alli: when anime still had a few good shows?
prostrated: well, I mean
prostrated: it was essentially the "end" of the anime boom....
Alli: ya
prostrated: it's kind of sad
prostrated: I mean, I have all these awesome memories tied to these songs
prostrated: it just kind of sucks that I wont get them again
prostrated: I mean, its kind of sad but the biggest fandom at conventions nowadays is homestuck
Alli: thats how ive felt about the past couple cons
Alli: like
Alli: i dont know
Alli: youre always kind of able to predict whats going to be big there
prostrated: well, I've still had fun at them. It's just wierd not being part of the big fandoms
Alli: maybe thats what it is
Alli: no excitement to see the stuff because you dont care

Guys... I'm lost...
^ Most shameful manga?  I guess in a normal society standpoint it'd have to probably be Golden Boy... for obvious reasons.
< go for it!
> Yeah, the art is mine... drawn a few years ago now.  If I remember right its the Bassist from the band Ayabie.  Also, this somewhat ties into your question.  I just listened to http://youtu.be/c2t3BaNme6k Haruka Kanata by AKFG.  And it brought up a very fond memory of Fanime.  I'm not sure what year it was but Ramen and Rice was opening for a band for the music fest. They played Haruka Kanata... and the audience sang along.  Not just a few people, Naruto was still huge.  The entire audience!  It was amazing and touching for some reason.  I think one of the girls got teary eyed and she was speechless after they finished the song.
V care to share a memorable/favorite con moment?
^ LETS GO RAIDA KICK!!  Indeed I have.
< is going to be a Kamen Rider of love!
> Contemplating selling at Fanime AA again this year with a friend... but we always get bad spots...
V What is the nerdiest thing you've done as of late?
As the title says write a quick anime story based on the item to your immediate right. I'll go first

Item: Alarm clock
Anime name: Time<3
type: comedy/romance

Main character wakes up at the same time every day due to his trusty alarm clock.  As usual he wakes from his slumber to the familiar chime.  Right as his hand hits the snooze/off button a mysterious girl flies through the window and smashes both his arm and his beloved clock.  In usual main character fashion he's more worried about his destroyed time piece other than the strange girl passed out over his night stand.  Out of fury he shakes the girl awake and demands she pay him back for his lost item.  Upon awakening and realizing what she's done due to being a demon she cares not for this poor fools situation.  She attempts to leave.  He refuses her exit until she replaces his item.  Due to her being the natural trickster she is twists MC's words and he ends up being her servant for an undisclosed amount of time, in his own house no less!
currently just League of Legends
feel free to add me ign = Elimeno
^ let's see AX '06 I waited like... 4 hours+  stupid AX....
< pre reg is awesome and also a good idea :P
> I can't sleep... go to bed at 10 wake up at 1 ;-;
v What do you usually do while waiting in badge line?
holy shit! it is almost valentines day!
<--- also Forever Alone ;_;
^ Indeed I did! it's to draw a minimum of one hour a day.  I may start taking requests soon ^^
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8LCGxuFujdI
> have been away from the Fanime boards a looooong time.  Glad to be back!
v What have you been doing lately lovely?
Incredible Stuff I can Make / Re: DeviantArt
January 02, 2012, 09:13:39 PM
http://kabooki.deviantart.com/  I don't think I've ever posted my D-art here... odd.
Forum Games / Re: I am
August 09, 2011, 04:22:31 AM
I am ashamed i haven't posted in a while.
< is making an AMV
> gearing up for another con that surprisingly isn't AX... kind of scared about that.
v What is an activity you're doing in these hot days of summer?
any Fanime heads going to AM2?  Since its the first one i'm kind of scared its going to be dead there...
^ forgot to take a picture in my cosplay and can't find any online ><
<undercover con depression?
> if you took a picture of an eskimo looking guy that's me! And can I see it?
V what's your next big event?
Hey! wondering if anyone got any pics of either me or my friend. I was in Mofumafu armor (monster hunter) while she was in Bnahbra armor.  I didn't actually get to take any pictures this year, sorry ^^;