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Messages - beyourgravity

Staff & Volunteers / Info Desk is Recruiting for 2013!
February 20, 2013, 12:26:30 PM
Info Desk is Recruiting Staff for 2013!

What is Info Desk? Who are they, and what do they do?

Looking for information about schedule changes at Con? Trying to find out how to get from point A to point B at Con? Just have a random question or pondering during Con? Do inquiring minds want to know? The answers to all this and more can be found at your friendly FanimeCon Info Desk.  You can find us located throughout the Con or you can look for walking Info Desk representatives in even more places. You will be greeted with a friendly face and the answer to your question. When you don't know, go ask Info!!

Disclaimer: This post is subject to change as Fanime 2013 approaches, it is the responsibility of the applicant to stay updated before applying if they have not recently read this post.
                        If you are already accepted to our staff, you will be notified of changes via email.

Last Updated: February 20, 2013

Before Con, Info Desk staff members are responsible for acquiring information as it becomes available concerning major events, location changes, and major scheduling changes (for example, an event moving to a different day). At staff meetings, they are responsible for greeting new and current staff members and directing them as to where to go. Throughout the months leading up to Con, Info Desk staff continue to become well versed on all programming, events, and schedule changes in order to share this information with staff and attendees.

During Con, Info Desk staff members distribute information about events, event locations, any changes, and other pertinent information. They understand the rhythm and flow of what information attendees ask for on a given day and are prepared with responses for related questions (for example, Cosplay is big on Saturday, so Info Staff should be prepared for questions related to cosplay). Info Staff members keep in constant contact with Programming Ops, distribute information about all changes that come from Prog Ops, and communicate any alarming trends to Programming Ops as it pertains to scheduling. Info Desk is also responsible for distributing the daily con newsletter to attendees.


  • Be at least 16 years old by the time FanimeCon starts. (If you are under 18 you will need a signed permission slip.)
  • Must have valid government issued photo ID. ie drivers licence, passport, state id card, military id card, etc....
  • Must work 24 hours over the course of Fanime weekend Thursday-Monday divided up into 6(six) 4(four) hour shifts.
  • Must complete Radio Training. (Given by Rovers)
  • Must complete Customer Service Training.
  • Must attend at least 2(two) pre-con meetings.
  • Must check in with Programing Ops before AND after each shift.
  • Must abide by the FanimeCon Member Code of Conduct and the FanimeCon Staff Code of Conduct at all times.
  • Teamwork
  • Professional attitude
  • Good communication skills
  • Radio training will be provided for those that do not have prior radio experience
  • Attend Staff meetings on a regular basis

Communication Requirements:
Pre-Con: Email will be the primary method of communication; you are required to respond within a timely manner (to emails that require a response).
At-Con: Phone / Texting will be the primary method of communication; if we are contacting you, you are required to respond within a timely manner.
If you read this, please put in your app, "Info desk, I know secrets" at the very top or the very bottom of the application so we see.
If we don't hear from you, you may be dropped from staff. (We are serious about this part.)  Exceptions/Accommodations may be granted on a case by case basis (Please let us know in advance).

What do I get for Staffing?
All "Staff" positions for FanimeCon are volunteer positions. We all donate our time to make this convention work, because we love it. The perks are limited, but often worthwhile if you have the right mindset.

A free Staff Badge, as long as you work your 24-hours.
A slightly discounted "Staff Room," as long as you room exclusively with convention staff and qualify for one.
Small amounts of swag. (2012 had backpacks or wristbands, 2011 had pencil bags.)
A chance to "give back" to the Convention.
That warm-fuzzy feeling you get when you coordinate with other departments.

If you are interested in joining Info Desk, please e-mail [email protected] with the following information with "Info Desk app for [your name]" as the subject.
Best Contact Email:
Full Legal Name:
Nickname (if preferred):
Best contact phone number:
Convention experience:
Why you want to join and relevant skills:

If you are a returning Info Desk staff member:
- We will contact you with an invite code if you are selected to return with us for FanimeCon 2013.

Questions? Please post a reply or PM me via the forums and we will answer as best we can.
We are still looking for new staff for Fanime 2013, please don't hesitate to apply or ask a question!

Staff Applications site still isn't up yet, so you can use this method for now.
Quote from: Hachimitsu-ink on June 05, 2012, 01:31:39 PM
--My biggest dissapointment is: They DID NOT FOLLOWED THEIR OWN RULINGS nor make any changes/announcements to the forum/website that (thursdays) swap meet is a badgless event!

Hi, we apologize for the issue you had with the lack of information being disseminated properly. I staff in Programming Ops, we will be working hard to coordinate with the web team, social media, info desk, stage zero, rovers and other relevant departments for Fanime 2013 to ensure that all departments will have the most up to date information as they occur. ^^
Quote from: kookiekween99 on June 01, 2012, 08:10:03 AM
Quote from: beyourgravity on June 01, 2012, 06:05:49 AMRequirements:
  • 3+ years of convention staff or volunteer experience
Does this have to be with Fanime, or can it be with another convention? Because I worked for ASAHiCon for 4 years. The first year I was just staff, the second year I was co-head of Registration, the third year I was both head of Registration and the Web Master and Graphic Designer. The fourth year, I kept all my previous duties, but was also one of the co-chairs. Also, I feed off information and planning things.

Quote from: beyourgravity on June 01, 2012, 06:05:49 AMResponsibilites:
  • Be able to work at least 24-hours at-Con for our department
Do all 24 hours have to be worked at con or can some of them be worked pre-con? I've been considering staffing Fanime for a while, but my main barrier is the 24 at-con hours. I have enough trouble fitting everything I want to do in one weekend as-is. Taking 24 hours out of that will just make it more difficult to fit everything in. If it won't work for this department, is there another department that accepts pre-con hours?

The experience can be with any convention. =] I think your experience with ASAHiCon definitely qualifies you for the experience requirement. We (at ProgOps) also work closely with Info Desk leadership (I know because I'm on their team as a Second) so we have heard some good things already about you from another Info Desk Second. ;]

We will permit a maximum of 4 hours pre-con work to count towards the 24 hours, but no further. (Prior arrangement required.)

If you have any further questions please feel free to reply and we will answer as best we can.
Programming Ops is Recruiting Staff for 2013!

Are you detail-oriented? Do you love being up to date on the latest news? Enjoy the feel of being in a command center? Then Programming Operations needs you. "SCV good to go sir"
We are open 24-hours each day of the con. Shifts will be 6 hours long including late night shifts. We will coordinate with other departments all the updates to all the programming events happening during the con and relay that information to Info Desk. We also serve as the Info Desk backend answering live info questions over radio Info Desk may not have the answer on hand for.

Disclaimer: This post is subject to change as Fanime 2013 approaches, it is the responsibility of the applicant to stay updated before applying if they have not recently read this post.
                        If you are already accepted to our staff, you will be notified of changes via email.

Last Updated: June 3, 2012


  • Monitor and respond to radio traffic
  • Be able to work at least 24-hours at-Con for our department (up to 6 hours may be performed Pre-con)
  • Update Info Desk with Programming changes
  • Update social media head to push notifications to Twitter and Facebook
  • Be main information source for all questions that Info Desk has
  • Update Info Desk Digital Signage
  • Coordinate with other departments to acquire information (Pre-Con and At-Con)

  • 3+ years of convention staff or volunteer experience (from any convention)
  • 18+ years of age preferred due to late night shifts and nature of duties
  • Teamwork
  • Professional attitude
  • Good communication skills
  • Event coordination and/or radio experience preferred
  • Radio training will be provided for those that do not have prior radio experience
  • Attend Staff meetings on a regular basis

Communication Requirements:
  • Pre-Con: Email will be the primary method of communication; you are required to respond within a timely manner (to emails that require a response).
  • At-Con: Phone / Texting will be the primary method of communication; if we are contacting you, you are required to respond within a timely manner.
  • If you read this, please put in your app, "Frogops, I know secrets" at the very top or the very bottom of the application so we see.
  • If we don't hear from you, you may be dropped from staff. (We are serious about this part.)  Exceptions/Accommodations may be granted on a case by case basis (Please let us know in advance).

What do I get for Staffing?
All "Staff" positions for FanimeCon are volunteer positions. We all donate our time to make this convention work, because we love it. The perks are limited, but often worthwhile if you have the right mindset.

  • A free Staff Badge, as long as you work your 24-hours.
  • A slightly discounted "Staff Room," as long as you room exclusively with convention staff and qualify for one.
  • Small amounts of swag. (2012 had backpacks or wristbands, 2011 had pencil bags.)
  • A chance to "give back" to the Convention.
  • That warm-fuzzy feeling you get when you coordinate with other departments.

If you are interested in joining Programming Ops, please e-mail [email protected] with the following information with "Programming Ops app for [your name]" as the subject.
  • Best Contact Email:
  • Full Legal Name:
  • Nickname (if preferred):
  • Age:
  • Best contact phone number:
  • Convention experience:
  • Why you want to join and relevant skills:

If you are a returning Programming Operations staff member:
- We will contact you with an invite code if you are selected to return with us for FanimeCon 2013.

Questions? Please post a reply in our thread or PM me and we will answer as best we can.
Thanks for your feedback Mango Bunny!

Information about Condroyd: We had some flyers at our tables about it. It is a Third party app for Android phones containing the convention schedule on it.

Information about bi-daily newletters: These were the colorful papers with the morning and afternoon editions with ongoings printed on them.
Thanks for attending Fanime 2011

Did you miss the chance to give feedback at Closing Ceremonies?

The replies in this thread will be forwarded to our head. Responses from Staff and Attendees alike are welcome.

Keep in mind we do not print the schedules, that is with publications. Info desk only distributes what publications can provide to us.

Some starter questions:

Were you able to be helped properly at info desk?
Were info staff polite and friendly upon helping?
Did any questions go unanswered because of staff error or refusal to find out?
What worked and didn't work for you?
What can we improve on?
Did you use ConDroyd? (We had some flyers at our tables about it. It is a Third party app for Android phones containing the convention schedule on it) If so, was it useful?
Did you use the mini paper that had the list of restaurants that gave you a 10% discount? If so, was it useful?
Did you use the bi-daily newletters? (These were the colorful papers with the morning and afternoon editions with ongoings printed on them.) If so, was it useful?

Any other feedback pertaining to Info Desk is also welcome.

If you have any specific incidents to compliment or comment about, please list the time, day and location of the info desk. If you have a badge number or specific name, do not publicly post that please pm that to me instead.
Info desk 1: Info Main / Stage Zero
Info desk 2: Hilton side in between the Hilton / Maid Cafe and Dance (Ballroom J)
Info desk 3: Front of convention center on ground floor by the main entrance of the convention center in front of Registration
Info desk 4: Marriot side inbetween the Marriot where Panels were and the Video Rooms.

Technically we are part of Live Programming, but I think most people will find us better under General so I will post it here.

Thank you.