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Topics - Paladin Cecil

Things in the Universe / Regarding BSaphire
July 16, 2016, 04:28:36 PM
I haven't posted here in a while, but earlier today, I received an e-mail from BSaphire in my inbox, but for some reason, the e-mail disappeared before I could open it, and it didn't re-appear in any other section either. I haven't heard from her in a long time and when I came here, I noticed that she hadn't posted in a year.
If anyone knows of a way I could reach her, could they send me a PM? I haven't heard from her in several years and was looking forward to reading her message before it disappeared.
I plan to hold a shoot for general RPG characters again next year and this time, I plan to have people act out character battles. For those who plan to cosplay as RPG characters for next year, we should try to come up with some battle ideas.
Was anyone here at the DOAX gathering, whether as a cosplayer or someone getting pictures?

I missed the first few minutes of it because the gathering changed locations. When I got to the meet-up, I was told there were some other people there in cosplay. How many people were there beforehand and was anyone able to get pictures?
When I got there, I was able to get a few pics, but the shoot ended early. If anyone else who was there got any pictures, could you let me know?

PS: Considering the type of gathering it was, I won't ask anyone to post any and I don't plan to post the ones I took either (for safety precautions), but if anyone else got any pictures of it, could you show them to me via e-mail or PM? Thanks.
This might not be the right place to post this message, but it's something I need to get across to board members.
I have a fan art caption contest that I plan to hold on Monday and I need volunteers for it. I posted a topic about this in the panels and workshops forum in February and last month, I gave rules and disclaimers for the event, along with my e-mail address telling people to contact me if they'd like to participate or volunteer. The con is only a week away now and still no one has contacted me telling me that they'd like to participate or volunteer.
I'm really looking forward to doing this contest and it'll be almost impossible to run if I don't have at least a few volunteers, so if anyone who's interested would like to volunteer or participate in this contest, could you PM me? Thanks. :)

You can view more information about this event here:,8768.0.html
Incredible Stuff I can Make / Message for artists
May 06, 2008, 06:46:06 PM
I've got a message here I wanted to post for everyone here who's an artist.
I have a fan art caption contest that I'm going to be holding at Fanime and it'd be great to be able to see a lot of you at it. If any of you enjoy coming up with work or have any work that would make for some great captions, I recommend attending this event. I'm also looking for some people to volunteer for the event as well, so if you'd like to participate in this event or volunteer for it, you can view more info on it here:,8768.0.html
Panels and Workshops / The Anime List
February 24, 2008, 12:33:50 AM
I wanted to tell everyone about a panel that I plan on holding at Fanime for the first time that I think a lot of you will like. It's called The Anime List.
Here's a description of it:
Ever wanted to decide once and for all the best of the biggest anime subjects? If so, come join a collaborative discussion game where people will list their favorite choices of an anime subject and after that, the audience will vote for their favorite. So if you'd like to make a statement for a big anime subject, whether it's best-looking anime character, greatest anime series, best voice actor (along with many other subjects), The Anime List is for you.

It would rock if a lot of you could attend it. I hosted it at last year's Sakura Con and it went over very well with the people who attended.

Some of the subjects that I plan to discuss are:
Character that provides the best angry moments
Best dub
Best musical score
Best ending
Most overrated anime series
Best dressed character
Best hair
Two anime characters you'd like to see get together
Best comedy series
Best cast of characters
Things in the Universe / Anyone been to Yaoi Con?
February 17, 2008, 08:08:30 PM
Has anyone here been to Yaoi Con before? Even though I've never really been a yaoi person, I've been thinking of attending it someday. I have some ideas that would be interesting that would be more likely to work at Yaoi Con than they would at normal anime cons.

I've also got a few questions about it that I wanted to ask.
1. For those who have attended it, what do you think of it?
2. What's the dealer room like? Is the stuff they sell there generally yaoi or do they have a good amount of regular con merchandise as well?
3. This is probably a dumb question, but do people cosplay there as much as they do at normal anime cons? If so, is what they wear generally yaoi-related or do they cosplay as characters they like like people do at normal cons? I was wondering because I know that Yaoi Con is more yaoi-oriented than most cons.
I plan on holding a fan art caption contest on the 4th day of the convention and I'm gonna need some volunteers to help out, so if anyone would like to volunteer for this event, let me know.

I've got some things I'd like to mention regarding volunteer work:
1. There's no limit to how many people can volunteer.
2. Some of the things I'll need people to do are straightening out art entries, accepting entries, straightening out submissions and organizing them into categories.

I also wanted to mention that this will be my first time doing this and I don't know how many people will be submitting work or attending the event and in case a lot of people decide to participate in this event, it wouldn't hurt to have at least several people help out.
I'll have more information about this event in the future.
Panels and Workshops / Fan art caption contest
February 09, 2008, 12:34:47 AM
I wanted to inform everyone here that I plan on holding a contest for fan art captions, where people submit fan art and people attending will create their own captions for each submission that gets featured.
The contest will be about who can come up with the most creative captions and there'll also be a contest for the best fan art submitted along with a contest for the best overall caption.

If anyone has any questions about this event, feel free to ask.

I'll be adding more information in the future and will include some rules and disclaimers as well.
Who all here plans on cosplaying as a character from a Tales game?

We need to arrange one again for this year. The one we did last year pwned and it'd be great to do one again this year.
I'm gonna cosplay as either Jade or Judas.
Who all here plans on cosplaying as a character from a role playing game?

One of the things that I'd like to do at this year's Fanime is hold a gathering for cosplayers dressed as characters from any role playing game.

I'm surprised that I've never been to an anime convention that has held a gathering like it and I think it'd rock to see how many RPG cosplayers we could get together.
Another idea for a panel that I'm thinking of doing is a fan fiction discussion panel.
What do you guys think of a panel where people can share fanfics with each other, get ideas from each other and talk about different fanfic subjects?
Who all here likes to come up with amusing captions for pictures?
I've been thinking of doing a game panel where people can look at a screenshot from an anime or a fan art drawing and come up with funny captions for them. The game could feature several images for people to come up with captions for and after each image, we could hear all the submitted captions and vote for which ones are the best.
What do you guys think?
Things in the Universe / Anyone been to Sac Anime?
October 27, 2007, 10:18:58 PM
Who all here has been to Sac Anime and what do you think of it?
I've been thinking of attending it in January.
Panels and Workshops / Story Story Die
October 25, 2007, 11:35:43 PM
I plan on holding a Story Story Die panel again next year and I wanted to mention that for those who didn't attend it this year, it is a great game. Everyone who showed up for it had a great time playing it and we all came up with some wonderful material for the stories we did.

For those not familiar with Story Story Die, it's an improv game where people take turns improvising an anime story. In the panel we do different stories of different anime, and everyone takes turns making up material for the story until the story concludes. And if anyone has trouble coming up with ideas for the story, everyone else will chant, "Story, Story, Die." If the person can't come up with anything by the time everyone else finishes saying it, the person is eliminated and must act out a dramatic death.

Here are a couple of short clips from one of the SSD games that we played at this year's Fanime.

And if anyone has any ideas for an anime or video game story they think would be great to do a game of, feel free to mention them. :)

PS: Forgive some of my awkward dialogue. lol I had trouble finding the words on a couple of occasions.
Does anyone here know the person in the far right in this picture?
While at the con, I got his e-mail address and wrote it down and I told him I was gonna e-mail him when I got back. After getting home, I couldn't find where I wrote it down on and I haven't been able to e-mail him. If anyone here knows him, could you let him know that Paladin Cecil is trying to contact him? Thanks.
Here are the pictures I took from Fanime '07.

They're on the first 5 pages and the first two pictures on the 6th page.