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Messages - DJ_Phroop

I'm down for some 40k I roll Tau and SpaceMarines!
Danke shon everyone for your answers... now to talk to my higher up whos been aviodeing my for some odd reason *Hides knife behind back grinning evily* (Jk)
Ok I have one that might have already been answered somewhere else but here goes...
1. Price of staff roomage (How much per night is our stay for staff)
Live Programming and Events / Stage Zero 2007-Planning
October 17, 2006, 06:48:34 PM
Hey, Just like to point out That I'm helping run stage zero at Fanime 07 and if you don't mind i'd like some idea's if you don't mind Pming me them! thanks!...
Gaming / any WOW players
October 14, 2006, 09:55:00 AM
Peranold- 20 Unded rouge
kul tarus- 19 orc Shaman