Roommates Wanted:
+ Introduction: Hello, my name is Cat. I been going to fanime for about 3 or 4 years now.
+ Hotel Information: The hhotel is Arena. From Friday-Monday. That means we gotta be there on Friday, and leave Monday.
+ Costs: Depends on how many people are going. If we can get two more people to join us, it will be 100 each. Three more, 90, and so on. It is kinda debateable. We are just trying to make sure the room is paid for, and that we don't have to completely pay for it ourselves.
+ Requirements: From my experience for the most part, you people of fanime are pretty mature that I have no need to set rules. You guys are already respectful. So that is all that matters to me. :)
+ Contact: You can pm me. Or find me on facebook under Caitlin Frances Therese Ford. Don't add the Caitlin Frances Therese Ford CMT. That is my business page. Or email me at [email protected]
+ Miscellaneous: None. :) Me and a friend are the leaders I guess of this room. Idk if I will go, but he never has started a room before. So we are teaming up, and I am showing him how.... aka doing it for him. :)
+ Introduction: Hello, my name is Cat. I been going to fanime for about 3 or 4 years now.
+ Hotel Information: The hhotel is Arena. From Friday-Monday. That means we gotta be there on Friday, and leave Monday.
+ Costs: Depends on how many people are going. If we can get two more people to join us, it will be 100 each. Three more, 90, and so on. It is kinda debateable. We are just trying to make sure the room is paid for, and that we don't have to completely pay for it ourselves.
+ Requirements: From my experience for the most part, you people of fanime are pretty mature that I have no need to set rules. You guys are already respectful. So that is all that matters to me. :)
+ Contact: You can pm me. Or find me on facebook under Caitlin Frances Therese Ford. Don't add the Caitlin Frances Therese Ford CMT. That is my business page. Or email me at [email protected]
+ Miscellaneous: None. :) Me and a friend are the leaders I guess of this room. Idk if I will go, but he never has started a room before. So we are teaming up, and I am showing him how.... aka doing it for him. :)