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Messages - NetBelleAnie

Hello there, NetBelleAnie here, ready to start setting up this year's gathering.  I will personally be bring my Lucifer costume, there's a good chance of bringing an Adam with me too.  If anyone is interested in joining this year, let me know!  Hopefully we can get a late Friday or afternoon Saturday time.  The snake statue seemed like a good idea for the location, but we might be better off moving somewhere else due to the sheer number of people we had.  Also, I would like to see about a Helluva Boss gathering as well, but on another day, so if you want me to try scheduling that as well, let me know.  Thanks, and let's have a great con!
So, quick question: since I am effectively too blind to cosplay without prescription lenses, I'm wondering which way I should go for contacts.  Original aqua blue for Demyx, or 'Norted gold for the shiggles?
I'll probably be there as Demyx, depending on weather and whether I find my sitar or rebuild it.  I could try doing Roxas, as I have Oathkeeper and Oblivion, but I figure Demyx is probably more under-loved, and I enjoy being a slacker dork. 
More important question is when and which location, since I use a mobility scooter and need to keep it nearby.
Staff & Volunteers / Invite to Staff Forums?
March 21, 2015, 09:13:49 PM
I am Stephanie Rohrer / NetBelleAnie of Con Ops and I was told that I could be invited to the staff forms, however I am not sure where they are.  Could someone please help?
I had discussed with other members of Con Ops about the use of a department or sub-section of the site for general information for those of us with Disabilities.  I use an electric mobility scooter because of knee pain, and I know I am not the only one wandering around con having many issues because of my disability: elevator right-of-way, line access, etc.  Going up to booths in Dealer's and Artist Alley is always a joyful event since people pile around and usually don't listen to people saying "excuse me can I please get through".  For example: when people were leaving the Fairmont after a large panel, I had to wait about 20 minutes just to use the elevator to go down one floor because no one would leave the elevator and walk down one set of stairs, and that was only after begging some people to get out of the elevator.  If we had one staffer there at the elevators to remind attendees to be mindful of those of us who physically cannot use stairs, it would be most helpful.   Also rerouting some lines to make them handicapped accessible would make things run smoother, since waiting in an hour line for an event like Swap Meet then being told at the door to take more time to go around and find a ramp isn't fair. since it makes the disabled wait time even longer.
As a Staffer, I think we should come up with a Disability access sheet, maybe even having some Rovers trained to assist at elevators, walkways, etc.  While some people won't want the extra help, those of use who do would be greatly appreciative.
I wish I had red this before I left con, since I know I saw a booth selling bootleg My Little Pony plushies. I didn't buy any but I'm sure some other fans will be upset.
Hotel and Facilities / Re: Complaints for housing
February 15, 2014, 02:37:59 PM
Quote from: tjimmy2 on February 13, 2014, 06:27:03 PM
Well, you could, if you had say a disabled parking placard IN YOUR NAME, they could look it up back to you via the number on your permit, and thus proving it, but then again it could be fudged.
The problem there is not all people with disabilities are given handicapped placards, while having a disabled placard is not always proof one is disabled.  Some doctors hand out placards like candy, while others will not give them out at all.  My mother has had severe back and leg issues her entire life and only was able to get a placard after explaining she could walk less than 30 feet without pain, while her coworker was able to get one by filling out paperwork and having her doctor sign it, when she was previously known for hiking 4 miles around mountain lakes, and still enjoys 1 mile hikes after she had hip replacement surgery.  The original point of the disabled placard was to assume that the disabled could not travel very far across parking lots and that there was assured room beside the vehicle for the disabled person to get into and out of the vehicle.
Hotel and Facilities / Complaints for housing
February 10, 2014, 08:34:27 PM
Well, I'm starting this thread because even if I am joining staff this year, as someone who loves going to Fanime but needs to visit their hotel room frequently due to health issues, I will complain.
The hotel registration system is absolutely ridiculous.  I was online from 9:30 to 11:30 and in that time frame, at 10:00 I went to register and was repeatedly given errors and "Service Unavailable".  I would get to the page and enter my payment information, and then receive another "Service Unavailable".  I tried the phone number about 50 times with a busy signal every call.  This repeated the entire time I was on the website until I finally got the message of there being no more rooms available for the time I was planning on being at the con.  At this point I had to leave for various appointments throughout the day.  I finally returned home and found that, while the website is now working just fine, there are no more rooms left.
This is a huge problem for me as a both staff and a guest as I need to be in one of the hotels closest to the convention center due to needing to take medications and using my mobility scooter.  Because I would almost never be able to use the elevators in the Hilton or Marriott, I usually would choose the Sainte Claire due to it only having 5 or so floors, and thus less traffic to compete for the elevators.
I know I am not the only one here attending (or staffing at) Fanime who has certain health issues that makes it so one cannot stay at a hotel further away, either for staff housing or regular attendees.  I need my significant other in the room with me to help me with my health issues, so going for staff housing isn't an option (as he is not joining staff).  Now checking and calling the hotels individually isn't working, as they are all booked as well. 
So as I sit on a waiting list, I figured I should post this complaint.  I'm not asking for special treatment, but it just makes me sad that the housing website isn't capable of having the vast quantity of people use it at once. The fact that I tried my best to get a room and could not is frustrating.
Hotel and Facilities / 1 hour 25 minutes later...
February 06, 2012, 01:24:51 PM
1 hour 25 minutes later and the Hilton and Marriott are BOTH sold out?  What about those of us with disabilities that need us to be in those hotels, or must we fend for themselves?
I'm disappointed, Fanime.
Staff & Volunteers / Re: Staffing For Fanimecon09
October 21, 2008, 12:32:11 PM
Quote from: Kava on October 17, 2008, 09:49:01 AM
You mention helping set-up and take-down on dealers tables - are you planning to arrive at the con site on Thursday and stay through Monday late afternoon?
Volunteering sounds best, and I was planning on being there Thursday midday, but it depends on how late we (my group) stay Monday.  If I could leave between 5-6 I should be fine (I live in San Leandro, so it's not a long commute)
May as well toss in that I'm from San Leandro.  If anyof ya'll go to Chabot, you'll find me on the cafeteria balcony from 11:45 - 1:00 on Tuesdays and Thursdays
I know that there will be people wanting to do it, so who's game?

I'd think doing it on the Friday would be best when everyone is fresh and energetic, in the afternoon around 4 maybe.
I'll be Yoko, once again. And I'll leave the honor of collecting names to someone who is more dedicated than I.... :D
Staff & Volunteers / Re: Staffing For Fanimecon09
October 16, 2008, 11:06:44 PM
Quote from: Kava on October 09, 2008, 04:29:44 PM
Being a plain volunteer would offer you more flexibility in hours, but less in duties. Staffing would allow you to choose your department, and therefore your duties (assuming the department head would take you), but be a bit less flexible in hours since staff are required to work a certain number of hours to fulfill their staff obligation.

Although discounted rooms are usually offered for staff, it isn't necessary for you to take advantage of that. If you'd prefer to stick with getting a hotel room with your cosplay group, that's certainly still an option.

As for working -with- your friend, it would depend upon where you were staffing and what the duties required of you. Some departments, such as registration, everyone pretty much works in close proximity to one another. Other departments, such as mine (panels), often require you to be on your own for a stretch while you're monitoring a door. (I actually try to pair my staffers up when I can, but this isn't always possible.)

I don't think there is any task we can set you, whether staff or volunteer, and guarantee that the two of you can stay together constantly, unless one of you were staff and the other were not... in which case the non-staffer might in some cases be free to hang about so long as they didn't distract you from your duties.

I can't say whether your health issues would be an issue without knowing what they are, so I won't comment on that. That'd probably be something you should discuss with the dept. head of whatever department you decide to apply to. ^^


Thank you very much.  My health problems are my dysfunctional digestive system, knee problems and depression, so I can't run/stand long periods, need to sleep a lot from medications, and have to closely monitor what I eat along with stress... the stress being a big issue.  I wouldn't except to work with someone 24/7 but I would prefer to as it helps lower stress, therefore would make me more productive.  I wish there was a way to help only certain days, but I guess that would undermine the position as being "staff".  I'll probably just wait another year before trying to work.
However, I know one thing I could do is setup and breakdown of tables and such like in the dealer's room, though I wouldn't know who to even ask about that.  It's not much, but I'd feel better knowing I was helping, even if only a little.
Cosworx.  I needed boots and they were't there
What exactly is stage zero? I know it's near the main stairs, but I was confused to it's purpose. 
Staff & Volunteers / Re: Staffing For Fanimecon09
October 09, 2008, 01:13:01 PM
I am interested in staffing or volunteering (I was talking to Antonio Eco about doing so at Yaoicon).  I have a few health problems though, so I'm not sure if I would even be wanted for staffing.   Also with me being my cosplay group's booking person for the hotels and such, I'm not sure how rooming would work, as I'd like to be able so socialize with my friends, but I know I'd need to dedicate most of my time to the con.
Also, if I were to staff, and have a friend would like to staff, would we be able to work together, or would we be separated most of the time.
I'm a good go-fer,  if nothing else.
So what are we supposed to do if we are trying to reserve two rooms so they connect for a large group of people?  I reserved twice for the Crowne so my group of 8 people could be in rooms together nearby or preferably with a connecting door, but had to do seperate reservations.   What am I supposed to do if I just want to reserve 2 rooms?
Alright, I was organizing the KH shoot via, so I'm letting yall know:  it'll be on Saturday at 4 PM, runing till 5 at the Fountains