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Messages - Hank-KKD

Quote from: God91125 on May 20, 2008, 03:54:17 PM
Just curious umm any idea when the finals will start? I plan on singing my song(I'm F.Caudillo so I go early) then watching Redeath from 8 till 9 so I'm hoping I can make it back before the finals.

Assuming we get the full 30 contestants, we anticipate starting finals between 9 and 9:30. If there are some no-shows, then this could be moved up earlier.

There will be a short intermission of 10-15 minutes between the end of prelims and the start of the finals.
Quote from: taho on May 18, 2008, 11:21:23 PM

I'm changing my song now.. ;_;..

I spent so many days memorizing that, too.  :'(

No need to change your song, we don't take off any points for song selection, and everyone is judged equally no matter which song they sing. We hear the same songs at every con, so we are well used to it now. I was speaking more in jest.
Quote from: Lar-Ki on May 18, 2008, 09:57:50 AM
Ouh gawd if I hear any song from Haruhi I am going to explode. @__@ For all Karaoke stuff... that and Cruel Angel's Thesis, the mother of all Anime themes. XD

You now understand the pain we karaoke staff go through every year :P
Quote from: HeeroYuy135 on May 17, 2008, 04:59:07 PM
I have a question to the folks running the Contest.
My friend missed the deadline, and he might not make it to the 4pm At-Con signups. Instead, he wants me to register on his behalf. He even told me that he would e-mail me a list of songs.
Could this happen, or does he have to be there himself?

The whole point of the at-con signups is that you have to be there. So yes, he has to be there himself.

If he can't make it right at 4, he should still come whenever he can. At 6:30, we can drop anyone who has not yet checked in, so it's very possible we'll actually take more than five people at con.

This is the karaoke contest order. If any requests for change, please send me a message, do not reply here to request a time change. I will edit this post as changes are made, so check back often.

If there are conflicting requests, the person who signed up earlier has priority.

On Tuesday 5/20 at 11:59PM, the contest order will become final.

Group 1 (early as possible)

Ma. Lara
M. Datu
Mg. Lara
C. Vo
F. Caudillo
A. Parish
T. Nauta
C. Padilla
G. Green

Group 2 (no preference)

E. Severin
K. Ling
Y. Mori
L. Mar
K. Sipos
F. Camiloza
R. Andon
I. Dorntge
E. Chen
Y. Dong

Group 3 (At-con signups)

Anyone who signs up at con, in the order they signed up.

Group 4 (As late as possible)

H. C. Tseng
A. Rutherford
K. Maranon
A. Lan
K. Cunico
P. Coleman

The finals order will be the reverse order of scores from the preliminary round. So if you got the best score in the prelims, you go last in the finals. If you got the second highest score, you go second to last, and so forth.
Just wanted to mention that non-electric instruments are welcomed during Karaoke Open Mic hours! I think we have had saxophones and acoustic guitars in the past.

This is the list of accepted entries to the 2008 Karaoke Contest.
It is not the contest order. Contest order will be posted by this time next week.

E. Severin
K. Ling
Y. Dong
Mt. Lara
K. Cunico
A. Parish
Y. Mori
Mg. Lara
K. Sipos
C. Vo
F. Caudillo
A. Lan
M. Datu
F. Camiloza
K. Maranon
T. Nauta
C. Padilla
R. Andon
A. Rutherford
G. Green
I. Dorntge
E. Chen
H.C. Tseng
P. Coleman
Am please to confirm that the Fanime Karaoke Contest winner will perform up to two songs to open the Cosplay Spectacular (Masquerade) on Saturday night! The winner will also receive front row seating for themselves and three friends.

I will give more details to the winner...when they win.

There is no hard age limit for our contests, other than that you have to be able to get on the stage and do the performance yourself. We've had contestant ages from about 13 to late 40s.

Also, the Gong Show, due to its late night time and that it could have some interesting humor, is highly recommended for 16 and over.

Live Programming and Events / Re: GONG SHOW RULES
May 09, 2008, 01:27:55 PM
Quote from: slimchance on May 08, 2008, 10:09:57 AM
Ok... I will perform my Enka song during this show... how can i enter? is the show full already?

All Gong Show signups are at the con, starting on Saturday when the Karaoke room opens. Just come by to sign up.
There is no pre-reg for Gong Show.

Quote from: blkriku on May 07, 2008, 06:24:02 PM
Another quick question. I found the official karaoke version of the song I am performing. It has some back round vocals, as do many karaoke versions I've heard do. Is that ok?

Yes, background vocals in a karaoke version are okay.

Quote from: kimikoWill you, any chance in the near future, be changing the contest so it's split up between soloists and groups? 

Every entry received this year was for soloists, so we would need more groups. It seems to be tougher in general to get a large number of group entries, but we'll re-examine during the planning for next year!
Live Programming and Events / Re: GONG SHOW RULES
May 08, 2008, 08:23:17 AM
Quote from: slimchance on May 07, 2008, 10:35:33 PM
Ummmm.... I don't understand the Gong Show much.... is it like compete for the WOrst Performance?

Not just that, but you have to be entertaining at the same time.
Live Programming and Events / GONG SHOW RULES
May 07, 2008, 10:15:03 PM

Missed the sign-ups for the Karaoke Contest? Can't make it on Friday? Don't think you have great singing talent?

JOIN THE GONG SHOW! Here are the rules and contest info.
Summary of Responses:

I don't keep any of the ineligible entries, as they are deleted as soon as it's determined that they are not complete. So no idea what the song was for that one.

Open Mic will be going on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, except of course during the contests.

If it's from an anime or video game, it's okay. Otherwise, Enka is technically not "j-pop/j-rock". I'm sure though that Enka would be a great entry in the Gong Show :D

Time change requests:
Please hold these until I put out the contest order. I'll take time change requests then.

As a general note, we're holding the entire contest during the 7PM to 11PM block, so by 10PM we should be winding up the prelims and getting going on the Finals.

Pre-convention signups are now closed. If you are still interested in being in the contest, we will take 5 people at the convention. Please come to the Karaoke room between 4PM and 6:30PM on Friday, the day of the convention, to sign up.
Akira and Lar-ki, I received valid entries from both of you.

As of this writing, there is one pre-reg spot remaining. I took out one more person from Livermore who didn't fill in their email. If you are this person, you better re-sign up quickly! This is the fastest response we've had in Fanime Karaoke Contest history, thank you everyone for your support!

Since we have such a quick response this year, I will post the list names of qualified entries by next weekend. I will also email everyone  with some additional contest info, so please pay attention to your emails.

The contest order will be posted one week before the con.


you need to sign up again. Your entry was deleted because you didn't put your real name. (EDIT, okay I see you signed up again w/ your real name, great).

Same thing with Lar-ki.
Quote from: Lar-Ki on May 04, 2008, 11:30:01 PM
Are you allowed to have Lyrics in hand? I'm pretty sure I know the songs but.... the nerves get the better of my mind, every time.. .__.'' And I'm sure since this is my first time actually competing well... yeah..

...I'm not very open with my singing..hah~~

Yes that is allowed.

P.S. Oakley, CA is the next on the "didn't put their name so we deleted their entry" list...

P.P.S Yes, the nickname was Akira M. It was not Lacus.

One person living in Santa Clara didn't put their name..........

Yes you may change at check-in. After check in, no more changes.