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Messages - Hank-KKD


Signups for the 2008 Karaoke Contest are now open.

Please go to the rules page and follow the directions therein to sign up.

Just as a reminder folks- for the contest sign-ups set for this Sunday, they will start on Sunday night, probably between 10PM and midnight.

No need to camp out in front of the computer the entire day- unless you like to   ;-)
2008 Karaoke Contest Rules

If you have a question about the rules, please check last year's rules thread first before posting the question- chances are it's likely already been answered in the past.

Also please refrain from "do you have xxx song" questions- I don't have access to the song list at this time.

Gong Show Rules will be up by the end of this month.
As comparison, I think the oldest convention for a similar fandom is WorldCon, which started in 1939.

In 2017 many people will be considering Bleach and Naruto to be "old school" animes. That will be scary.
Karaoke contest rules should be up by Friday or so. At this time, we are not anticipating any major changes to the rules. For those competing for the first time, this means you will need to know two songs, one for prelims, and one for finals.

As the schedule is shaking out right now, the contest will be Friday night, with prelims and finals back-to-back.

Contest Signups are tentatively set to start the night of Sunday, May 4. We'll take 25 people via online signups and then up to 5 at-con signups.


Let me state it this way: the only way you will make it through your entire song in Gong Show is if your performance was so boring that the judges fell asleep.

Basic overview can be found on the Fanime web site:

Rules for this year should be up in the next week or so.

Just a general note- for this year, we'll be putting most of the rules and info on the actual Fanime web site itself as opposed to the forums. I will still post here to announce updates though.


Hi folks,

Just a note to let y'all know we've posted up the initial info for Karaoke this year.

Also, just wanted to highlight our new second contest, which replaces the "Original Lyrics" contest we've had the last few years:

Karaoke Gong Show!

Is your love of singing tempered by your strong desire to be made fun of? Then you're in luck! Making its Fanime debut this year, the Karaoke Gong Show is for the brave and the truly masochistic who are hellbent on creating the worst and most amusing feats of bad singing imaginable. When an act becomes utterly unbearable, the gong is struck and the contestants are escorted off-stage.

You'll have to try extra hard to earn that coveted Gong! Anything goes, but of course you must adhere to convention rules at all times. Both individual and group entries are allowed. Although we use the term loosely, awards will be given out for particularly bad performances, with a "Worst of Show" offered to the contestant who creates the ultimate in bad singing. But be warned - do you have what it takes to be truly awful?
Here are the final results of the Fanime Con 2007 Karaoke Contest:

1. Nathalie Ferare
2. Emily Chen
3. Trisha & Alie
4. Tyler Inouye
5. Melanie O'Connor
6. Travis Stebbins
7. Newtype Novas
8. Courtney Masters
9. Xizi Dong
10. Diana Xiong
Quote from: "Midori HiME"I have a question! I have a feeling the answer is no, but will it be possible to sign up on Saturday to get on the waiting list or be in the contest, presuming there are still spots open? And is it possible to ask someone to sign up for you?

Signup on Saturday: Yes, you can sign up on Saturday between the time the room opens (11AM-ish) to 12:30PM, although you will probably be on the waiting list at that point.

Having someone else sign up for you: no.
Quote from: "yumicchi88"is there more things we can do to get coolness points other than hitting high notes?

Yes, many things. I can't give concrete examples because ultimately, it is up to the judges' discretion.

I literally tell them this: "Coolness points are for anything which in your judgment is cool or impressive." That is the guideline they use when determining whether to award coolness points.
Yes that should be okay.

Win the contest first, then worry about it ;-)
Quote from: "yumicchi88"
Quote from: "GaleWolf"
Another bit of info:

You should be able to provide the karaoke/non-vocal version of the song, as there will not be vocal dampening. Besides, you probably don't want vocal dampening on such a large stage.

so if your final round music is vocal version, we should find different songs for the masquerade?

Or find a non-vocal version of your song.
Quote from: "Nina Star 9"A few questions.

1. Do we have to do two songs? I only have the full version of my finals round song prepared, and there is no way to get the lyrics to the full version of my preliminary round song and prepare the full thing by then. I do not know which other song I could possibly sing well enough. (Well, the only other song I can sing I am already doing part of in the masquerade competition itself...)

2. What if the winner is already participating in the masquerade competition? What if they would require a clothing change out of their cosplay and into another outfit for the singing, then would have to change back into the costume? This would be difficult with my costume, by the way.

Thank you very much!

1. One song is okay. Basically your performance cannot exceed ten minutes for the one or two songs.

2. The performance would most likely be during the judging break, so I am guessing you would probably not need to change back into your costume unless you want to. If you can't stay that late or or want to go at a different time, then you would need to make alternate arrangements with the Masquerade Coordinator.

Another bit of info:

You should be able to provide the karaoke/non-vocal version of the song, as there will not be vocal dampening during the Masquerade performance. Besides, you probably don't want vocal dampening on such a large stage.

I do apologize but the song list is not available online. We're not checking the Open Mic thread any more as we're so close to the convention and we need to (re-)print the song books.

The best way to make sure we have the song you want is to come when we open on Friday. You will have 3-4 hours to check out the song library before we start the signups at 9PM.
Quote from: "kuroi"
Also, for check-in, should we specify where we want the song to be cut off if the original goes over 2:30, or just let them cut it off at 2:30?

If you want us to end the song before 2:30, just do something on stage like back away from the mic and bow. That will indicate to our tech staff to fade out the song.

Quote from: "Inuashley"
EDIT: Where do we check in?

All check-in is in the Karaoke room.

Staff permitting, we'll try to have the sound system up by 11:30AM on Saturday so ppl can come in and warm up. 5 MINUTES per person, unless there's no one else waiting to warm up.
If you don't check in, or if you aren't there when we call your name, you are out of the contest. That's why we post the contest order in advance.
Quote from: "kawaiiaya"when is the earliest we can sign up at the con?

9PM on Friday. See other post about At-Con signups for more info.
Quote from: "yumicchi88"both can be full version, right?

I would say that as long as both songs are not longer than, say, 4-5 minutes it should be okay. When you win, you can check with the Masquerade Coordinator to confirm ;-)