For those looking for a place to eat, if this hasn't been brought up yet... "La Victoria" is just a short way down San Carlos, and they make some great (and filling!) burritos for cheap. As well, footlongs at Subway are good opportunities for filling foods at a low price, though I'd put La Vic's ahead of Subway any day.
Even if you don't check out La Vic's, consider that the more filling (and nutritious, that's important!) your food choices are, the less you'll NEED to buy food in the interrim— or on Convention grounds, where prices skyrocket. If anything, junk foods and energy drinks cost more and do less for you (as much as I love my Red Bull...)
(Exception: Maid Cafe— I recommend going at least once. The food prices are convention-set— that is to say, high— but it's an experience worth having at least once.)
Even if you don't check out La Vic's, consider that the more filling (and nutritious, that's important!) your food choices are, the less you'll NEED to buy food in the interrim— or on Convention grounds, where prices skyrocket. If anything, junk foods and energy drinks cost more and do less for you (as much as I love my Red Bull...)
(Exception: Maid Cafe— I recommend going at least once. The food prices are convention-set— that is to say, high— but it's an experience worth having at least once.)