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Messages - ADORABLEAZN06

seriously i hope we have some better guest this year. in the past 5 years, i want completely satisfied with all the guest we have. it will be fantastically amazing if we have some awesome seiyuu guests.
maybe im asking too much. all the awesome guest who only goes to animeexpo and otakon.
Dealers Room / What are YOU going to buy in 2007?
December 27, 2006, 01:58:17 PM
i really wanna go to anime expo this yr.....i missed last so regretted for that
Dealers Room / What are YOU going to buy in 2007?
December 27, 2006, 01:57:29 PM
hope this yr they will have good guests...i didnt like any guests last yr!
Dealers Room / What are YOU going to buy in 2007?
December 27, 2006, 01:55:32 PM
hopefullly i will have enough money by may then!!!1 i went to fanime in 2005 and in 2006, there were so many people in that tiny rooom..god, i didnt really like the gaia thing...the people annoyed me!!!
hope this yr, they will have cool plushies excpet naruto and bleach. cuz last year, i can only see stuffed animals of bleach and orange
Cosplay! Construction, Tips, Gatherings, Advice / Cosplay
September 14, 2006, 08:47:22 AM
i havent decide which character i want to cosplay. I think i will probably do something new. or somethibg that i never cosplay. Or maybe i will probably will a domo kun constume to scare people in then covention. that will be a lot of fun!
gotta love it
i wanna go to fanime rite now. so bored rite now:)!!!
i think i will cosplay light kun again
those fanime shirts are very expensive:(
Dealers Room / Contact lenses...
August 16, 2006, 11:39:44 AM
the dealers room in 2006 sell basic the same thing!!alll bleach or naruto stuffed animal...the favorite area is the cd area..they sell very goog lareine cds....
i bought a lot of figures at convention!!1
does fanime sell japanese movies?
i want hirano aya for seiyuu list!
kotoko, angela, Boa, b'z for music fest
suzumiya haruhi is funny and pretty..i remebered the first episode: she said she is not interested in ordinary human!!!
she wants espers....wowow!!!


i love her voice in Japanes-Hirano Aya!!
General Anime Chat / Where Do You Read Manga?
August 03, 2006, 09:48:00 AM
i read manga at home!! sometimes in manga store:)
so many people cosplay L and many other death note character...deathnote is been popular these couple yrs!!! and the movie of death note is great!!!

its the best movie ive watched in my life!!!
fanime 2007, i cant wait, hope this year will have better guests than last yr
Registration / So ummm.. When's 2007 Registration?
July 23, 2006, 08:47:42 PM
i registered today for fanime 2007!!1
Dealers Room / manga?
July 23, 2006, 09:55:17 AM
manga is expenisive in fanime 06 and also the shirts are expenisve also!!!
they are like 30 bucks each
Dealers Room / Fanime Wishlist 2.0
July 23, 2006, 09:53:54 AM
death note necklace!!!!
naruto plushie!!!
so many cosplayers
Registration / So ummm.. When's 2007 Registration?
June 13, 2006, 04:04:36 PM
i cant wait!!!!
hope i can register in july!!!