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Messages - Yumiko

AAhh, so I was right around the convention center this last weekend, and between the con and the 180 bus stop I know I passed at least 3 sushi places. My friend actually used to go to school a few blocks or so away from the con. I will call her up this evening and ask for her opinions on places :>

Alsssoooo~ I'm painting up the little extra details on my helmet now! Gotta touch up a few uneven sections and finish tinting my visor, but thought I might share a little sneak preview with you guys ;u;

I don't even want to think of how much toxic material I have inhaled during this project ahaha.
Eeee anyone have any vague ideas as to how long we'll be around the con before we leave? I just tried hanging around in my Celty costume for a while, and it's... really not so great for walking long distances... or sitting lmao.

If I could have maybe a couple of minutes to rush off to a bathroom and throw on some pink pajamas (yaayyy alternate outfit) that would be great! Also, if anyone has anywhere like a car or hotel room I could set my scythe, I think the restaurant owners would appreciate that!

(Augh, I feel bad for being kind of annoying like this! Unfortunately, someone is taking my luggage and other prop back home with them Monday morning and all I will have with me for the remainder of the day is a small backpack of spare clothes and my wallet hnngh)
Quote from: summerchristmas838 on May 17, 2010, 10:32:04 PM
So.... should I go do the calling?

That'd be super helpful! ;u; I only know the are directly around the con, and I NOTHING about any of the restaurants down there. Haha. BASICALLY, I will relying on the group to help me not get lost ahaha <3
@Sunara Ishi: I was thinking about that... :'D BUUUTTTT I don't wanna look too suspicious, you know? Haha! WE COULD JUST ALL TEMPORARILY PLAY MAKE BELIEVE THOUGH!

@ReixChu: Oh man a Shinra yaaayyy ;U;

@summerchristmas838: I am indeed! Although, I'll only have DRRR bookmarks and buttons. No prints this time :< But I do take commissions! (PS: I give people discounts if they buy characters from a series they are cosplaying >U> /shameless advertising) Also, as of now I don't know my number... I think last year I didn't even know WHERE I was until I actually went to set up my table. L-Lmao.

Also, I was totally thinking the parking lot connected to the convention itself was a good place for photoshoots *u* I actually have been meaning to ask around my friends if any of them were driving their motorcycles to the con... because getting an awesome shot with a motorcycle would be bad ass imo.

ALSO ABOUT THE GHETTO AREAS... S-SOB. They really scare me pfffft. I'd say lets stick to... not so grungy places lol.
Quote from: tri.thorn on May 09, 2010, 01:59:24 PM
I have a technical issue, is that okay?
Sorry but you are not allowed to view spoiler contents.

This is preventing me from locking my spot, and i don't want to miss my chance at a table because of this. :'(  any ideas on what to do?

I'm getting the same error, and I've sent the AA staff an email asking about the problem. I can only assume it's an error with the website and that we are not the only two people experiencing this. Considering everyone on the waitlist was told they now had access to an AA table, I'm pretty sure you won't lose your spot. (Though I definitely had that creeping feeling too! Haha.)

I'm sure if we just sit tight for today, the staff will figure out the problem and fix everything up :>
Ahh, well, I've been thinking about how I'm getting home on Monday, and I might end up crashing with my friend who lives in San Jose.


I might actually have a chance of making it to the Monday meet! ;3; Hooray!! I guess not having it on Saturday is actually better for me in a way. Saturday is normally a big rush in the AA, and I need to stick around my table to take commissions and such :'> You can count me in, and I'll try to make sure I can be there~
Quote from: Charis on May 03, 2010, 07:47:54 AM
Aelia: I e-mailed Rovers and hadn't heard back, which is why I'm asking again here.  Has there been any verdict on whether we can bring in multiple weapons to get peace-bonded at once, even if they don't match our current costume?  As previously stated, some of us prefer to get it out of the way as soon as possible (my usual tactic involves bringing all of my prop weapons to prereg peacebonding when a con has that, or down the first day otherwise) and it'd be nice to know in advance if that's viable.

Thank you.

Yo! I read the entire thread and have seen this mentioned a couple of times :'3

I think the rule is that you CANNOT get multiple props peace bonded at once, and that the original intention of this rule was to keep random people who didn't have costumes from running around with prop weapons.

Hope that helps!
I agree with DrMarukyuu completely on time ;A; I won't be here early Friday, and I also have a gathering to be at on Sunday. (Eeek, Hetalia! My biggie gathering of this con, guhh.)

Sometime Saturday would definitely be my best bet!
Ahh, so I just read through all 10 pages of the thread to make sure there was no official 2010 Weapons Policy List yet, and to see if my question had been answered.

Unfortunately, the one person that needed an answer to the same question I did never got a reply! (I think? Or maybe I happened to pass up the one reply with their answer OTL)

ANYWHOO, does anyone have a general rule of thumb on the maximum height of a prop? I'm in the process of building a scythe and an axe, however I haven't cut/sanded the handles yet and I would like to make sure I don't make anything too tall. (I know AX has a height policy... I don't recall if we've ever had one for Fanime though...?)

I'd also like to know if something like a plastic jug/vase (more specifically, an amphora) would need to be peace bonded? Knowing me I'll probably go and check with the staff anyways, but it would be cool to get some input here too!

Thanks in advance everyone!
Hello! I'm really glad to see others in DRRR cosplay! ;ww;

I'll be coming to Fanime as Celty, however I will be leaving the con Monday morning and won't be able to make it to the current meet time. ;A;

If that ends up being the final date/time, you'll still probably see me stalking around in my horrendously heat-stroke inducing outfit. Anndd of anyone else has a DRRR costume on outside of the meeting date, I would love to pose for a few pictures with some of you guys too! Eeee~
I'll be coming as Denmark AND Mama Greece (I'll stick in whichever costume would be better for photoshoots ;3; I'm willing to please!)

And my friend will be coming a Sweden. We're currently trying to rope a Finland into the mix, but we aren't for sure about him yet.

Denmark and Sweden are completely positive/for sure though! :'3
Completely disregarding the person above me,

-Don't Caramell Dansen/Caipirinha/Glomp Sign/Hug Sign/Attempt "Scientology Raid" again unless you want my fist in your face.

-Don't "Party Boy" dance cosplayers who are inevitably yaoi-paired with your own cosplay character. Especially when said receiving cosplayer is making it very clear she is horrified of you and absolutely does not want.

-Also, if you don't have money to buy a two dollar print, don't try to steal one from an artist instead. Seriously. Just scrounge for loose change. It pisses off the artist and makes you look like a derk.

(Wow looks like this just turned into me complaining. Derp.)
Ah! I totally forgot to mention Fem!Japan in my group ;___; If you could add her to the list too that would be amazing!~
I was sure one of my cosplay group mates posted on here, but apparently not! Well, I guess I'll take the liberty of posting for all of us then, hm?

For our group were going to have:

Fem!America (Myself)

a possible Switzerland as well, but only if I grow not-so-lazy and fork over the time, money, and effort to that one too. @___@

ANYWAY, Hetaria!Wimmenz invasion~
Hotel and Facilities / Re: Dang! You weren't kidding!
February 23, 2009, 10:31:35 AM
Yeah hotels get snatched up FAST! I'm the president of an Anime Club at my school and unfortunately all the double rooms at the Saint Claire were taken when I called... in OCTOBER. "OTL

I ended up still managing to snag 7 other rooms but jeez >___> Either there is some crazy business thing goin' on in the Saint Claire on that same weekend or other people actually signed up before me! Either way hotel rooms are crazy. I don't even want to think about what people going to Otacon have to do!
Thank you guys so much for your help! I was getting a bit worried if I would be able to show off my hard work or not! :'D
<copy/paste from a thread that died>

So this will be my first time using a large prop in cosplay (And first time attending Fanime) so I am a little iffy on the rules. I did read the official weapon policy, but I can't tell if my prop fits into the guidelines.

Basically I will have a 5'3" tall wooden Sitar (I'm going to be cosplaying as Demyx!)

Would that be unacceptable? It's not metal but it does have teeny tiny metal pieces on it to hold the guitar strings on. If someone who's cosplayed with large props before could help me that would be wonderful! x___x

(I also don't exactly know how one goes about peace-bonding. The entire concept is sorta confusing to me. Also, what type of tag do they put on your prop when you do?)
So this will be my first time using a large prop in cosplay (And first time attending Fanime) so I am a little iffy on the rules. I did read them but I can't tell if my prop fits into the guidelines.

Basically I will have a 5'3" tall wooden Sitar (I'm going to be cosplaying as Demyx!)

Would that be unacceptable? It's not metal but it does have teeny tiny metal pieces on it to hold the guitar strings on. If someone who's cosplayed with large props before could help me that would be wonderful! x___x

(I also don't exactly know how one goes about peace-bonding. Also, what type of tag do they put on your prop when you do?)