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Messages - Yuna Kurosaki

Need a spot for just Friday and Saturday  for Fanime 2018!

Since there´s no luck for the whole weekend, then I hope anyone out there can let me stay for the first two nights. I don´t mind taking the floor. Please message! Also.... if I don´t answer right away PLEASE don´t give away the spot!! I WILL RESPOND. I have a ton of things to do offline so PLEASE HANG ON!!

Got a room finally!!   
N/A since I can´t delete
Hotel and Facilities / Re: Fanime 2018 Roommate Thread
February 07, 2018, 03:31:13 AM
N/A  since I can´t delete
Hotel and Facilities / Re: Fanime 2018 Roommate Thread
February 03, 2018, 06:09:55 AM
Need a spot for just Friday and Saturday on Fanime 2018!

Since there´s no luck for the whole weekend, then I hope anyone out there can let me stay for the first two nights. I don´t mind taking the floor. Please message! Also.... if I don´t answer right away PLEASE don´t give away the spot!! I WILL RESPOND. I have a ton of things to do offline so PLEASE HANG ON!!

Please contact me here!!  https://www.facebook.com/yuna.kurosaki.31  or  email me at at yukieiri22000@yahoo.com
Room needed!  Fanime weekend 2016!!

I'm Yuna,  age 31, been going to Fanime for 7 years, and I need a place to stay for the whole weekend of Fanime 2016.   

Everyone else I know cannot go due to financial and work issues,  so I alone need a place to sleep until the last day of the con.

I am willing to sleep on the floor and pay $60 or so to pay for my staying. ( I have a REALLY tight budget) I live in Sacramento and  I'll drive myself to the con.

Please contact me at     yukieiri22000@yahoo.com

I enjoy Kuroshitsuji, Uraboku,  Sailor Moon, Binan Kouku Chikyuu Bouei-bu Love,
Attack on Titan, Prince of Stride, Noblesse and Free Iwatobi Swim Club.

I'm also a manga  artist with my very own webcomic!

Thank you Chris for letting me stay with you!!
Hello I am looking to carpool with people from Sacramento to this year's Fanime of 2015!   I just need help to get to Fanime and then back to Sacramento by the time Fanime is over!  I'll be more than happy to help pay for gas!   So please text me ASAP at 916-420-5608!
