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Messages - AmazingKenchan

I was one of the Midnas :3 didn't really get anything at the gathering but here's what I have!
I was the Stunfisk on Thurs/Fri, had a Swap Meet booth.  Then True Form Midna on Sat/Sun!  If you took any pics, I'd love to see!  I'll post my album too, but its mainly just pictures of me .-.
Quote from: Earlgrey009 on May 31, 2012, 09:42:53 PM
Hello, I am looking for a picture of me taken in my Terezi cosplay.

Here is a pic of me from another picture I found:
I would be wearing my glasses in the picture.

All help is appreciated.
Thank you
Terezi shots from the gathering starting here!  I was the Eridan you helped I believe btw :)
Quote from: TMorita on May 30, 2012, 09:23:30 AM
The Man Fang looks familiar. I think you had it disassembled into two pieces, and I commented on it, and you said it makes it handy for carrying around the con?

If that was you I can look for it later (about to go to work now).


I actually don't think it was, I only disassembled it during the gathering.  Didn't see anything in your albums but if you come across it, that'd be cool!
Any photos of the shoot yet?  I didn't really get to take much of anything T-T

Made it though!  Eridan was so much fun <3
Quote from: TMorita on May 29, 2012, 01:28:15 AM
All of my Fanimecon 2012 pics have been uploaded now:

Look for the photo albums Fanimecon 5-26-2012, Fanimecon 5-27-2012, and Fanimecon 5-28-2012.


Any way you could make it so we could tag ourselves?  Hate to copy your pictures for that sake.
Quote from: mdarkpoet on May 28, 2012, 11:51:33 AM
Ryo-Ohki (mostly at night because the costume was too hot, I had an adorable stuffed carrot)
Aww you came back!  I brought back my Ryo-Ohki and carrot this year too ^-^

Looking for shots of me as Man Fang on Saturday (FFXIII), and Eridan on Sunday (Homestuck).  Pics are below!
Will add more items as they come up!  This is just so everyone has a preview!  

Pricing breaks for items under $50 are as follows:

$50 order   -   $5 off
$100 order   -   $13 off
$150 order   -   $20 off

Everything else, prices ARE flexible, I can work something out!  Photos and more

detailed pricing can be found on my FB album:


I will hold something for you, if you're interested, send me a PM and I'll give you

a redemption code!  I'll hold items until 9pm Thursday night :D

[b]Small Items:[/b]
Touhou Pins (Large) $5.00
Touhou Pins (Small) $3.00
Touhou Keychains (Large) $10.00
Touhou Keychains (Small) $5.00
Sephiroth Keychain $3.00
Voodoo Doll Cell Phone Strap $2.00
Mona Cell Phone Cleaner/Strap $5.00
Ponies (Smaller) $0.25
Ponies (Larger) $0.50

Lucario Mascot Suit $150.00
NOTE: This is the one that was at Fanime last year, playing DDR, and with

Cynthia at the gathering, it is pretty well-worn out.

Kannagi Figure $10.00
One Piece Figure $5.00
Quiz Magic Academy Figure $20.00
Mon-sieur Bome Vol.1 Oni-Musume Repaint $25.00
Mon-sieur Bome Vol.2 Oni-Musume Repaint 0214/3333 $70.00
Bottle Fairy Figure Set of 5 ($30 ea) $120.00

Mon-sieur Bome Tenjho Tenge Vol.2 Tokubetsu Edition $30.00

Pop'n Vending Cards Set of 24 $30.00
Pop'n Vending Cards Singles $2.00
Technika 3 Premium Launch Card $20.00
Technika 3 Card $5.00
eAmuse Card $5.00
Initial D Ver. 3 Card $3.00
Final Fantasy V Trading Card Box ($2 ea) $30.00

Touhou Plush $50.00
Touhou Plush (Bagged Sanae) $55.00
Touhou Plush (Hatless Suwako) $40.00
Touhou EX Cirno Plush $600.00
Pokemon Plush $3.00
Nyan Cat $5.00

Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! NES $12.00
Super Mario Bros. 3 NES $10.00
Double Dragon NES $3.00
Sports Games NES $1.00
NINTENDO GameCube (No controller, video cable) $12.00
Super Mario Sunshine GC $8.00
Super Monkey Ball GC $5.00
F-Zero GX GC $3.00
Bomberman Jetters GC $2.00
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles GC (JP) $15.00
Final Fantasy I Wonderswan Bundle $40.00
Final Fantasy II Wonderswan Bundle $40.00
Final Fantasy IV Wonderswan $15.00
Chocobo's Dungeon 2 PS1 $12.00
Z.O.E 2173 Testament GBA (JP) $20.00
Banjo-Kazooie Grunty's Revenge GBA $5.00
The Legend of Zelda Classic NES Series GBA $15.00
Pac-Man Collection GBA $3.00
Etrian Odyssey II DS (Sealed) $65.00
New Super Mario Bros. DS (Game Only) $10.00
Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo Tales DS (Game Only) $10.00
Mario Kart DS (Game Only, JP) $10.00
Mario 64 DS (Game Only) $10.00
Kid Icarus: Uprising 3DS $30.00
Tony Hawk's Project 8 360 (JP) $3.00
Raiden Fighters Aces 360 (Sealed) $25.00

Excel Saga JP Manga Set of 16 $35.00
Tsubasa Chronicle Set of 12 ($7 ea) $55.00
Kill me Kiss me Set of 4 ($3 ea) $10.00
Her Majesty's Dog Set of 5 ($3 ea) $13.00
Inu Yasha Vol. 12 $7.00
Chobits $2.00
Loveless $2.00

Assorted Manga $3.00

Character Design Studio $3.00
Draw Comics $3.00
How to Draw Manga 3 $4.00
The Art of Drawing Manga $2.00
Shoujo Beat $0.50
Star Wars Essential Guide to Planets and Moons $6.00
More Strategies for Nintendo Games $0.50
Enter the Matrix Strategy Guide $1.00
Warcraft III Reign of Chaos Strategy Guide $3.00
Breath of Fire IV Strategy Guide $15.00
Dragon Warrior I & II GBC Strategy Guide $30.00
Warcraft II Edition Strategy Guide $3.00
Star Wars Jedi Starfighter Strategy Guide $3.00
Paper Mario Strategy Guide $12.00
Donkey Kong 64 Strategy Guide $5.00

[b]CDs (pricing on-site, still researching):[/b]
Bastard Pop Terrorists 4
Bastard Pop Terrorists 6
Bastard Pop Terrorists 7
Bastard Pop Terrorists 8
Bastard Pop Archive++
Digital Maestro
Boss on Parade
Hardcore Addiction
Land of Passion
Legend of Square -Meets Hardcore-
The Day of Hardcore Vol. 5
No Alternative
No Alternative+
Next Wired (die!! die!! color!!!)
Privilege of Intersect Fractional
Privilege of Intersect Fractional 3
Teranoid Anthems
Teranoid Underground Edition (1st print)
Ultimate A-Style
Ultimate A-Style 2

[b]Production Cels:[/b]
Aya Cel $50.00
$20 Cel $20.00
$15 Cels $15.00
$10 Cels $10.00
$5 Cels $5.00

Gaia Online Original NPC Art $150.00 ea
Well so far I'm very likely going to be skipping out on my other gatherings all at the same time for this, I'm always down to help if you need it!  Looking forward to seeing you agian at-con :D
Scheduling will probably count me out too, but I'll be wandering around as Eridan with my Vriska at some point during the con!
As of right now, this is during the final fantasy gathering, and an hour after the Pokemon gathering, both of which I'm preparing pretty elaborate costumes for, I'd hate to miss the touhou gathering two years in a row, if it works out being on Sunday, this would probably still be way better! It seems a lot of big gatherings got scheduled around the same times
I'll have Otomedius Excellent there, I'll see about what else we can do!  Wish I knew someone with a Project Diva!
The gathering was fun guys!  Sorry I couldn't make the tea party, I wasn't really burned out or anything, but Battler wasn't planning on going so I decided to sit it out as well.

EDIT: I just looked thru my shots an realized Battler was the only real guy there o_O
Well I ended up not really being able to bring much I'm terms of boards anyway. Time has been terrible for me this year. I've just got a TypeX and an X2, everything else I had to leave. My truck is already full to the cracks too, XD

I'm bringing in a IIDX machine guys :3
Quote from: Tsubasa on May 02, 2011, 06:39:40 PM
Quote from: AmazingKenchan on February 14, 2011, 12:24:30 AM
I will however be bringing my personal Melty Blood Actress Again Current Code...
Wait, what? I'll hella be on this all con. Thankfully, a lot of the Norcal MB scene will be @Fanime, so your board will get some play. :3 Thanks a lot.
I'm actually having trouble getting it to power up right now o_____o;;
Would it be wrong to suggest this thread at least have a link in the marketplace?  I was planning on starting a thread with my stuff there until I saw this one.  My list will probably be huge, but I'll come in an add it once it's together.
Gaming / Re: Fanime 2011 Arcade Suggestions Thread
April 25, 2011, 02:45:29 PM
I'm pretty sure On-campus doesn't have any 3DX+ machines either.
Gaming / Re: Fanime 2011 Arcade Suggestions Thread
March 19, 2011, 02:24:27 PM
Taken care of

I'll also have all the console Cave ports over on eGaming, so whatever isn't in arcade will be over there.