Hi Guys.
I've been browsing the internet for awhile without getting all the info I'm looking for so I figured the best thing to do would be ask...and because I already have a Fanime account and hate making one for a forum I will only use once I've come to find some pokemon experts here.
I need a list of all the Legendary pokemon with their respective regions.
The reason is I plan to make some art work for next Fanime AA and this was the best way I thought to break up all the legendaries (There are too many for one page).
Thanks guys!
I've been browsing the internet for awhile without getting all the info I'm looking for so I figured the best thing to do would be ask...and because I already have a Fanime account and hate making one for a forum I will only use once I've come to find some pokemon experts here.
I need a list of all the Legendary pokemon with their respective regions.
The reason is I plan to make some art work for next Fanime AA and this was the best way I thought to break up all the legendaries (There are too many for one page).
Thanks guys!