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Messages - Spiritsnare

Quote from: "the_Pink_Panther24"hmmm, oh! i GOT it!

so THATS why i like using ivy  :D

Too bad no one who cosplays as Ivy uses that costume. ;.;

Quote from: "lyricaldanichan"

Speaking of cleavage in games and anime...

Quote from: "Cryz"If the fangirls donate blood, it'll be like the outbreak of the virus from resident evil times 10.

I believe we can safely say that this thread is very much hijacked.
It's be easier to develop Evil Schemes if they donate blood. You can run for Governor and say "IF YOU VOTE FOR ME, I WILL MAKE SURE THAT GACKT...AND DIR EN GREY...WILL BE COMING TO CA-LI-FORNYAAAA~~!" and win.

Quote from: "lyricaldanichan"

You don't just win the internet, you now own it.
Quote from: "the_Pink_Panther24"
Quote from: "Spiritsnare"
Quote from: "Brainpowerd"
Quote from: "the_Pink_Panther24"We'll never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever everever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever get Gackt or DeG to come.



You just keep thinking that... (evil laugh)... :twisted:  :twisted:

Unfortunately, the truth hurts. ;)

Unless by some miraculous power there's a Gackt/DeG concert at the arena the same weekend as the con. Then we're talking.

tell you what.

If gackt OR Dir en grey come to fanime, ill eat an playstation, ill do ya one better, how bout an XBOX! yeah, something MASSIVE. and Ill do it at fanime for all the masses to see.
and fanime can sell tickets.

Actually, please do us a favor and use an XBox 2*:

If both Gackt and Dir en Grey come, have fangirls donate their blood before they start dying from nosebleeding.

Quote from: "lyricaldanichan"

* Yes, I know that the sequel's name is XBox 360. >.>
Ideas and Suggestions / Maul Starbucks.. er..
June 19, 2005, 09:06:15 AM
My thought is that Starbucks does that because of Memorial Day weekend and/or just weekend hours. I'm also pretty sure it's up to the SJCC, because it's in the con itself and barely outside the Hilton.

But I see what you're meaning...every time I tried to go to the Starbucks, it was closed. I needed a buzz for the evening, and I had no room. ::eyetwitch::
Two words: Keroro Gunsou.


  • Azumanga Daioh
  • Jungle wa Itsumo Hale Nochi Guu
  • Kanon
  • AIR
  • Comic Party & Comic Party Revolution

    And, if it counts:
  • Sailor Moon Live Action
The sad thing is when I actually do make it into a server, it crashes on me after the logo thing. It also tells me to create a character...which I don't know how to do because I don't see a [create character] button anywhere on the site or the game.

Damn computer. x.x

edit: I'll try again...on server two.

And it still is going BLAH at me.
Quote from: "Brainpowerd"
Quote from: "the_Pink_Panther24"We'll never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever everever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever get Gackt or DeG to come.



You just keep thinking that... (evil laugh)... :twisted:  :twisted:

Unfortunately, the truth hurts. ;)

Unless by some miraculous power there's a Gackt/DeG concert at the arena the same weekend as the con. Then we're talking.
BUMP -- There's a chat going on right now! See the first post for details!
Quote from: "Chun"
Quote from: "Tsubasa"Lia is awesome too just cause she sang Tori no Uta.  Any of them would be fine at Fanime though. =P

I can't forget about Lia. I practically play Tori no Uta every morning.

Oh, on a non-Japanese related note,

I'd also like Fred Gallagher to return for Fanime 2006. I wanted to meet him l
last year, but couldn't go.


I didn't hear of MT until after the con last year, and that's why I want him back. XD

That, and he accidentally got me hooked onto the whole bishoujo gaming thing.
Yeah, we could have the winning team come up at Closing Ceremonies. Or something. XD
Gaming / Dance Dance Fanime! 2006 DDR Tourney
June 13, 2005, 08:30:43 PM
EDIT: Updated Rules can be found here!! This applies to everything -- PA, Freestyle, Cosplay PA, and Cosplay Freestyle!


yes i was that bored to make a logo shush it's pretty

Welcome to the planning thread for the Fanime 2006 Dance Dance Revolution tourney!

To-do list -----

  • Gauge interest in the event.

  • Set a day/s for the tournament. <--

  • Set a time/s for the tournament. <--

  • Decide the events that will be done (eg: PA, Freestyle, Oni Survival, etc.)
  • Find/make rules for the tournament.

  • Find out which machine(s) is/are being brought over. If ITG is being brought over, make a new thread, perhaps...or move to Plan B. <--

Eleven months should be plenty time to wrap things up, and well in time for the con, so that's why the thread's here. Discuss and have fun~
If Santana Row is the place of the actual tourney and not the cosplay variant, then it's all right with me. (has no ride to/from Santana)
Quote from: "kittyranma"Actually, this years cosplay was taped by a single Hi Definition camera, but there is no time to edit, and no hosting company that would provide enough bandwidth to download the HD version (the full version, compressed into Windows Media 9 would still be around 8 gigs).

But I may post a couple of clips if you all want to nominate the two you want to see. Here is an example

p.s... you really need a *fast* PC to watch this.

(file is about 24 mb)

*eyetwitch* Isn't there any way you can shrink the size -- as in the height and width of this thing? The movie's bigger than my screen! However, you did get some crisp video there :3

(And now we know why the whole thing's eight gigs...)

edit: Anyone have a torrent tracker?
Quote from: "PogiChoie"A buzzer can easily be replaced by a bike horn or some other sort of noise thing.

Laptop + Winamp + buzzer.wav + speaker system = win.
Quote from: "Chun"KOTOKO.
I asked a lot of the dealers this year about her CDs, and managed only to find one. We need Kotoko. Kotoko is good. Kotoko is a goddess. I know a couple hundred people that will travel just to see her. (Need sample music? PM me!)

ZZ was great, Ramen and Rice also, as well as Maria Yamamoto. I'd also suggest Yui Horie, and Be4U, but not sure about their avaliability.

Kotoko is love. And with her appearance at AX05, she might be persuaded to come to other cons, hint hint.

Yui Horie is also love. I'd make her sign every Ayu-related thing I have >D

Meanwhile, BeForU is one of Konami's bands, or so I believe, so how would we manage that? :3 If we could, then that'd be hot <3

edit: Cryz, your little statement about having Gackt in the Arena is so true...
I'd love to be a piece >D Count me in, tentative cosplay Roy Mustang.

I'll be a rook on either side.
I'd go and start a chat, but I have school tomorrow, and thus, a curfew.

Doesn't it suck?

But anyone, feel free to make a chat; if you do so, go ahead and invite me too. :3
Ideas and Suggestions / Forum Badges
June 05, 2005, 02:48:34 PM
If we were to have special forum badges, should we have a bit of a prerequisite placed on them, to make sure random people signing up and not posting just for the forum badges won't get them? Like, for example, 50~100 posts?

But other than that, this sounds awesome. If this indeed becomes available, will it be available during and for members of group registrations?

edit: and I can and will kick ass in a badge art contest if there actually is one :3