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A feedback thread may be found here, but posted feedback will not effectively reach staff if you do not use the above form.

A feedback thread may be found here, but posted feedback will not effectively reach staff if you do not use the above form.

A feedback thread may be found here, but posted feedback will not effectively reach staff if you do not use the above form.
Quote from: Rhornez on May 21, 2013, 06:47:47 PMI missed him always hosting the masquerade. where has he gone :c to tibet i hope not.
I don't want to get into it as it's not really my department, but we don't always have the room for every GoH that we'd want - otherwise, we'd always have the same awesome guests + more. If you want to see a guest return, your best bet is to let your voice be heard in the "Guests we want" thread.
General Convention Discussion / Re: FanimeCon App
May 22, 2013, 12:15:33 AM
The app has almost all placeholder content. Unfortunately, the only way to test it requires an odd method that we weren't prepared to do in such short notice and it was better for us to get it approved and then update it than wait to get it approved (considering that this is a long weekend).

It does require internet, but we're looking to do an offline shedule.

In short, too much content was changing at the final minutes that the developer had to work with what he can (he is truly an awesome developer!).
General Convention Discussion / Re: FanimeCon App
May 20, 2013, 02:21:28 PM
Quick notes since I don't have much time to go through and format this post nicely (quote people and whatnot):
* This is a legit thing. DevAtelier is amazing for this and we hope to only improve on this. :)
* All information on it isn't finalized. We're hastily getting the schedule data on our schedule website, which will automatically update in the app (it's "magic" for those that aren't tech savvy and "data feeds" to those that are).
* There is an iOS version that is planning to be released. *crosses fingers*
* An update has been submitted to Android to allow it to work on tablets as well as remove all permissions that we don't need (we don't really want to know anything about your text messages, record your audio, etc.). The new version only requires two things: internet and GPS.
* We're still trying to see options as to what we can do and this is a start. There will never be a perfect solution, but we will work towards a solution that will work for many users.
Quote from: migitlicious on May 15, 2013, 10:51:47 PM
I know fanime is coming up soon...but I am planning to be in town that weekend and would love to drop by fanime for one day. But the memories of last years line on Saturday gives me nightmares :-[ :-[ It's too bad one day passes aren't on presale but is there any way the registration process can be improved??? If I'm only going to be there one day, it's such a waste to have to spend 5 hours of it standing in line. I know it's not something Fanime can control but it would be nice to have set ups to cover for worst case scenario - printing problems, etc. Also, I counted less than ten laptops last year to cover one day registration for hundreds of people. It just isn't enough!  :-\
Our Registration department has been hard at work since June of last year and it's looking like the speed will be vastly improved.

We are looking into pre-registration for single day for future years - no guarantees though.
Quote from: djmonolith on May 10, 2013, 04:30:30 PMYes... perhaps I should have been more clear.  One list so that I don't have to bounce around "all over the website in their proper sections" - like a table where one could see all the events listed in one place.
The schedule should be posted before FanimeCon.
Quote from: echoshadow on May 09, 2013, 05:19:53 AM
Quote from: MPLe on May 09, 2013, 02:56:49 AM
Are you implying that Clockwork Alchemy is the reason why our schedule isn't out 3+ weeks before the con? I'm not sure where people are getting the idea that Clockwork Alchemy is ruining FanimeCon or taking resources away. They are an event with their own staff, resources, and even event space - it just happens that FanimeCon helped them get started.

I remember when we released the schedule that early and had to change it almost once an hour during the daytime because things were shifting so much. The feedback that we received was that we can either "not released the schedule until it was more finalized" or we could "continue to confuse attendees and staff with the numerous changes that occur within the last month of planning".
That's news to me. Well it really does seem like C.A. is. After all both Fanime and C.A.'s guide book/schedule came from the same place, also Fanime kind of introduced it as a sister con, then Fanime did say they wanted more programing  options to fellow Fanime attendees then less, so one naturaly assumed that C.A. was.

That and the cloak and dager way schedule info gets relased.

That year when the schedule was out early I hardly notice the changes, mostly because I had a general time which event/panels where listed, and I keep an eye out if such event/panel was moved the next day or such.

While I agree to relase the schedule till its more finalized, that doesn't mean wait to the last minute on the day before the con. That's logical, well at lest to me an averge con attendee.
Having the FanimeCon/Clockwork Alchemy combined program guide saves both events money and can generate interest between the two events (instead of not advertising the other event at all).

I know that the pocket schedule was released one-two days before con last year, but I believe that the schedule website was released the weekend before con. It's a moot point, but we're going to try to get the schedule website up asap.
We (FanimeCon, our attendees, and everyone else) gains nothing but doing anything to/with the protestors other than ignoring them. You don't want to be the one person that ruins it for everyone else - just ignore them, please, and move on. :)
Quote from: Hachimitsu-ink on May 07, 2013, 02:09:47 PM
Last year i saw a sign that was hidden into the back of the door that reads "parking special rates for fanime con users, buy multipass"
was abit surprise about it and took advantage of it, even though it was abit too late to noticed it (this was on saturday)

I contacted the San jose convention center garage and asked them if they would do the same and how much!...
sadly one of the employees said they wont be doing multipass  / even pass for parking this year!..

Would like a second opinion if this is true or not.
The back of what door? Can you please PM me this information so we can get in contact with that garage and figure it out? (I have never heard of a multipass.)
Quote from: DangerHeart on May 03, 2013, 02:56:21 PMRelated question, is it possible to request adjoining rooms under two different names? Would we both need to call and request it? We're also checking in the day after our friends so that could make things much different....
I think the chances of getting an adjoining room, when you are checking a day later might be difficult (unless they are checking in Wednesday and you're checking in Thursday, I suppose), but I would call the hotel that you are staying at after May 17th and ask them.
Quote from: echoshadow on May 07, 2013, 06:18:53 AM
So what is the difference now, compared to 2 years ago when you didn't have Clockwork Alchemy? If I remember correctly the schedule was out a full 3+ weeks before the con.

Is it possible that maybe running two cons at the same time is not a good idea?
Are you implying that Clockwork Alchemy is the reason why our schedule isn't out 3+ weeks before the con? I'm not sure where people are getting the idea that Clockwork Alchemy is ruining FanimeCon or taking resources away. They are an event with their own staff, resources, and even event space - it just happens that FanimeCon helped them get started.

I remember when we released the schedule that early and had to change it almost once an hour during the daytime because things were shifting so much. The feedback that we received was that we can either "not released the schedule until it was more finalized" or we could "continue to confuse attendees and staff with the numerous changes that occur within the last month of planning".
Locking this topic before it gets any more heated. It has been noted that we should announce guests earlier (for the past few years that I've personally been keeping track) and we've seen progress made towards that goal. Like all other feedback**, you can always post about it on these forums, Tweet it to us*, Facebook us*, or e-mail us and we'll hear it - because nothing publically is seen doesn't mean that we don't try to work on it.

As ewu said, there are many things that factor into running a convention and among them, I would personally rate "Guest Relations" as being one of the most difficult. As we continue year-after-year, we are continually refining the process and it seems that no matter who we get no one will be happy (for everyone that was happy with Yoshiki one year and FLOW another year, there were at least two comments with "omg dumb guest!"). We're in the tough position where we can't please everyone, which is why we try to pick a variety of guests and artists that may not be on everyone's radar. Comparing <us/our guests/etc.> to <another event (big or small)/another event's guest/our other guests> is a very big disservice to the things that you are comparing as each and every convention runs differently with different guests, staff, and processes and each convention gets their guests because they think it would be best for their event's attendees.

We have a few more guests announcements coming and all will be announced before next week. :)

*Unfortunately, you can't <whatever the verb for Google Plus> us as we don't have an official account.
**If you want to give feedback anonymously, you can also e-mail or PM me. When I take feedback from people that don't want to be known, I don't list your name or contact information on the form when you explicitly tell me not to (ewu has seen my feedback documents).
Staff & Volunteers / Re: Community Service Hours?
May 09, 2013, 02:35:34 AM
Quote from: HunterZero on May 04, 2013, 08:05:33 AM
Only one person on FanimeCon staff is paid: The lawyer. That is for obvious reasons.
Please do not post things that aren't true - Any lawyers that we may or may not have aren't on staff. ;)
Registration / Re: Pre-registration
May 09, 2013, 02:30:18 AM
Quote from: XexiledX on May 09, 2013, 12:06:45 AM
Okay so luckily i've double checked before the event had occurred. i checked my paypal statement and the pre-registration fee wasn't there. i also tried to login via the official page using my created name and it said my pre-registration had been unpaid, yet when i try going back to my hotmail and clicking that same activation link and pay for early registration paypal says this item has already been paid for.... what do i do?  am i doomed to pay again?
Contact our Registration department (registration at fanime dot com) who will be able to assist you
Staff & Volunteers / Re: Community Service Hours?
April 27, 2013, 01:17:00 AM
This would be up to your school - I've seen some schools accept it as long as they have written documentation of what you did and some schools that would only accept hours from places that were on their approved list (school activities, libraries, etc.).
Ideas and Suggestions / Re: Food Truck Idea
April 23, 2013, 09:55:24 PM
We've been trying to have food trucks come out, but we don't have anywhere we could put them that wouldn't be violating any rules. :(

(We also have a list of food trucks that would be interested in coming out.)
Staff & Volunteers / Re: picking up staff badges
April 18, 2013, 11:33:56 PM
Quote from: princesskitty18 on April 17, 2013, 08:45:48 AM
i know that this year fanime broke up picking up badges (staff/attendees/etc) to various locations
where do staff pick up their badges and what are the time frames for that?
The staff badge pick up information will be included in an e-mail sent to the staff mailing list, but it should be inside the Marriott. No time has been set as of this post.
Quote from: Jesse Uppercut on April 14, 2013, 03:17:32 PM
Quote from: 4music on April 13, 2013, 09:47:09 PM
How would you guys feel about someone playing J-Rock and video game songs on electric guitar
(accompanied by the mp3s) at around midnight?

It would probably be a welcomed event by most as long as you are not so loud that you are considered a disturbance and you are not using convention center power (prohibited last I checked).
This is correct.

Please note that due to the construction, there might not be space where there used to be and we will have staff clearing those walkways often.