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Messages - Moetic Justice

I know this thread is nearly a year old but I wanted to give kudos to Fanime and Game Saru for actually making this happen.
Ideas and Suggestions / Re: Guests for Fanimecon 2017
January 24, 2017, 04:12:01 PM
A suggestion somewhat outside of the usual circles: Brennan Williams (WWE, formerly NFL, enormous weeaboo)
Clyde Mandelin - Anime and game translator; has written extensively about game translations at his site Legends of Localization.
Ideally, what is and isn't acceptable, as well as how unacceptable behavior is to be dealt with, would be laid out in an explicit and comprehensive anti-harassment policy, but Fanime doesn't have one. The code of conduct says, "Do not harass, threaten, bully, stalk, or mob people. Please do not hug or glomp without permission. Respect other people's personal space." Those three sentences are it. I don't know what exact wording and implementation are the best fit for Fanime specifically, but the brevity and vagueness of the existing policy is a cause for concern.

For more information on the whys, whats, and hows of convention harassment policies, I recommend The Ada Initiative's resource page on the subject.
Everyone I danced with Sunday night from 2:00-4:00 in the room with the Ryuuko cosplayer DJ. I was the guy in the Meat Boy shirt. You are all awesome people.
 I'm interested in a pair of whiskey glasses - one with a Gurren-dan logo, the other with a NERV logo. PM me if you need advance payment or details or anything.
I'll be Dive from Divekick if I'm not still in line when the gathering happens.