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Messages - RoyalSlothCos

Quote from: ephemient on May 28, 2015, 09:02:38 PM
(Did you go to the Vocaloid gathering on Friday, too? I don't think I saw you there, but I arrived late...)
Actually I did. I was Luka in the light purple dress.
Quote from: ephemient on May 28, 2015, 08:22:43 PM
I'm not the best photographer but I think I got pictures of almost everyone:

@queeniesloth: I think this is the best I got.

Oh it's great, thank you!
May I have your permission to use the photos of my cosplay on my cosplay page? And if so how would you like to be credited for the photos?
This gathering was so much fun and I can't wait to join in on the fun next year!
I was wondering if anyone gots some photos of my prom Pyrrha cosplay and my BF's prom Jaune cosplay? I mainly want one of the dip pose (bonus points if you caught the kiss :-*).
My facebook and tumblr cosplay account is Royal Sloth Cosplay. Feel free to send photos there or tag me in them and thank you so much.
We hope to be at SacAnime this year as Pyrrha and Jaune again  ;)
Quote from: Pineapple Pocky on May 18, 2015, 11:36:26 PM
Just want to let everyone know that I'll be handing out a free sticker to everyone who comes.
Do you have Pyrrha stickers? If so I hope to find you in time to get one
Is it too late to sign up for the gong show? And are MP3/phones okay if the song is on there?
Quote from: Chibi Tomato on May 16, 2015, 10:57:25 PM
Is that where we are actually shooting or just where to meet?
/dumb question
It's actually both.
And there are no dumb questions
Quote from: Korium9 on May 11, 2015, 09:58:13 AM
Ok, I have to ask the dumb question:

Fanime posted building maps: I apparently can't find G4 -- can someone clarify where this is?
(Gold - Panels 4 in the Fairmont?)
G4 is actually specific to the gatherings and relates to areas in and around the convention center.
Also it's not a dumb question. the gathering location 'codes' can be confusing

G4 = "The Hub" (alcove area 1st floor)

All other location 'codes' can be found here>,19895.0.html
Hi all~ This is always my favorite gathering to walk by and photograph but this year I'm hoping to join as a swimsuit fem Ciel. That is if it would be okay/appropriate. I only ask cause Kuro is a period show and everyone always has such nice cospalys/outfits.
If you want to know how it looks it's the one that Hot Topic is selling right now.
Hi~. I'll be there as Luka from the Seven Deadly Sins song Lust.
So excited to finally cosplay a vocaloid! xD

It's almost been a month since the last post on this gathering and there are TEN DAYS left to submit this gathering. I'd hate to see this gathering not happen since it is one of my favorite gatherings to attend and watch. Hopefully soon, very soon, this gathering will be submitted.
I'd love to join in on the fun as Navi from Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time~!
Thank you so very much Anon and Zelyhon for the information! It's nice to hear that it can be worked out so well.
I can't wait to sell at the swap meet for the first time~!  ;D
This new spot sounds amazing and I love the times! Like many others have said; hopefully no linecon- -but this time I (and a few friends) will be selling instead of buying.

I was wondering if it's possible to put four people on the seller's agreement/seller's permit? That way two of us can work the first night then the other two work the second night.
I think I'll go with the small size~ And a traditional mask is fine  ;D
This sounds wonderful! I'd love to have one, but what part of the cheekbone do you want measured? The highest point? Farthest from nose?
I was so excited to join in the gathering fun last year and can't wait to do it again this year!!
I'll be there as everyone's favorite fairy, Navi, from Ocarina of Time!
Edit; After playing Hyrule Warriors my cosplay could also work for the fairy named Proxi from that game. Plus she also says "Hey, listen" a few times~
Monty was such a great man, but I wish that I had known about his works earlier.. :'(
I honor of him and my favorite RWBY episode I will be cosplaying Pyrrha in her school dance attire. (Hopefully with a Juane in his dress.)
I can't wait to join you all for this~!