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Messages - ga-ko

The awards are all listed here:

I'm surprised that Fanime staff hasn't posted this info yet... It does seem like there were levels when it came to craftsmanship, but not for presentations.
I know we left early cause I couldn't stand how small that area was. I was getting mad claustrophobic.

For next year they shouldn't try to have a huge group in that location, even for photographers, they too seemed super cramped trying to get a decent shot without being too close to us.
Big Event Showcase / Re: Cosplay Spectacular 2013
May 16, 2013, 03:15:09 PM
I have 2 questions that I'm sure other people may have.

1) What are the dimensions of the stage that we will be able to use?

2) The rules mention something about large props and how we must store them ahead of time, which is fine, but that they can't be stored after you go on stage. If we're taken to sit back down in the audience, we do we do with our large props? We'll have some folding chairs and tables as our props that are light to carry around, but just bulky if we have to store them where we sit.
from the way I gather it's going from 2-3 basically. They were splitting gathering locations up for 30 mins where groups with larger numbers are given 2 of the 30 minute slots to allow for more picture taking.
according to the offical gathering thread our time is:

Sunday 5/26

2 pm:
Hetalia Axis Powers ~ G10 ~ Snake Statue ~ CCPFH

2:30 pm:
Hetalia Axis Powers ~ G10 ~ Snake Statue ~ CCPFH

I hope to see lots of you guys there!
Yay that's good to hear. I did sign up yesterday around 1pm or earlier maybe.  I haven't gotten an email confirmation yet that it was received. The website said it was submitted and I'd hear back soon. Did any confirmations go out yet that people made it into the contest?
oh I mean I just signed up today for the online sign ups. Hank posted there was 1 slot then online sign ups would close. Just worried if I was the final one or if someone happened to beat me to it, and if someone did, would the entry even be added or would I have to go at con to sign up.
I filled out the form to sign up. I hope it got through in time.

Out of curiosity, if it didn't make it in time, would that mean that I would not be signed up and would have to show up at con, or is it that it's completely full, and chances are next to none being able to enter the contest even if showing up to try to sign up at con?
I had a question on songs. One of my songs is sorta karaoke in the sense that the main singer of the song's vocals are gone, there still are backup singers voices still heard but they're not singing the main lyrics of the song, just added in here and there and they're not singing the entire length of the song.

Is this allowed? I did not edit the song to be this way, it is exactly how I found it.
are there any updates to the time and place?
Are we allowed to bring our own song to sing for the competition? It is of course a Karaoke version and won't require vocal dampening. If we can, how do we supply this to you guys? Do we need to bring a CD, mp3 player or what not and what format does the song need to be in?
Big Event Showcase / Re: Cosplay Spectacular 2013
April 01, 2013, 11:03:25 PM
ugh, I thought registration opened at 11:59pm then I saw this thread at like 10:30pm haha! I sent in my registration, hopefully there's still space! Haven't gotten a confirmation email yet, but being that it was like after 10:30pm when it was sent in, I wouldn't expect something til tomorrow at the earliest.
Big Event Showcase / Re: Cosplay Spectacular 2013
March 23, 2013, 05:05:43 PM

I saw that you mentioned that the registration would be posted by march 25, but if you know already, have any of the rules changed from last year that would be important to know? Such as did the time limit change or any weapon rules that are specific for the Cosplay Spectacular?

Thank you very much!

I am looking for a few cosplayers for a Hetalia Skit for the Masquerade this year. We're looking for a Northern Italy, Germany, and or an America. If you'd like to join us, you would need to have made your own costume as that's one of the rule requirements to enter the Masquerade. You would also need to sign a waiver required by Fanime, and it would be easier to do if you are 18+ as you won't need a parent to sign it for you.

If you'd like to join, please contact me or visit our cosplay group's facebook page: and post there and we can provide more information as far as to what the skit is about. I've already posted in the Hetalia gathering thread as well.

I'm also looking to see if anyone is cosplaying as any Metal Gear characters. My boyfriend is going as GA-KO camouflage Snake from Metal Gear Solid 3 and would love to get some photos with some other Metal Gear cosplayers.
An update for my addition, it looks like I may also possibly have a Marceline and Marshall Lee with me!

If the gathering is on Sunday, my friends and I will be there. I'll be Belarus in the purple dress and I'll have a Northern Italy military outfit, Hungary in orange skirt and black shirt outfit, and a Turkey in military outfit.

Our group is also planning on entering the Masquerade and performing a Hetalia skit there and we could use a few more people if anyone is interested.

We're looking for a Nothern Italy, Germany, and/or an America. In order to enter the masquerade we all have to have made our own costumes, so if you'd like to join us, we'd request that you have made your own outfit.

As the performance requires a waiver to be signed, being 18+ would be helpful as there wouldn't be the need to have a parent sign the form for you.

If you are interested, please let me know, or you can visit our cosplay group page here: and let us know that you'd like to join.
I'll be there as Fionna and my boyfriend will be there as Finn