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Messages - xichisex

Quote from: Nina Star 9 on May 23, 2011, 09:04:30 AM
Tha coat is really cute! Just to warn you, though, last year I got heat sick outside at the picnic and I wasn't wearing a coat, so I'd be careful.

If you want some advice, I'd ditch the maid-like headband and the small parasol, since those add a costumey look. Maybe a simple pearl headband or a bow of some type instead? You are super adorable, though. I love your hair (wig?). *_________*

The only problem is that I've already maxed out what I can afford for my lolita outfit. I spent hours on that parasol and headband too... That damn purse is what broke my budget though. It was $100.00.
Quote from: zeroelement on May 23, 2011, 01:30:16 PM
Quote from: Xeluu on May 23, 2011, 12:58:26 PM,10782.0.html
There's the old thread on the concept of Yuri related events. The second page really brings up the points of why something like Yuri bingo wouldn't work.
yea i agree that the girls are at more of a risk. I think the main reason why we guys want it is because we dont think its fair the yoai is so common at fanime while yuri is only sold on DVD and no manga or yuri events. I think if more yuri events and other things happened it wouldnt be a problem. But without it guys (yes im male to) will eather say yuri strip bingo to or not do both. I saw yuri bingo is 100% ok just take out the problem no REAL girls getting nakied and yuri prizes.

Ok more on topic. GL at bingo!!! i can assure you i wont be there unless i get riped in 2.5 hours and stay that way and become one of the guys.
I don't know. I personally consider the Maid Cafe yuri enough. The staff have said completely that there would never be a Host Club, but they allow the girls to serve men instead of ever having men serve women. Though they girls are naked or hitting on each other it is still one of the only female events at fanime.
I'm going to be Hyuuga Hinata from Shippuuden, not young Hinata. :3 I'll try to attend.
I'm going to be Hinata from Shippuuden, not young Hinata. :3
Quote from: Nina Star 9 on May 22, 2011, 10:14:07 PM
Quote from: Lizchan33 on May 22, 2011, 12:10:20 AM
@Nina star: Uhhhh I'd say actual time but I know I'm working evening shift for roving.....
I'm aiming for 9am... and I'm usually on time... Ask IceQueen about my being on-time raging xD
I'm usually very punctual, but I know that most lolis aren't, haha. I'd be perfectly happy to be on time. :D

Quote from: xichisex on May 22, 2011, 09:13:36 AM
Is my lolita outfit lolita-y enough? D: I've seen a lot of people with amazing patterns and such, and my coat really isn't all that patterned except for the leopard on the edges and the boys and pink crap and scrabbled together and just clipped on. This is the first time I've ever put together a lolita outfit.
I can't see the image because I don't have an account. :< Just letting you know.

This better?
I got some LED glowsticks at Safeway. They are regular lit as well as when you put another button they blink.
I guess I'll take it to the peace bonding area and ask or just ask any rover I see.
I only attend about three lessons and don't do more. Mainly because that way you can practice those three - and make them diverse like two-step and then swing and waltz - so you are prepared for any kind of song that comes along. You don't have to be a professional when you go to the ball. My friend and I kind of remember bits and pieces of what we've learned over the years, so we just put it all together. A lot of people even just do their own thing. Looking like you know what you are doing when you attend is nice, but its also about having fun. I don't want to say it's like prom, but a lot of people just do their own dancing while those around them do the choreographed lessons they were taught.
What about LED lights? Especially for ones used in, say, Tron cosplays? Are those alright?
Do I need to get my little parasol peace bonded?

It's pretty small. It's practically a mini umbrella.
It was last year I believe. Im sure I had to whip out my ID. Guys were gettin' stripped. :3
oh, okay thank you. It's one of the things my friend and I look to forward to every year. :]
My friend and I love going to Yaoi Bingo and the Yaoi videos they show next to the Hentai Night room. I haven't found any of that on the master schedule though. Not this year? D:
Is my lolita outfit lolita-y enough? D: I've seen a lot of people with amazing patterns and such, and my coat really isn't all that patterned except for the leopard on the edges and the boys and pink crap and scrabbled together and just clipped on. This is the first time I've ever put together a lolita outfit.
Quote from: EJAY420 on May 19, 2011, 10:09:10 PM
Quote from: xichisex on May 19, 2011, 09:29:51 PM
I have a partner and I am SURE everyone would love to see Hinata running through the con. ;3

OMG girl, thats one helluva Hinata pic!
Thank you? xD This is my first time really going all out at Fanime. I've done two cosplays before, but no one had any idea who the hell I was and then my Misa one after that was kind of pulled together quickly with crap I found in my closet.

I think Hinata is going to be my favorite.
I may attend. I have a gothic lolita outfit I am planning to wear Friday, but maybe I can find time on Sunday to attend and I work in a bakery, so maybe even bake a cake or two. :3 And bring some ice tea. xD
I have a partner and I am SURE everyone would love to see Hinata running through the con. ;3
"Is this pose okay Mr. President?"
I am going as Shippuden Hinata, Random Yaoi Boy #3 [I'm thinking of switching this to young Walter from Hellsing. since the wig and the suit I have at the same. I just need a blood red tie instead and some fishing wire], and a random gothic lolita. Here are preview images! If you see me there hollar at me! 8D

Oh, I'm horrible with packing. Even if I am just going overnight to my boyfriend's house for a night and a half I bring a damn suitcase!

This is what I bring:
ENTIRE MAKE-UP COLLECTION {You never know WHAT you may need. Something could come up and suddenly you don't have something because you left it at all. ]:}
♦  All costumes and maybe some extra accessories in case something comes up or I get an idea for an added piece to an already existing cosplay.
♠ Bath supplies like shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste/brush/floss/retainers/rinse/mints/gum, facial cleansers {It can get hot and sweaty sometimes walking all day at a convention and you don't want to break out. So make sure you clean all you make-up off before bed and in the morning too. You want to be fresh!}
LOADS OF MONEY! In a safe travel pouch that I have that I took to Europe with me. I don't trust my wallet and I don't want to be carrying a huge purse around with me all day. :3
♣ I bring a camera for pictures and it's battery charger.
♦ I bring a lot of different shoes with me and in my car I keep a spare extra in case, say, I am wearing heels and my feet get tired.
♥ My friend has a little first aid kit she carries with her in case sometimes happens which something always does. I am the clumsiest fool ever to live. Or soon die.. ]:
♣ Music players, headphones, contacts [for eyes], wigs, pencils and notepads for notes if I attend a panel, a list of people I follow on DeviantArt that have booths in the artist alley. They won't tell you in the alley where someone is located, so if you go there and you know an artist you adore is going to be there, be sure to write down their name and booth numbers. 
♣ Sunscreen, jewelry..

In general I just kind of throw everything I THINK I need into my suitcase. The big one.