Thanks for organizing!
I was the Vil with the Rook in velvet dorm uniforms.
I was the Vil with the Rook in velvet dorm uniforms.
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I'll remove photos upon request if someone in them doesn't like them.
Quote from: apples4ryuk on January 31, 2024, 10:56:33 AMI would have preferred they kept everyone needing to be vaccinated and got rid of masks. As if the unvaccinated people are going to actually follow the mask rule, but whatever.I'm the opposite -- I'm glad that if they're dropping something, it's the vax, because in terms of preventing transmission, masks are more effective.
Quote from: Konekogami on November 09, 2017, 11:16:47 AMIt would make the most sense to me to not have it by time, but by person. The first X number of people to register get into block #1, the second X number of people get into block #2, etc. Doing it by time (if you register by 12:05 you get into block #1, by 12:10 you get into block #2, etc.) would cause all sorts of issues if, for example, 3000 people register in the first minute, and then 500 register in the next 10 minutes, since the numbers of people in hotel registration time blocks would potentially be very uneven. So I have a feeling that the timeframes for the blocks would vary by year, and would depend on how many other people registered in that amount of time.
I wish I knew what the time frames for the housing blocks were. As in what gets you into what housing window. Is it by minute? hour? day? Oh well.. at the very least I have a few months to steel my nerves for hotel reservations.
Quote from: InsaneDavid on June 16, 2017, 01:06:50 PM
A long shot, but...
Cibo Matto
Still 50 years ahead of their time and 3 dimensions ahead of their space! It amazes me that there are still people who don't know about this amazing band. Their biggest mainstream exposure in the US is probably when the song "Birthday Cake" off their debut album, "Viva! La Woman" was included in Jet Set Radio Future. They reunited in 2011 and released a third album in 2014 and continue to perform live. From the few people I've talked with who've had the privilege of seeing them live over the years, they pour energy and sound and are unlike any other duo. Even if they're not viable for Music Fest, if you're reading this and you are not familiar with Cibo Matto, go check them out right now.
Quote from: Love Sign Master Spark on June 09, 2017, 09:29:10 PM
- I don't recall seeing any signs that had the list of cosplay gatherings downstairs. Is that really the case or did I miss one completely? (never went by downstairs info booth after buying badge but it would have been the first place to check)
Quote from: Shinigami_Lover on June 07, 2017, 05:09:42 PM
I was the one in charge of One Piece and Naruto but this is in response to the One Piece gathering. I have become really good at hiding my frustration but I really do feel this needs to be put to light...
And if I am over stepping I am sorry... but I really disliked having this happen in my gatherings. To me ALL COSPLAYERS are guest of honors in my gatherings they have all put time, money and effort into their outfits/ wigs/ props. So when the cons guest of honor comes to join in I wish they would give the gathering leads respect so that everyone can feel special at the gatherings (it is one place 'regular cosplayers' can shine)...
The guest of honor I had was talking to the cosplayers and making it hard for me to call out the photo groups (and I have a megaphone) and I had been requested to make more group photos with her (so I did add in some more) but she would make me call out the groups many times. I was trying showing respect to her by adding a few a extra shots for her and by introducing and welcoming her but I was not given any respect back... I know she is one of the cons Guest of Honor but she did not even come over to me a say thank you or anything.
I have been doing photo shoots at Fanime since 2010 and I was made to feel like I had no knowledge about the shoot that I was running and I also was being told to slow down my count downs and it felt like they kept being taken away from me. The way I do my count downs are to kept everyone with me and wanting to stay to the end because I know that if I go slow I lose photographers and cosplayers attention (oh squirrel)... plus I have an hour to do my shoots and with the larger groups (aka manga/anime that have many seasons/movies) I have figured out how long each group has so that I can get them all done on time and have room for request. Also I do not want the people that come to watch/ participate in the shoots to be burned or to get overly hot.
In the years past I have been told that I keep everyone on their toes and am able to run my shoots very well... this year though I did not feel like I did as well as I have in past.
I am just one of the 'regular cosplayers' that want to help others have a chance to show off their work. If the Guest of Honor wants to come to my gatherings next year I am open for it, but I ask that you guys mention that the gatherings are for EVERYONE and not just them... they have times for themselves to shine... The gatherings might be the only time some of the other 'regular cosplayers' get photos taken...
Thank you and see you next year,
Quote from: Abyss1 on June 05, 2017, 02:33:41 PMYou're taking it too literally.
Not being sarcastic...but being old and experienced...i can say these events have not happened in the bay area since 2005 ish...and never at fanime
Quote from: eHash on June 08, 2017, 11:49:19 AMI'm mostly thinking out loud (out...text?) here, but
Wouldn't this make it easier for predators to identify prey as well?
Quote from: Nina Star 9 on June 07, 2017, 01:16:33 PM
...though I can also see how predators might try to single underage people out...
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