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Messages - SukebeStudios

Quote from: ewu on January 24, 2013, 01:42:51 PM
Feel free to confirm by calling CMR:

FanimeCon Housing 2013 Customer Contact Center:
Monday - Friday, 6am - 6pm (Pacific Time)
(800) 924-4232 (Toll Free U.S. & Canada)
(415) 979-2282 (Outside U.S. & Canada)

Note that hotels are normally $150-200 they are only this low due to the convention rate that our staff have worked hard negotiating. $89/per night room is just a good deal covered in a sh***y blanket? That hardly seems fair.

I just called housing. Apparently ONLY the Fairmont is charging the additional $100/per night deposit. Basically it's the Fairmont sticking it to Fanime and it's guests.
Quote from: Xia on January 24, 2013, 01:25:47 PM
Quote from: SukebeStudios on January 24, 2013, 01:21:15 PM
Ok, this is OUTRAGEOUS! All the hotels are charging $100 per night deposit??? I booked at the Fairmont at $ that means the freaking deposit is more expensive than the price of actually staying there! We're not made of money, you know. Fanime's already driven up their prices for reg to obscene levels, now the hotel crap?

This is my first time booking a hotel for Fanime, but my understanding is that deposits will range from x min. to $100/per night. Still though the deposit business is making me nervous.

We need someone from Fanime to confirm this. I booked the Fairmont at $89/per night, Thursday-Friday. With tax, it'll come to about $380. So for 4 nights, the deposit is $400. How the hell do you get a hotel that charges more for the deposit than the stay? That makes NO SENSE!!!
Ok, this is OUTRAGEOUS! All the hotels are charging $100 per night deposit??? I booked at the Fairmont at $ that means the freaking deposit is more expensive than the price of actually staying there! We're not made of money, you know. Fanime's already driven up their prices for reg to obscene levels, now the hotel crap?
Will we get the Fanime discount if we reserve the weekend starting THURSDAY?
You could always use a Tardis.
Quote from: Aelia on September 26, 2011, 08:23:22 AM
Quote from: SukebeStudios on September 26, 2011, 03:40:41 AM
At least the rules say it's because of the SJCC, not the SJPD. Last year my friend was told it was by request of the SJPD, and he asked an officer, and the officer thought the rule was stupid and said they never asked for that. What about my friend who cosplays Leon Kennedy in his Raccoon City Police Dept. uniform? Last year he was told to take it off when they dropped the ball on instituting the rule. Is he STILL not allowed to wear it? I mean, I doubt anyone will think he's REDWOOD CITY PD.
I still don't have an official answer. What I can say is that it absolutely will not be allowed to say "Police" on it. We are still working out the finer details of the rest of our no police/military rules.

Understood. But if my friend's costume is Leon Kennedy's Racoon City Police one, and it says, RCPD, is that ok? It wouldn't say POLICE, but most likely RCPD.
At least the rules say it's because of the SJCC, not the SJPD. Last year my friend was told it was by request of the SJPD, and he asked an officer, and the officer thought the rule was stupid and said they never asked for that. What about my friend who cosplays Leon Kennedy in his Raccoon City Police Dept. uniform? Last year he was told to take it off when they dropped the ball on instituting the rule. Is he STILL not allowed to wear it? I mean, I doubt anyone will think he's REDWOOD CITY PD.
Panels and Workshops / Ask A Kuroshitsuji Character
July 29, 2011, 02:06:27 AM
Ok, we were just approved for a test run of a panel that IF SUCCESSFUL, we'll try at Fanime. But we need a little help.

I just got the approval for an "Ask a Black Butler" panel for Summer Sac Anime, Sat 1pm-2pm. What the panel is, is at least 4 Black Butler cosplayers, acting as the characters they are portraying, fielding questions from panelists.

But we need some help filling the roles.

Ciel Phantomhive: *OPEN*
Grell Sutcliff: (Filled)

So if you are planning on attending Summer Sac, are cosplaying one of the characters we need, and have some acting/improv skill, and LOVE Black Butler, WE NEED YOU! If you agree to join and sign up, please commit. The last thing we need is someone backing out at the last moment.
I would LOVE to have Fanime get SID to come! I'd buy a Black Butler cosplay just for the concert!
I came across this picture when one of my friends posted it on Facebook, and I have to disgusts me.

I am a Hetalia fan, I love the show. And I wouldn't mind cosplaying one of the characters if given the chance. But from what I understand, Hetalia fans acting in the way that the ones in the picture is NOT out of the norm. Let me state however, I have not experienced or seen them behave stupidly like this IN PERSON...but the photo shows that at least SOME Hetalia fans DO act this way. I figure I'll ask a wider community than just my Facebook friends. Is behavior like this normal amongst Hetalia fans?
Quote from: cutiebunny on July 06, 2011, 07:25:27 PM
I do not want to see any US dub guests.  If I had a choice between a Japanese guest and a US guest, I'd want the Japanese guest, even if they've already been to Fanime in the past.  I'd rather have Mamoru Yokota again than, say, Vic Mignogna.  And, I know I'm not the only one who feels this way.

But thank goodness not all of us feel that way.
Quote from: teeheeitshelen on June 24, 2011, 02:57:06 PM
Okay . Well, I do agree with SukebeStudios about requesting Vic Mignogna to Fanime 2012 :)
Oh by the way, you haven't request Todd Haberkorn and Micah Solusod  :o Before you request them to go to Fanime next year, I think I should talk to them if they are booked in May .__.

What about the FMA "Trifecta of DOOM?" Vic Mignogna, Travis Willingham, and Laura Bailey? Or maybe just voice actors from Ouran High School Host Club? Like Caitlin Glass or Greg Ayres or Todd Haberkorn?
Ok! I just recieved an e-mail from Vic Mignogna. I had asked him about the situation with Fanime 2012, and this is a direct quote from the email.

QuoteAs for Fanime, they invited me THIS YEAR, but I was already committed to another event. So I fully expect to be there next year. Perhaps you and your anime friends could write the staff and request that they have me. That would probably help!

Thanks again!


So there you have it. PLEASE STAFF! INVITE VIC MIGNOGNA AGAIN! He said himself he'd come for 2012 if he's asked. And staff needs to ask him ASAP, because his schedule fills up FAST. He was booked for Winter Sac Anime 2012 almost a year in advance. He wants to come, so it ALL DEPENDS ON STAFF NOW.
Quote from: Tony on June 08, 2011, 11:18:27 AM
Hi. =D

That story is incorrect. We do reach out to domestic guests. We talked to quite a few this year, including Vic. He could not attend due to scheduling, unfortunately. (It was pretty surreal to see him show up at the final staff meeting, though. I hope he enjoyed the cookies.)

That's about as much as I will say, though. The Hows and Whys of guest relations are very sensitive and very complicated.

Ah, I see. That's what I was wondering. So, when Vic said he'll be at Fanime 2012...would that be true then? And does Fanime have rules about gifts fans give to guests?
Quote1. Random staff member telling you something doesn't make it true.
That's what I was thinking.

Quote2. Why do you want Vic to go to Fanime? He goes to like... every con in existance, if you want to see him, why not go to AX since he goes... every single year.
The fact that I want Vic to come to Fanime is irrelevant. I don't go to AX because I can not afford it, which is also irrelevant.

I was hoping someone from Guest Relations or someone who actually knows could clear this up.
Ok, I'm confused about something. The weekend before FanimeCon was Big Wow Comic Fest. Vic Mignogna was one of the guests in attendance. He said that Fanime had asked him to attend, but he had a prior commitment to a con in Phoenix. However, he DID say he would be attending Fanime 2012. AWESOME.

Here's the problem.

When I was attending one of Seiji Mizushima's autograph sessions (Sunday I believe) I asked one of the Staff about that, and he said that Fanime usually DOES NOT reach out to domestic (English) Voice Actors as guests and is more international guest oriented. Also, he said that Vic Mignogna would have to ask Fanime to attend as a guest.

So...does this mean that some information has been mixed up? Is Vic Mignogna NOT attending in 2012, or is this guy just talking about stuff he doesn't know about?

[Edit by MPLe: Please read Tony's post clarifying that we do reach out to domestic and/or English guests. This edit is more for those that are reading this thread that might miss out on Tony's post]
QuoteI noticed a lot of rovers who either didn't know what they were doing or were 'drunk' on 'power'. I think better training and/or screening of rovers would be a good idea.

I dunno if they're willing to train their staff much, since it'd be taking time out of changing their rules at the last minute, not printing schedules, losing pre-reg badges, and telling people to not wear costumes based on a non-existent rule. (SJPD told my friend they had nothing to do with the rule about  "no military or law enforcement" costume rule, and that it was stupid.) Oh well, I think it's fair to say that Fanime staff has lost control and it's going to spiral down.
Quote from: Mayhem on May 30, 2011, 03:37:59 AM
Quote from: zeroelement on May 30, 2011, 02:09:08 AM
Its illegal in California (as far as i know) not just fanime rules. Mostly patches saying anything close is not liked and if its CPD or something like that they and you get in trouble.) They failed to tell everyone but they had to uphold the law. But yea dressing up like miliarty or cops is a BIG no no. Anime and video game ones are often clear they are not military. If your outfit was patchless/wordless (aka no U.S Army) and not 100% semi or current current it should of been fine.

Considering my back ground both in the military and Law enforcement ... I'm familiar with with the law it is not Illegal when it comes to military uniforms or even if I had put "US army" on my Costume which I didn't out of respect as I'm covered under several portions of 10 USC, Subtitle A, Part II, Chapter 45, Sections 771 and 772. and thanks to SCHACHT v. UNITED STATES I really don't have to worry about those exceptions.

With Law enforcement uniforms it gets a little more tricky as per California Penal Code Section 538d which clearly makes impersonation of a peace officer a Crime and This subdivision shall not apply if the uniform is to be used solely as a prop for a motion picture, television, video production, or a theatrical event, and prior written permission has been obtained from the identified law enforcement agency. You have to be careful with this even when it comes to Security and Security Officers.

There is no such state law that applies to military uniforms as costumes unless you use them to deliberately pass for military personnel such as to gain access to restricted military facilities.

Unlike Law enforcement The U.S. military has no authority over civilians outside of military installations unless martial law is declared.

Again my costume had nothing on it that said US ARMY, It simply had some funny milspec monkey patches and a Press and Photographer Name tape. this was a BDU that used the ACUPAT cammo Patern THIS IS NOT THE ACU UNIFORM USED BY THE UNITED STATES ARMY. No military in the word uses this Uniform and Popper had a very limited run on this SO you can no longer purchase this style of uniform You can however purchase the modern ACU uniform in ACUPAT Cammo at your local surplus store.

We still have people walking around in full cammo and even in modern uniforms. I saw a guy Walk around in a flight suite with captains rank and a a 1st Cavalry Division patch - something I would never have done unless I duplicating a specific Anime Character for accuracy. I even saw a guy in a raccoon city PD outfit (resident evil) compete with the word "Police" on it.

What got me jumped was the Cammo pattern my stuff uses. If I had been wearing ACUPAT Cammo Pajamas the would still have crawled up my Butt, However if they where woodland or real tree the Probably would have let me slide.

I had absolutely no prop weapons on me unless you count the Camera (Speed Grapher)

WHAT REALLY CHAPS MY REAR is we got no warning until after con started. at this point I'm already out allot of time and money I'm never going to get back.

Oh and  Army Regualtion 670-1 Does not apply to civilians.

Dude, careful. You don't want to bring logic into this. They might get mad. After I started thinking about it...complaining about Fanime is like talking to a brick wall. The only thing they end up doing is saying something like, "If you were displeased...VOLUNTEER!" I think Fanime is too big for them to handle and it's falling apart. Sooner or later, they're going to screw up enough where TOO MANY people are displeased.

I will grant them this. The things they DO get right generally outweigh the that's probably why not as many people notice.
Maybe Fanime is just getting too big for the staffers to handle?
Quote from: MPLe on May 29, 2011, 05:02:55 PM
You were not eligible for pre-reg if you paid after 11:59pm PST March 31, 2011. Looking at your record, I see one that is Pre-Reg and two that are Early-Reg. I know if you were the pre-reg or the one of the two early-regs.

Quote from: Himeno on May 28, 2011, 11:14:00 PMThere is one quick simple fix can can solve or improve many of the problems I have observed of the Fanime reg process.

Get rid of named badges.
You need a badge. You don't need a name on that badge.

I have been to conventions across 3 counties on 2 continents. I am high level staff at 2 conventions (eg, department head level) and have assisted in many areas (including reg) at a number of others. The conventions that have had names on their general attendance badges have had far more problems then the conventions that don't have names.
Badges having the name and not having the name does more harm than good. When we print the label that gets put on there or print the laminated badges, the name being on there doesn't add any additional time.
Did you mean to say that NOT having names printed on laminated badges does more harm than good? Cause the way it came out made zero sense. The other cons I've been to gives you a standard laminated badge, and a nylon wristband that once clasped, can't be removed, unless you cut it off, and that would be the purchaser's fault, not the convention staff's.

QuotePlease keep in mind that there may be different laws affecting what can and can't go on a badge, which may cause one convention's viewpoint/operation to differ from another one.
With Sac Anime being in the same state as Fanime, I don't know how different the laws would be.