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Messages - Rainbow Ichi

Quote from: "Kava"From what it sounds like, you're only definitely going on Saturday, and -maybe- on Sunday? Since the weekend pass would be $55, and one-day passes are $30 each for Sat. and Sun. I'd probably recommend just getting the weekend pass. It'll save you $5 for the second day, and that way you won't have to stand in line at registration again on Sunday.

C'mon... you -know- you wanna go both days. Besides... the masquerade is on Sunday this year. =)

yay! Thanks for the advice :D *glomps*

D: I don't think I can go to that masquerade :( I got no classy clothes, and I can't stay in the evening, as i need my rest for work the following day.
6. should i get the weekend pass or the day pass?

I'm having thoughts of probably wanting to stay up late on saturday evening. It has never crossed my mind that you can do an all-nighter when i was trying to conceptualize my first con.

Anyways here's my possible schedule:
Friday if i could get off work early, i could just run to the SJCC, line up, buy ticket and go home and sleep.
Saturday bring my goban game, check things out(and check the location of the toilets first in case of emergency :P ) , watch the Go demo and participate in introducing the game of Go to anyone willing to learn. roam around, check out what's that artist colony and the goodies ^_^
tabletop gaming on 8pm, arcades!, karaoke, watch anime and so on.. prolly go home at around 12pm or so
Sunday May or may not go, if ever asleep for a long time :p
MondayCant go, my work does not tolerate holidays other than Thanksgiving and Xmas :(
General Convention Discussion / survival tips
May 12, 2007, 09:52:03 PM


In my mind, i think I'll be bringing two bags. One for tabletop gaming, and one for my food/entertainment/camera/paper and whatnot.

It does get bulky, is there some sort of storage system in Fanime?
I have a Go Board, bought it last year out of fun because I like Hikaru no Go. I know the Basics. Want me to bring it? Its a li'l bulky tho as its board is big, even if its not thick D:
Quote from: "RyuHayabusa"
Quote from: "Eri"
As long as you're not soliciting anything and not being pushy about handing out the bookmarks, you should be fine.

Plus if you want to meet people from  this here boards, like me or Eri, just look inside the gatherings forum. There will be a fanime board panel on monday. Just come in and say hi. We from the Fanimafia, don't bite :D(we're very friendly people) or look for a gathering thread and stuff. :D

Okay D: erm, what are panels? o_o..

Quote from: "madmanlotar"Bringing your own food should not be a problem if you are planning to eat while you watch movies and anime.  You should be mindful of trash though.
Yay! :) I wont make a mess, so long there's a trashcan/bin nearby.

Quote from: "IamTetsuo"You won't get kicked out of the video rooms with your one day pass after midnight, but you won't be able to get into the dealer room, art show room, panels, and every other room that requires you to show your pass at the door once they open back up in the morning.

Trust me one day isn't enough, you'll be begging for more if you don't go for the whole weekend (hell you'll be begging for more even if you go for the whole weekend!)

As far as food goes, you won't get harrased for bringing a pack lunch for yourself.  Just don't bring food to sell, you'll get in big trouble for that.

hmm, I would be probably attending only the Saturday and Sunday one, my boss says we still work on monday :( but definitely saturday, if i'm tired, no sunday :|

oh, and I'm just one bus and light rail from the convention, i won't be needing a hotel i suppose. But i'd love the idea if ever the FanimeCon staff would make a 'weekend' pass of saturday and sunday, 30$ might be too much for me, paying another might double its effect.

I won't push, i'll be giving people i meet with a bookmark and meishi as a thank you ^_^

By the way, i've scouted the convention center and checked on the spots me and my bro could enter, took pictures so we don't get lost :) This was last saturday. (also test run on how long does one trip take from con to home, home to con) It was fun :) but yeah very spacious

5. Is the MusicFest Free?
Ideas and Suggestions / Taiko drums
May 07, 2007, 10:24:50 PM
Yes I think there is, they performed at the Nikkei Matsuri 2007and was awarded by a placard by a representative of the Mayor of San Jose.

In my Opinion, it was very fun. Do Include Taiko performances :)

Here are the pictures:

I'm Rainbow Ichi and I've been living here in US for about 2-3 years(legally mind you*flashes green card*) and I've never had the courage to come to any con due to financial things.

Anyways, I have visited some cons held back where I came from, and we always had a hard time because we: 1: always run out of food. 2: not much seats to sit on. 3: there's probably 40 Official vendors selling and only 10 indie(individual/self-sufficient) booths to check out, I could probably finish passing through them in 5 hours's time. 4: Its hot, even if the airconditioner's at full blast.

Ah well. I've read the survival tips and It seems to help :)
Would anyone entertain some of my questions which did not seem to be answered by the 'search' button.

1. How long does a One-day Pass last? __am-__pm ?

2. What's the Art Show O_o? Just pay and display and leave it there?

3. I've seen the Video Marathon list, judging from that I wanna watch overnight soaking myself on anime and Asian films, Is food allowed inside? And When my entrance badge ends while i'm watching, will I be kicked out?

4. Is it okay to like..give out freebie bookmarks me and my friends worked on to everyone i meet? (promoting here...ehehe ^^;;)

More questions soon..........
