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Messages - DreamHalliwell

Hello People

I am Rudy and I am 24 years old male. my fav. anime is Loveless and 4th year going to this event. There for I am looking for anyone that has place. Preferably other males and Preferably at the Hilton or Marriott.

I am willing to talk costs, Free to PM me
Hotel and Facilities / ROOMATE WATED
April 02, 2014, 11:04:46 PM

Roommate wanted

I have a room with a spare bed at Motel 6 in downtown San Jose. The motel is only 1 mile away from the convention center. If you can drive that's plus for me and there will  be no charge for the room it's paid in full already.I just want to meet new people, this will be my second con by the way. if you want to contact me send then send me a message on here and I will give you my Skype information.
I would like to be Princess Luna..if there isnt one already
I would to Join in on this. I love miss rarity
Hotel and Facilities / POsted other
March 10, 2014, 09:39:50 PM
Please read the other post I posed here