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Messages - StevenSavage

Really glad to run the Self-Publishing panel again, so I had a thought - if folks are interested.

Perhaps here, on Meetup, Facebook, etc. we could make a Fanime Self-Publishers group.  We can chat, meet, and keep in touch year round - and it fuels more efforts at the con.  Looking for any thoughts on that.
Would it be possible to make a kind of #VirtualFanime where we still do some panels and such?  It'd be nice to have something.

I signed up to do three panels, and am glad to kick up Zoom and go virtual.
OK I submitted BOTH panels!  Let's see if it works!  The idea is to do self-pub first, then marketing after!
Panels and Workshops / Self-Publishing Panels For 2018
January 07, 2019, 07:30:10 PM
Hey all, me and the crew usually do a Self-Publishing panel each year.

This time, beyond the basics, we want to do a second one on Marketing, to talk things like mailing lists, AMS and more.  To help out I'd like to know what you'd like to see on both:
1) General self-publishing.  We've got a LOT to cover with recent changes.
2) Marketing.  I plan to focus broadly.
Ideas and Suggestions / Self-Publishing Panels
November 03, 2018, 12:23:33 PM
Hey folks, each year I and some folks run a Self-Publishing Panel - and we usually cover the basics.  I wanted to see if:

1) Folks want to see the same basic panel again - we're all for it of course!
2) If you want any specific subjects like book covers, editing, and so on.
3) If you'd like an "advanced" panel on things like marketing and sales.
Hey why not, thanks!
So with panels opening, anyone still interested in this?
My thoughts would be:
1) General mindset.
2) Role in fandom.
3) Stuff we want and why.
4) Why we're here.

I'm an elder geek hitting 50 in awhile.  I've been involved in fandom on and off since my teens, so got a lot to talk on, inclluding evolving roles.
Wondered if there'd be any interest in this.  I'm an old-school geek to the point I joke about it.  But the love doesn't stop with age. 
Thanks for both responses - Pharoah, sorry I didn't respond sooner.

We've started "baking" scams into our general talks.  But Marketing and platform building sound good.

Maybe a two parter - general self-publishing and marketing/platform building.
I was part of a self-publishing group that spoke at Fanime 2017 about, well, self-publishing.  We've been moving forward, speaking elsewhere, developing a written guide, and more.  So I'd like to see what folks would like to have the crew talk about in 2018!  A few thoughts:

PUBLISHING DETAILS - Forget writing or what software, the hard details on publishing, formatting, distribution.
MARKETING - All the marketing and promotional tricks and techniques people can try.
COVER ART - This is a CONSTANT area of discussion and has been big at various incarnations of this panel, so why not a whole presentation on it.
WRITING TECHNIQUES - Writing that novel on TIME and WELL.
AUTHOR PLATFORMS - Setting up websites, mailing lists, and more.

So, self-pub enthusiasts and hopefuls, what do you want to see?

Panels and Workshops / Re: 2017 Panel Requests!
April 10, 2017, 07:25:51 PM
Sounds interesting - especially with the sylizied options.  Have they chosen all the panels?
Panels and Workshops / Re: 2017 Panel Requests!
April 03, 2017, 08:28:16 PM
Well if you can put in the good word please do!  I can arrange one on short notice ;)
Panels and Workshops / Re: 2017 Panel ideas
February 25, 2017, 08:30:44 PM
Thanks for your encouragement folks.  I've submitted for the Sailor Moon panel and will do so for the Self-Publishing one.
Quote from: gwello on February 11, 2017, 03:29:54 PM
Quote from: DragonScholar on January 12, 2017, 07:19:12 PM
Thought of doing one on AU's and variant settings?  Might be an interesting panel.

I've seen a lot of fanfiction 101s that are more about writing basics than anything particular to fanfics.
I totally dig this idea. It speaks to the fluid nature of fanfics!

I actually write on worldbuilding - original stuff usually - but I think I could contribute to an AU panel easily.  It'd also let us explore the idea of what fanfic is and can do!

And I've seen an Overwatch-as-battling-bakeries fanworld . . .
Panels and Workshops / Re: 2017 Panel ideas
January 31, 2017, 08:55:10 PM
Thanks!  Be sure to back us when we propose this! 

maybe we could string together multiple older anime panels into a row.
Thought of doing one on AU's and variant settings?  Might be an interesting panel.

That is a great idea!  Two panels, one after the other with a nice break!  I'll bounce it off of my possible team of people.

Any reccomendations on "selling" this idea to the staff so they select it?
Shouldn't be too hard.  The outline I'm looking at would be:
1) Basic ideas and marketing.
2) Professional-level writing/completing (based on goal)
3) Proper writing tools.
4) Basic conversion.
5) Covers and more.
6) Putting it together.
7) Getting it out.
8) Promotion.

I had proposed this earlier, but thought I'd make a separate thread - who'd want to see a nuts-and-bolts self publishing panel.

I'm doing one for AODSF, and it wouldn't be hard to export it to Fanime depending on the internest of the crew on it.  We've got 1 non-fiction author, 3 fiction, and a game designer.

So would anyone want an event like that that goes to the hard-core execution, from finding time to formatting for Kindle?  Would an hour be enough as I can easily see it being two parts or two hours.  What would people want to see?