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Messages - ICosplayNeji

Man this is going to be so much fun!

Hm, yeah, where ARE all the Bleach peeps?
ElvenArcher from here! Vincent's full outfit won't be done on time :'(

But I will have Cerberus and the claw/gauntlet. I'll just be wearing the headband, a button-up dress shirt, some slacks, a red tie, and some dress shoes.
AW MAN! I haven't been here in FOREVER!  If you still need people for checkers, I'm up for it!  :)

In regards to the latest chapter, MY MAN NEJI IS BACK! And he speaks! WOO!  ;D lol
On those cosplaying Vincent Valentine, you can change Haku_Hyuuga to ICosplayNeji. Haku_Hyuuga is my name ^^
Just to let you know, on those being Hibari, I'm on there twice. I'm both ICosplayNeji and Haku_Hyuuga. Sorry 'bout that! You can take the username off ^^
I might be there as L, not really sure, but I might ^__^
I'll definitely be at Fanime, but I might be at a FFVII gathering. I want to try and make it as Hibari Kyoya though if I can! ^__^
Thanks a bunch!  :D
Ooooh a Naruto Gathering! If everything works out, this will be my first Fanime! Me and My cosplay group are going. I'll be cosplaying Shippuden Neji ^__^ As the con get's closer, I'll post who the rest of out group is. Who they cosplay depends on if they are ready on time lol.