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Quote from: Vasyenka on May 16, 2014, 10:11:50 PM
So I needn't submit anything else, just print it/fill it out and bring it to the con (I've already paid for my spot~)? My apologies, I just want to be extra sure!

yes. You'll be turning in 2 forms during check-in: the BoE form and the Swap Meet Agreement form
Quote from: Vasyenka on May 16, 2014, 10:03:57 PM
I've never sold at a swap meet in California before, but I have some questions!

1) Since I am not selling anything handmade nor do I sell frequently, to clarify I am able to put EXEMPT on my Seller's Permit form, right?

2) The next step in regards to this says "However, you must also contact the Swap Meet staff, and submit California's BOE-410-D form to claim this status.". Does this mean I e-mail the BOE-410-D form to the Swap Meet staff? Are they the only ones I send this to, or am I supposed to send that form elsewhere as well?

I'm really sorry if these questions are simple, but as I've said I've never sold in California (I'm from New Mexico), so this is my first time for dealing with this sort~ ;w; Thank you so much in advance!

1) yes
2) just fill it out and bring it with you, you'll turn it in during the check-in process
correct email entered for the actual badge registration?
Quote from: PacificPikachu on May 16, 2014, 09:33:48 PM
How did you manage to do that? Did you receive an e-mail, or refresh the page, or...?

yeah, left the page open and refreshed it. Didn't get any email or anything telling me I was clear for step 6 or anything
Quote from: kill3rsushi on May 16, 2014, 09:21:37 PM
Hey there, sorry to be an ass, but I'd like to formally complain about how this just went down. I was sitting there refreshing the forums and events page like an idiot only to find out second hand from a friend via text message that the link was posted somewhere (FACEBOOK???) and now I am waitlisted. I didn't even stand a chance of getting in because I wasn't looking in the right places.

I'd have to agree with this, the only reason I managed to get in on it just in time was because I decided to check twitter for a possible update. The first post of this thread was not updated, nor was the main Fanime site entry at

On a different note, I can say I completed the process for payment and got the links for the 2 forms we'll be needing.
Quote from: Decantus on May 16, 2014, 08:05:09 PM
Hello Everyone,

When entering your badge ID, please instead use your Confirmation number from the email that was sent to you by Badge Registration.

Sorry for the confusion.

Yep, did that, still waiting at step 5. Has anybody completed the process yet or has everybody already given up and gone to do other things on a Friday night?
Quote from: Michi on May 16, 2014, 07:36:49 PM
Quote from: Anon on May 16, 2014, 07:35:57 PM
Quote from: Michi on May 16, 2014, 07:34:00 PM
I'm #818 and got wait listed for Friday.

ouch, you got in a few places after me, I got in on both days w/ no wait list

:( I'm at ACen with no wifi struggling to connect, it really sucked!

Ack that sucks, sorry. Hey, while we're here waiting on the whole step 5, how is ACen, compared to Fanime? I think I want to go next year if GSC is going to be selling wonfes exclusive/early figures like they did this year. Is it larger scale and stuff? Whats the surrounding area like?

On topic for the thread: I doubt they'd be doing the checks by hand to confirm legit registrations in the swap meet db vs the con registration db, so I'm guessing their systems had a communication error along the way?
Quote from: Michi on May 16, 2014, 07:34:00 PM
I'm #818 and got wait listed for Friday.

ouch, you got in a few places in their DB after me, I got in on both days w/ no wait list
Quote from: Oniko on May 16, 2014, 07:28:23 PM
Oops, lost track of time and forgot.
Well I got thursday at least.

Question:  Fiance wants to help me at swap meet.  Is he considered a helper status or a seller status?  In AA they dont need permits, this is why I ask.  Also I would like to add him, only found out after he can help.

put him down as a helper on your occasional sellers agreement
Quote from: ash on May 16, 2014, 07:22:11 PM
im stuck on step 4 it wont let me accept the agreement

scroll to the almost bottom, tick the box, then hit the ok button with whatever it says on it
step 5'd, +1

and wow, 13-ish minutes to fill up Friday night already?
Quote from: Decantus on May 12, 2014, 07:39:40 PM
My options were, SJ Civic Center, Fairmont Hotel, or South Hall.  Fairmont is too far away, and all of your concerns apply more so to it.  South Hall we would close at 10:30pm so there would be no point having Swap Meet.

As for the release time, the best laid plans often go awry.  At this point, it's more important to be able to get everyone reg'd and not have an At-Con Snafu.

I don't know, for the past few years, things really slow down after the 10pm hour. If doors open to the public for sales at 6 or 6:30, 3.5-4 hours of sales pretty much gets all the major sales out the door, the only ones that come at the late night hours are the wishy-washy buyers who have mind battles with their bank accounts and credit cards. My point is would closing up at 10:30pm be such a bad thing? Or, by 10:30pm do you mean everything locked up and everybody, even sellers, are to be removed from the premises?
Quote from: Ecchi ja Nai on May 12, 2014, 06:33:21 PM
I do recall from an earlier response that Decantus mentioned it's $30 (per space) per day.  He's still being coy regarding the size of the spaces, though.

I can only hope the spot sizes don't shrink any further from the 5'x10'. Price increases I think I could deal with (begrudgingly), but shrinking the spot to a square shorter than I am tall is kinda cramped, to say the least

Quote from: Ecchi ja Nai on May 12, 2014, 06:20:11 PM
I know it's going to seem like there's just no pleasing some people, or at least no pleasing this guy, but I'm kinda disappointed with the location.  First and foremost, did anyone not find lugging stuff across the street and over the light rail tracks bothersome?  I remember two years ago when swap meet was at the Fairmont, there was a mass of people crossing the street with stuff both before and after, so I would think it's a fair assumption that the majority of sellers are either staying at one of the attached hotels or at least park in the convention center lot.  Even without boxes and luggage and the like, there's always a herd of people crossing at that intersection anyway; why would you have the event at a removed location, strictly from a safety standpoint?

And given that the expansion work on the convention center was just completed, is any of that new space being put to use during the con?  Or perhaps the carpets in the new ballrooms are still too nice to let people trample all over it.

Speaking of the Fairmont, I'm trying to recall the relative size of space that was available there.  Even without that second room open on Friday, I think there was still more floor space there than what the civic center offers.  It's hard to judge, though, because even though I wind up there every year for MusicFest, the floor's already full of chairs, mixing equipment and people.  Can't find any definitive dimensions to compare, especially since I'm hashing this out at work, but I could be wrong on this one.

Obviously not everyone is able to book a room at one of the attached hotels, nor will everyone be able to find parking in the garage, but I still think it's a mistake to have swap meet anywhere else but in the convention center itself, or the south hall were it possible.  The less need for people to cross San Carlos street, the better, and I'm sure cross traffic would appreciate it as well.

I share your concerns as well, for the sake of safety concerns of crossing areas, unloading and loading before and after the swap meet, and to bring up safety concerns again, many people did not feel safe having to go near that park area late at night. As for the size, I can't really comment as I've never set foot in the civic center, but I sure hope its big enough to hold both the sellers and the HUGE amount of people that come on the Friday night of sales. Don't want another fire hazard issue with capacity being maxed out like 3 years ago in the gaming hall.

There's also the fact that its totally disconnected from the convention center. I know every year I see people lined up across the street for something, and I think to myself, "huh, what's going on over there? I could go over there and check... nah, that's all the way across the street, nevermind." In 2012, I remember hearing people say they didn't even know there was a swap meet going on at a different location. Granted the Fairmont was a little farther than across the street, but not connected to the convention center just isn't convenient enough when it comes to making people come to spend money.

Unfortunately, I think we're probably too late in voicing these concerns, as I imagine making any change in venue would be impossible at this point. Maybe its just my own assumption but the swap meet sort of has the bottom of the totem pole feeling when it comes to the various events at Fanime, and whatever venue they have to pick from is the leftovers... well, except for last year though, last year's location was friggin' awesome.

Quote from: Decantus on May 12, 2014, 07:28:55 PM
You'll be flying an awful long time then.  I haven't said when it will be.

Didn't you say you would have it opened up on a Saturday around the noontime hour?
Just so we're clear, and for those with poor reading comprehension, you're talking about the City National Civic, the theater looking place across the street and separate from the convention center?
As long as you're just selling at the swap meet and not at artists alley as well, unless the process had changed from the past half decade, and unless you sell more than twice a year, you do not need to get an official ca state sales permit. You will be filling out an occasional sellers permit. The form is usually linked to during/after the swap meet registration process. You will then turn it in during check in.

This should quell your issue of needing to share your swap meet forms with a separate seller. If you DID put them on your form, then both of you would share your single space.
I might be up for this, time/day?
almost all of those questions were answered in the first post, but for S&Gs I can try to answer your questions MDmion with the information gathered from this years and previous years swap meet threads:

- yes, you need to register to get a space. Day zero is a badgeless day however, so if you're registered with the con and have proof of who you are, you can set up to sell.
- Sales permit: you will be given a form for a temporary sellers permit upon swap meet registration allowing you to sell at the swap meet. Same as it's been for years.
- if you have your friend marked on your sellers permit form as your assistant, then yes.
- registration for the swap meet is not up yet. Decantus said in an earlier post that it will open either next Saturday or the following Saturday at around noon
Quote from: Decantus on May 02, 2014, 10:04:21 AM
No display stands.  People keep trying to get around this and my ruling is now iron clad, it has to be on the floor or you will be asked to fix that, this WILL be enforced.

It both pleases and pains me to hear this, but at least the rule is laid out. Going to have to pick and choose what to put up for sale throughout the night for those of us with big collections of stuff.

On another note it sounds like you've got a general idea of the areas the swap meet will take place, will max capacity be an issue as it has become over the past few years? Last year even though the entire area wasn't filled with sellers, that Friday night was packed as tight as I'd seen, even more-so that one Friday night from a few years ago we were still sharing the 24hr gaming hall.

...oh lord, PLEASE tell me we're not sharing the space with the gaming hall once again...
lol every year the whole dolly discussion is brought up, and every year people always question why and/or try to find the magic loophole. Since everybody always asks, I guess the next logical question that nobody ever bothered asking will be:

How do we go about actually hiring the union staff to move items to/from cars if the load is too much for a single person to handle?
Just thought I'd leave a little feedback regarding the swap meet, as I haven't seen any from some of the other more vocal sellers, but I would like to say thanks to the staff for a relatively flawless execution this year for at-the-event. I'm guessing you guys aren't seeing many critiques due to the fact that there really weren't any to mention regarding the event from a seller's viewpoint.

The actual registration for the event felt a little rushed, but I imagine that's because you guys got an all new db running to cross-check registrations. If you guys could get the whole reg process in place in some time like Feb or March, some of the other sellers who decided not to go this year would more likely attended.

I think my only complaint would be the fact that I was once again accused of being a retail dealer selling at the swap meet. I have been selling at the Fanime swap meet since the mid 2000's off and on prior to 2007, and almost every year from 2008 and on. I know how to prepare and sell at the event, how to set up a make-shift display with what we bring in. Presentation is everything in sales, and I try to make everything as pretty as I can. This year, I was politely informed yet again that my display was "too well set up", and to break it down when possible, and we complied. I don't really have any suggestion or proposition to present, just a little something I wanted to get off my chest.

Several years ago my friend painstakingly hunted out a refridgerator box for us to bring our stuff in for sales, which was ok'd during check-in and setup, but halfway through the night we were told to knock it down to waist level. Begrudgingly my friend complied, his beloved transformer box had to be nixed. The following year, the box made a return, in a new waist-high form. Again, it was OKd at check in and during the pre-sales check the swap meet staff do before letting loose the customers upon us, and again halfway through the night we were told to take it down a notch.

I hate to think that people are expected to lay things on the ground to have people step on while trying to reach further back in to our slowly-decreasing-in-size-yet-increasing-in-price stalls for the item they want to buy.

Speaking of the crowd, thanks again to the staff for giving us ample time for setting up and preparing for the swarm.