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Topics - Rainbow Ichi

Panels and Workshops / Watercolor Basics Panel
March 27, 2018, 09:57:42 AM
I am curious if anyone would be interested in a watercolor basics panel. More like a paint-along at the last 30 mins of the panel if possible . I'm thinking it might be a 2-hour panel if that were the case.

I've seriously started learning (rather waterdoodling) 2 years ago, and its been a blast! And guess where it started? Yes. Fanime. When Kuretake had a booth and I wanted to try watercolors again (I've tried many years ago but it didn't work out too well....but it turns out its because I've been using the WRONG PAPER the entire time). I was pretty hesitant, and my friend just said GO FOR IT. And I did, and I enjoyed the experience when I used better quality materials.

I have a youtube channel posting some of my waterdoodles:

I'm thinking of discussing:

• thumbnailing and preparing for your final work
• watercolor paper choices
• tubes or pans? choosing your watercolors
• how much water is too much water?
• staining and non-staining watercolors (but seriously I go ahead with them anyway)
• inking
• finishing/finalizing

I'm thinking maybe just teaching/showing the basic techniques:

• Flat wash
• Glazing
• wet on wet
• wet on dry
• gradation

And then if anyone's interested in bringing watercolors they can bring their own stuff like:

• 1 pre-drawn piece on watercolor paper
• 3-4 sheets of watercolor paper
• cup for holding water and a bottle of any water (I use tap) OR bring a waterbrush
• tissues/ paper towels - lots of them or at least 3 sheets
• your own watercolors - doesn't matter what type. Tube users just bring a pallete with you.
• 3 sheets of old newspaper - to keep from making a huge mess on the table

Stuff that I recommend to bring but not required to bring:

Watercolor paper : anything with at least 185gsm/90lbpaper or higher. strathmore series 200 and up watercolor paper (doesn't matter if cold press or hotpress) you can get a 30-sheet pad of the series 200 for $5+ in Aaron Brothers. My preference is the Strathmore 400 series 12-sheet pad. Normally costs $12 in Michaels or you can get them on a good sale at Aaron Brothers.

Watercolor Brushes : I don't recommend Artist Loft.... or even the Daiso brush sets.  If a single regular 6 round brush costs at least $5 or more then that's fine you don't need a lot of brushes anyway - you'll be fine with just 2 brushes - one big ...say round 8 and one smal...say round 4. Don't get a brush set that costs $5 entirely, you'll be disappointed. Even a Royal and Langlicker set of 4 brushes for $12 is decent.

Watercolors : Again.. I don't recommend Artist Loft, buf if you really want to go cheap, try getting the Daiso watercolor Tube set for $1.50. If you pick anything better, I recommend trying Winsor and Newton Cotman. WnN cotman tubes cost $5 for 8ml tube, so just pick 3 primary colors. If you're choosing primaries, please make sure that if you get a Cool red (close to purple red) - get a cool yellow (not an orangey yellow) and cool blue (nothing violet-y on the blue) colored tube. Same if you get a warm set, pick warm colors - reddish red, orangey yellow, slightly purplish blue

So...what do you think?
I noticed last year, there's a small place with chairs facing each other in a small divider at the Gaming Hall. I went in there and was able to play 1 pokemon battle with someone, which was fun. I think I appreciate that being there. Think it will be around this year?

Also if its not too much to ask, a power strip or two for gamers who need to charge while battling/trading would do wonders!

I'm bringing my Fire Emblem: Awakening and Kid Icarus on my 3DS this year. We might need a table for the Kid Icarus game...
I guess this is the section where you post what you lost at Fanime 2010 in the hope of retrieving it. Someone sticky it when possible.

My bro lost my camera at Dealer's Hall, its a Sanyo Xacti silver in color, strapped to the black casing, white strap's already a little fluffy on one section (due to overuse)

I already reported it at ConOps, but there hasn't been any news Q-Q

If found, please contact me thru PM or email, thanks!!

Mod edit: email helpATfanimeDOTcom lostATfanimeDOTcom
I was browsing around artist alley sunday when I found your table.
You made awesome bunny scarfs and I wanted to purchase one, but I was short on money, however I asked if you will still be around for Monday Artist Alley, which I couldn't come, can't excuse myself for it either.

Is there anyone who can remember her contact/business card, so I could still buy from her, wherever she may be located?

Hotel and Facilities / Hotel Questions
January 14, 2008, 10:34:39 PM
I have never reserved through the Fanime website yet. But i have a couple of questions.

1. Once I reserve through the website, is it cancellable?
2. Can I reserve on my own rather then through the website?
3. I'm just one person reserving, my bro's reserving on his own separate room, is it advisable to grab a double bedded 1-room or just one?
4. Risks of sharing a room?

*will add more soon*

I'm Rainbow Ichi and I've been living here in US for about 2-3 years(legally mind you*flashes green card*) and I've never had the courage to come to any con due to financial things.

Anyways, I have visited some cons held back where I came from, and we always had a hard time because we: 1: always run out of food. 2: not much seats to sit on. 3: there's probably 40 Official vendors selling and only 10 indie(individual/self-sufficient) booths to check out, I could probably finish passing through them in 5 hours's time. 4: Its hot, even if the airconditioner's at full blast.

Ah well. I've read the survival tips and It seems to help :)
Would anyone entertain some of my questions which did not seem to be answered by the 'search' button.

1. How long does a One-day Pass last? __am-__pm ?

2. What's the Art Show O_o? Just pay and display and leave it there?

3. I've seen the Video Marathon list, judging from that I wanna watch overnight soaking myself on anime and Asian films, Is food allowed inside? And When my entrance badge ends while i'm watching, will I be kicked out?

4. Is it okay to like..give out freebie bookmarks me and my friends worked on to everyone i meet? (promoting here...ehehe ^^;;)

More questions soon..........
