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Topics - Admiral Donuts

Registration / When are the price Deadlines?
January 18, 2017, 04:49:21 PM
The FAQ talks about deadlines, but doesn't mention what they are...
Fanime will be accepting Artist Alley applications starting Friday, 06 November.
Let the FanimeCon 2016 countdown begin!

Only 366 days until Day 0 on the 26th of May, 2016.

Best thing I did last year after Fanime '14 was make notes on what to do different and it worked out well. I left behind stuff I didn't need and ate better because of it.

Anybody thinking in advance for next year?
Gaming / Dice Masters
January 19, 2015, 06:23:39 PM
Anyone been playing this game? I got into mainly because of the Marvel license.
Ideas and Suggestions / Breakable Lanyards
June 05, 2014, 04:01:34 PM
I noticed my friends had a tough time getting their badges on and off at gatherings because their costumes involved wigs.

Has Fanime ever considered using "breakable" style lanyards? The kind with a clip on the back of the neck for easier removal?
About the forums / Table borders
June 01, 2014, 01:28:30 PM
Can the forum code be tweeked so the table bbcode displays visible borders?
Ideas and Suggestions / Suggested Signage
May 30, 2014, 10:17:26 PM
It was mentioned by two or three people at closing ceremonies that finding their way around was difficult (even with the maps) and signage would be appreciated. Here's an example of what I think would be a useful sign, designed with it being posted up in the vicinity of Stage Zero.

Obviously I'm no graphic designer but you get the gist.
Here are some points I picked up from the closing ceremonies:

The current chairs have finished their run, next year's chair will be Will Warriner [chair six years ago] co-chair will be Eric Wu, aka ewu.

The new hotel process that was dropped this year, the one requiring a badge to get a room, may be implemented next year. A decision is yet to be made.

The theme for next year will be "mythology". There was nothing more said about it, but I'm guessing it's along the lines of Greek and Roman mythology. Toga party, anyone?

Mod edit: chair history, cuz i can:) and try Japanese Mythology:)
The Shuttle schedule has been posted:
FanimeCon 2014 is going to be awesome, post all the awesome ways in which it's going to be awesome.

Awesome to the max.

  • I'm gonna plop down a bunch of money for magic cards and build a deck or two.
  • I'm gonna make fun of Cartoon All-stars with people
  • I'm gonna go to Clockwork Alchemy and junk
  • Probably other stuff!
Quote from: pandadahboi on May 05, 2014, 10:05:14 PM
Also I'm pickky so try not to be ugly.
I'm not looking for money just company.
I believe in an open world so Must have acceptance to gays.

But what about ugly gays?
Buy/Sell/Trade / [WTB] Magic the Gathering cards
April 24, 2014, 12:06:59 AM
I got back into playing Magic after a twenty year hiatus and I'm looking to expand my library. If anybody brings singles for sale to swap meet I'll probably browse, but I'm also looking to make some kind of bulk purchase. If you've got a mixed collection of cards you want to offload at once, let me know.
Just a heads-up to anyone who hasn't registered yet, after midnight on March 31st the price for early registration is going to jump up to $75 instead of the current $55 $65.

$75 is the at-con price so starting Tuesday the only advantage to early registration will be Day 0 badge pick-up.

Source is the official FAQ:,18937.0.html

Edit: vThanks, fixed.
I combed through the forums and got a list of e-mail addresses and compiled them for use. add ATfanimeDOTcom (with proper symbols) to the end of the addresses.

   Department      Address   
   Art Gallery      artshow   
   Artist Alley      artistalley   
   Black and White Ball      bwball   
   ConOps      conops   
   Content      content   
   Cosplay Gatherings      gatherings   
   Dances      dance   
   Dealers Hall      dealers   
   eGaming      eGaming   
   Fanimaid Cafe      maidcafe   
   FMV contest      fmv   
   Game Show      gameshow   
   Gaming Hall      games   
   Guest Relations      GR   
   Housing      [email protected]   
   Lost and Found      lost   
   Marketing      marketing   
   Masquerade      cosplay   
   Panels      panels   
   Publications      publications   
   Registration      registration (also [email protected])   
   Rovers      rovers   
   Speed Dating      speeddating   
   stagezero      stagezero   
   Swap Meet      swapmeet   
   Tabletop Gaming      tabletop   
   Video Programming      video   
   Volunteers      volunteers   

Also, some Twitter accounts:


Mod edit: antispam, remove non-department email

User edit: If you're going to edit the e-mails for anti-spam you should take note that I got every single one of them from this board in the usual format.  :-\
So I decided to put together a calender so people could easily get an idea about when what gathering is happening. If you're planning a gathering and haven't found a day or time yet, it might be useful for you.

Not all gatherings are on there, and times and locations are, as usual, subject to change. Always check the gathering thread for the most up-to-date information. All gatherings I've put in the calender include the URL for the forum thread in the description.

Web version, if you just want to view :

Google Calender version, if you're a Google Calender and/or Android user:

ICAL download:

XML script:

I'll try to keep it updated as gatherings get added/updated. If I've made a mistake or you have any comments or questions, send me a PM or drop me an e-mail, [email protected]
For hotel questions that you don't want to make a full discussion thread about.

For the official Hotel FAQ, please see the CMR Hotel FAQ.

FanimeCon 2014 Housing

2013 Hotel FAQ Thread (Updated 3/2/12)

There's a lot of questions about shuttles in this sub-forum, here's what the official FAQ has to say:

Q: Is my hotel on the Convention Shuttle route?
A: Doubletree San Jose, San Jose Airport Hotel, and the Holiday Inn San Jose Airport are the only hotels on the complimentary shuttle route.

Q: Will the Shuttle take me to other places besides the Convention?
A: The Convention Shuttle only travels between the hotels and the convention site, and possibly meeting-related venues. Please check your onsite program materials.

Q: Do I have to pay to ride the Convention Shuttle?
A: No. So long as you have made your reservation through FanimeCon 2014 Housing service, the Convention Shuttle is a complimentary service provided for your convenience.

Q: How often does the Shuttle run?
A: Schedules may vary, but are posted in the lobby of hotels served by the shuttle.

Questions I have:
Do all the Hilton rooms have mini-fridges?
Do they allow alcohol around the Hilton pool?
Do Hilton TVs have HDMI input?
I was thinking about getting a room for the con, but I don't need one for every night. Can you get a room for just two or three nights, or do you have to get it for the whole con?
One of the oddest one shot manga I've seen... Read it here.

You know you want to.
Renovations are complete! I'll be curious to see what's changed for 2014. 169,957 square feet of new space!

The neatest thing is probably the new steps outside the main entrance, they look like they're a great spot to take group photos.

Synopsis of the changes
Photo album of changes
Video of renovations and interviews
New floorplans (.PDF)
time lapse video of reconstruciton
So I started a Google Calender for Fanime 2013. It's 100% unofficial and fan-made, but I plan on adding events as times get announced on the forums.

XML Version
HTML Version
iCal download

I didn't like separate schedules for panels, gatherings, and stuff liek registration times and swap meet, so I created my own to amalgamate everything. I don't even know if I'm going to 2013, but I plan on maintaining this for as long as I can/until the official schedule comes out.

Who knows, if it works out well, it might get official backing...

I'm going to be monitoring the forums and website to cram as much information as possible into this thing, but if you have any additions, send an e-mail to [email protected]
Geocaching is a game that's played all over the world, a treasure hunt that anybody can get in on as both a hider and a seeker. There are over 1.5 Million Geocaches hidden worldwide, with over 5 million players.

To play you need some form of way to navigate to provided co-ordinates, a GPS is by far the easiest and most common, but for most urban areas you can try to find them just by looking at the map; smartphone apps are also available for ~$10 if you don't want to shell out for a GPS.

Anybody else here do it? I might hide a cache near Fanime Con 2012, probably bring along a trackable or two.

I'm not from here! I have my own customs! Look at my crazy passport!

As someone who comes from the distant country of Canada, land of maple syrup and igloos and hockey, I wonder if there are any other Canadians who attend FanimeCon, or if they're all just Axis Powers fans. So! I figure why not get everyone in the same place and snap a photo, wave some tiny flags, and maybe sing our national anthem.

And THEN I though, "Hey, maybe there's people from other countries who want to get together for the same thing."

So, anyone interested?
Registration / Badge holders?
April 12, 2010, 12:06:11 AM
Does anything come with a badge (specifically pre-reg badge) as a way to wear it? Clip? Lanyard? Do they go in a holder or does the badge itself have a hole? What are the dimensions of the badge?

I've got a bunch of badge/ID holders and wanna make sure I bring one that it'll fit in. I'm kinda picky about them, too, and usually prefer my own over provided ones.

Thanks in advance.