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Messages - felicity869

This all sounds very messy :)
sounds fun but also late and far...
It doesn't really show the detail all that well but in the pictures from the gathering (which I posted a link to on that thread) there's a picture of Karen with her bracelet.

Once I'm not poor I totally want a necklace like the black & silver one but with less silver, more red and less celtic knots, more...something...roses perhaps....
I haven't actually celebrated xmas with my family or most of my friends yet. That will be next week. So far I got:
*Fruits Basket anime
*Invader Zim hoodie that combines my 2 favorite things in life (taquitos and Gir)
*Harry Potter jacket
*lots of other clothes
*sowflake cookie cutters
*tons of junk food
A GPS unit so I don't get lost all the time. I'm sure Jerry and various other friends are sick of getting phone calls from a crying felicity because she's been lost in san francisco for over 2 hours. :)

The Gilmore Girls complete series boxset because I'm a sap.

Lots of books because I'm a dork and that's all I do on my lunch breaks at work.

Roller skates so I'll actually exersise and maybe even have fun in the process.

$ and free time aka not having to work two jobs, 7 days a week. Seriously my friends and family feel like strangers. :(

While I'm dreaming I'll happily take an unlimited shopping trip at either Baby the Stars Shine Bright or Angelic Pretty.
Big Event Showcase / Re: Black And White Ball 2008
October 28, 2007, 10:03:38 AM
Quote from: boots01 on October 25, 2007, 05:04:53 AM
If the room is too full, we may stop allowing people into the Ball until such time as someone leaves etc. or we might go with a dress code.  We may also be moving to a bigger room but nothing is final yet.
I don't see why anyone would chose to limit people from comming over being prepared this time and just having it in a bigger room. Is there an issue of something bigger and more important going on in the larger room (s) at that time?

Quote from: boots01 on October 25, 2007, 05:04:53 AM
Lastly, I am curious how people liked the lessons that were offered in 2007.  We are considering trying to increase the number of lessons and possibly styles for 2008.
Personally I wasn't able to go to the lessons last year but I know if there is lessons again this year I'll make the time.

Quote from: boots01 on October 25, 2007, 10:04:50 PM
I had planned for 1 conga line during the ball but more than one formed.  Still, it's a good song so I may keep it for 2008.  Then again, maybe not.  As I've said, I'm working on expanding my selection of music.

There was one song it made sense for and during that song everyone was having fun. After that, when people were forming conga lines for everything, and running around so quick that they didn't even care who they ran into or over, it needed to stop.

My only suggestion apart form all that is have a set dresscode. A lot of people were really confused about what they should wear. I'm not saying it needs to be strick or even inforced but if there was just clear what the recommended attire theme was, I think people would really apreciate it. We got the colors but beyond that everyone was a bit lost.  Should you wear formal ball atire, a cosplay outfit, a mask?
Most of you probably already know but in case anyone wanted to know... is where I post all of my pictures

and is where I post about all the various things I've created (costumes, quilts, weird stuffed animals and so on).

I have various other things (another lj, myspace, facebook, an actual website) but I don't really post much of anything on any of them.
Lot of pictures from just hanging out with people on Sat & Sun night. Pictures of our pirate adventures on thursday. More lolita pictures than anyone could ever want to see. I may have even taken pictures of a  couple cosplayers, maybe ;)
I finally got the rest of my pictures online: <-now with all four days :)
Quote from: "darrylhw"Conga lines were a pain.  There were only like two songs which warranted a conga line (one being "Jump In The Line" as heard in Beetlejuice).  Conga lines running through a ball when waltz is playing is inappropriate and disruptive.  I killed 3 of the conga lines.  I understand the desire to just fool around, but it's a ballroom dance.  Sorry.  If the organizers disagree, please tell me and I won't do it again.
I agree. It was really frustrating.
Panels and Workshops / Gothic Lolita Panel
June 01, 2007, 10:52:43 PM
Quote from: "Lizchan33"AHHHH I'm sooo sorry my phone went off...... v_v
you got a picture of me trying to get my phone away xDDD
shh, mine went off too. We're supposed to act like these things never happened ;)
Quote from: "asianfilm"By any chance do you remember which four films you and your friends watched? I'm just trying to get a better feel of what people checked out on our schedule.
Umm...the Honey & Clover live action is the only one I remember the name of off the top of my head. We watched a bunch of sappy dramas  :D
Panels and Workshops / Gothic Lolita Panel
June 01, 2007, 09:27:02 AM
Quote from: "Ayanami Rei First Child"I didn't go because I felt too embaressed to go since I couldn't join the panel like I said I would since I never got my dress :cry:  :cry:
Aww, you could have still came as part of the audience. No one would have been upset with you for not being able to be in the actual panel. Next year you should come, even if it's just to watch.

Pictures for those who missed it:
Cosplay Times:
it's a great idea in theory but honestly if those who are glomping are not currently caring to ask if it's ok, do you really think they'd care to check for stickers/ribbons on badges before glomping random people?
Quote from: "alkaline"So when someone forces themselves on me, I'd be the bad guy when I force them OFF of me, all because they wanted a "Hug?" Yeah, that doesn't fly. There are some serious freak shows around cons and I had to practically elbow one in the throat until he got the message to get his hands off me.
If someone is hurting you, destroying you costume, or not backing off when you tell them to then that's completely different than what I was refering to. The way it sounded PyronIkari was only hugged and responded by trying to kick someone's ass.

Quote from: "alkaline"
How about next time they attempt to tackle me I just take them to con ops,  call the cops, press assault charges and ruin it for everyone? Because that's all it would take and trust me, I'd be very happy to do it.
Umm, yes. If someone is doing something that is making you feel uncomfortable/unsafe then they deserve to be reported and have their fun ruined. I think that is a much better solution that hitting someone.

Quote from: "G.S. LXVIII"Or you could just wear a "Don't hug/glomp" sign.
The entire convention worth of people shouldn't have to go aroudn wearing signs. People should asume that no one wants a stranger hugging them unless they ask for it. I really do believe the glompers/huggers get out of control and need to realize their are boundries that they should not be crossing.
So far all I have up is pictures from the pirates midnight showing on thursday, a handful of pictures on friday and lots of lolita pictures on monday. A have tons of pictures from the main two days that I'll add to that asap.[/url]
I'll be hosting my annual lolita gathering next year where we meet up at the fountains in front of the con for pictures and then head over to the park for a picnic.
everyone just has their own set of priorities. If you're on staff, in the masquarde, or jsut want ot attend tons of anime showings and/or cosplay gatherings then sure you're going to have a hard time attending panels. I honeslty only made it to two panels this year because while some ofthe other panels sounded interesting there was other stuff going on that I'd rather do at that time. *shrugs*
Quote from: "PyronIkari"I'm not banned anymore \o/(No reason to explain that)
Well I can see why you were banned. Sure people should ask for hugs instead of just taking them but do you really feel that it's necessary to push someone down to the floor because they wanted to hug you? Perhaps next time you could just tell them it's unwanted instead of being violent?
I'm sure the fanimaid staff would love some constructive feedback. What exactly was the "more" that you and your friends were hoping for? I really doubt Jerry was trying to be rude but there were lots of people trying to cut in line and sneak in real quickt o talk their the maids or take pictures with them and unfortunatly that's no able to happen if the cafe is to continue running smoothly.

Quote from: "asianfilm"I realize how much having a program guide could have helped our traffic, but did the summaries in front of the rooms help at all? We do try to have full summaries for the films in front of the rooms, so I am just trying to gauge how much they make a difference.

I know they sure helped me. If you guys hadn't posted that my friend's and I probably wouldn't have seen any of the movies. We ended up watching 4 of them, all of which we enjoyed. Thanks. :)
I was one of the 5 or less girls that were there on the second day. I just wanted to say that I thought you guys were hilarious. Keep it up :)