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Messages - Masonwinters

I think the plan is to head to the rave on a bit.
There's a 21+ gathering of con goers in the back of the continental. If you're looking to get some drinks and meet some new people we're there.
There's a meet up going on at the continental if you're 21+
You still at the dealers hall? Sgt walker and I met up and we're looking to group with people.
Myself and another forum user are on our way there if anyone would like to meet up. We're cosplaying as average Joe's lol. Pm me contact info and we can meet up some point today. Also, there is a meet up planned tonight that was posted yesterday. Not sure if it's 21+ or not. But anyone that is of age I believe is welcome.
Sgt Walker and I will both be there, we're actually heading there shortly.