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Messages - echoshadow

Quote from: Dajoo on June 10, 2015, 11:53:59 PM
Actually in the three years I've been running it we've been continuously growing. The easiest way to show this is we used to be in just in Hall 2. Last year, '14 we broke through the wall. This year '15 we ran wall to wall side ways. Next year and, so forth is just more back fill.

Is there something lacking that you're looking for. I'm always trying to make the Hall more diverse to meet the needs of the attendees.

Thanks for your response, but opening up the other hall was just common sense.  As much as I want to ask for specific vendors I don't. You have an ok diverse selection already I just want to see the entire hall packed.

Quote from: Dracil on June 11, 2015, 12:12:07 PM
You all keep saying this, without addressing the fact that if you can't separate the attendee numbers, you can't allocate badge money properly, and thus there will *always* be a feeling that resource allocation is being leeched away from Fanime from those of us who have no desire to ever step into CA

Staff and whatever may be unpaid, but that's not the same as CA uses no money (renting rooms and whatnot also costs money, as well as any guests that get brought over)
Agreed. As long as they share the same program/pocket guide I can't help but still think some of the money is being funneled to Clockwork. That some how raises the question with that money gone we only had one band play for one hour, and only a few Japanese guests.
It's all true.  But it depends how lucky you are, and if your the first 100 callers.

I had one of my friends get a room via the website at 12:02 right before the site crashed. I called the housing number at 12:01 and was getting a busy tone for half an hour and I finally got in only to wait 40 minutes on hold.

So it's really up to luck and how fast you act. If I would have called right at 12:00 on the dot I would be on hold for at lest 45 mins. But I'll have my spot already.

Alright time for my feedback.

The good.
•Badge pick up.
•Black and White Ball.
•uh.....guess that's about it.

The bad

• The pocket guide.
Honestly I'm going to throw a few people under the bus for this. It was a huge cluster, things where all over the place. Major events there little 3 words on random pages. It looks like some ADHD had a major say on where things go. The entire time table system is just bad. While the online option was ok, I hated the fact it had sneaky ads. This wouldn't be much of an issue if Guidebook was used. 

• Complete lack of/interesting panels.
There where only about a couple hours of panels that where not the same stuff from the last 5 years.

• Deals hall.
Some how it seems it is getting smaller every year. ( could be due to SJCC and their retarded union fees/policies )

•Music fest.
Seems like it's becoming musical guest and not much of a "fest".  (Kind of sad after reading that thread on how awesome music fest was with all those bands , and how it's low it's become) I say drop the music fest name and call it what it is. Feature musical act.

• Late info/late schedule.
Come on people. It's been 4 straight years. Time for change, obviously a lot of people worked very hard only to be bottle neck for weeks.  Come on, not like there's tons of stuff to put in.

• Video Rooms.
(I know it's hard to compete with online sites) but, this year I had zero interest on anything video related.

•Artist Ally/ Swap meet.
I wanted to check it out but,
1. No clear map where it was nor the entrance was. 2. Pocket guide info was lacking.
So in spite I chose not to set a singe step in those. I did figure it out after a minute or two, but I shouldn't have to. I did see a correct sign for where the AA entrance was but it was on Saturday.

•Black and white ball.
The only thing that I would like to see more of is mixers and more "commercial" or radio hits songs being played. When downtown funk was played the whole dance floor was filled and was played twice, twice!. As much as I like anime/video game soundtracks, it's not that fun meant to dance too. You can't get that hype to dance from it.

•Also I would to add that body paint not be allowed. I had a green stain on my suit due to some one with body paint. I knew who it was and I avoided that person while dancing but guess it wasn't enough. Also seen some poor girls white dress with black and green smears on her back.

That's pretty much my key points. With that being said, this made the top boring con I have been too. All my time spent at Fanime was a total of 4 hours over the four days besides the black and white ball. If your not into cosplay there is jack-diddly to do at Fanime. 

Now to be brutally honest seems to me that Fanime should be a 3 day con. With little to nothing to offer on day 1 and 4 let's cut the fat and just focus on the 3 solid days worth. Let's face it Fanime can't put more content that is not cosplay related anymore. Having 4 days with little to do I rather spend my time and money somewhere else. And guess what? I did.  I was exploring downtown more than being at Fanime. I treated Fanime just like it says on it's FB page "as something to do" not as an event as it used to be. To that's a slap in the face to every staffer that put in long months into the con only to be labeled as such.

Just to add "why not go to Clockwork? Spend some time there?" To answer that, it's a complete and utter hassle to go to clockwork. You spend more time waiting for shuttles rather than enjoying Clockworks programing.
I came to Fanime for it's anime/Japan pop culture. (What's left of it anyways) not to get hustled into going to Clockwork.   If I wanted to go to a steampunk con I would go. But not during the same time as Fanime. If the goal of clockwork was to make up for Fanime's lack of programing then it's a sad band aid. If not then I would like to see clockwork completely separate from Fanime and not share it's program guide, pocket schedule, and even the forums.

In the end Fanime lives up to its rep, the biggest hangout con on the west coast. If your looking to buy cool anime stuff, great panels, want to see great japanese/American guests, want to see japanese rock/pop bands/groups, then looks somewhere else. But if all you want is to cosplay, hang out at gatherings and care for little else, then this is the place for it. You don't really need to pay for it.
My thoughts for day zero is fine the way it is. I'm glad there's swap meet and a dance later on in the evening but dealing with hotel checking / badge pick up that's could take time and what nots.

Now as for Friday, yeah there needs to be a bit more stuff going on. For Non cosplay people it was utter boredom.
Quote from: TC_X0_Lt_0X on May 19, 2015, 04:45:59 AM
hmmm, more pointless complaints bleeding all over again...
Awwww, need a hug? You sad bro?

I would also want to add on the Guidebook app, cosplay gatherings can be added too. It's perfect for keep track which gatherings you want to be in. It's perfect when gathering get moved to another spot.
It's not just for panels.

+1 for PDF option (as to not derail the thread. )

Did they actuall scan that upside down??
I know, I know.....

What I like about Guidebook app is you can make your own personal schedule with in the app, and has times alarms, just incase you forgot or what not. Also you get instant updates if a panel is canceled, moved or time change.

I did not know about that comment on guidebook. But like nice things, I'm sure we can't have it. (Fanime's budget it seems.)

But not to derail the topic......
Why not a cheap-o PDF spread sheet schedule? That can be updated on the fly then posted on twitter as a link or something.

Lol critus... You can join me for drinks on Friday night. I'm thinking margaritas. At lest that's something to do on Friday. LOL

Nice.... 3 1/2 days before show time. Better late than never.

(*insert long ramblings/complaints here*)

Can we try out Guidebook app next year? Seems like that could help out with getting the schedule out faster.

(*insert long ramblings/complaints why people incharge can't get it relase a week before*)

Thanks Fanime I have a bit of pocket change to spend around. I had money on it coming out Monday.

^ I usually take one week off in the year, then take a few days off to go to cons. Those count as mini vacations.
< oddly I have 4 friends that have birthdays during ALA, Fanime , ax, so it's always a party with them during the con.
> looking forward to see a few con friends soon. Last time we saw each other we left on a sour note. So I kind of want to patch things up or move on. Hopefully it goes well
v with only a few days to go, is everything in place, total chaos, or just about done. ?
Oh.?? There's interest?

Hum... Well I'll get to brass tax. Meeting anywhere for food/drinks is going to be at lest $30 minimum. Also no one wants to walk anywhere. So with that in mind who is willing to spend that much?
Tanq is expensive unless you cheap out and buy only get beer on tap. That's $6. Also Tanq is small so fitting any more the 4 people is not worth it.

The best option is a room "party" and a byob type, and I recommend liqour, cost per drink is far better.  But not sure how comfortable everyone is with that. Sadly Fanime doesn't seem as friendly as ax when it comes to room parties. Unless you know a friend of a friend type deal.
Quote from: Amanojaku on May 14, 2015, 04:59:37 PM
Quote from: echoshadow on May 13, 2015, 11:52:44 PM
Cause we all know it's a matter of life and death the schedule should be perfect before it goes live. And heaven forbid you have to make a change after it goes live,

I'm sure you'd have something to say about that, too.
Oh you bet 'cha I got a few words in that. But my soap box is getting tired, would you mind tagging me out, and jump in the ring? I get the vibe your itching to say what's on your chest. Help a brother out. ;)

Quote from: Angelx624 on May 14, 2015, 03:03:17 AM
Well, I'm glad all the negativity was split into it's own thread. Leaves the positive one, well...... positive.

I get that some of you are upset about Fanime's lack of updates and whatnot, but that doesn't mean the rest of us can't enjoy the con. If you want to have a bad time, that's fine, just don't rub it off on us and ruin the con for us. I'm still going to enjoy it as much as I can, and while I wish they would do some things better, it really could be worse. It's my 5th Fanime, and I want to celebrate it no matter how bad the staff is doing.

Let it out, what things about Fanime don't you like? If everyone stays quite Fanime can not improve and be the top con in the west coast. Your actually making the con a worse experience by not saying the problems.

It's like going to a doctor and not telling him what ills you. Hoping the doc can read your mind and fix you up. It doesn't work that way kiddo. 

No one likes it when someone tells you your not doing a good job, it could be your boss, teacher or parents. But guess what? If someone doesn't tell to stop making wrong stuff, you'll end up getting fired, failing the class and pissing people off.
My sides hurt from laughing so much.
To be fair it's not the fault of the person that types stuff on twitter.... Well a bit, it's the person(s)  that is holding things back.  Also, it's not that hard to link twitter and FB. Just say'n. Unless they are worried about bandwidth. :p

Then again.... There is only a handful of updated I really care about.
Hotel booking
Japanese guest/band

And for those that sell/perform
Artist ally
Swap meet
But that's a whole other poop fest, which I stay away from that. It's not my business.
Besides that, meh, what else is there? It's Fanime we are talking about. Not AX or Otakcon

I do have to address the schedule release. Seems like we'll have streak if it doesn't come out by Friday. (Which I really hope it doesn't, since I have Vegas odds riding on it bing late. ) but what ever, it will be out late.

(Incoming sarcasm ) Cause we all know it's a matter of life and death the schedule should be perfect before it goes live. And heaven forbid you have to make a change after it goes live, cause you have to be a brain surgeon on a tight rope using rock science to delver a scalpel on a rocket 2000 miles away. Sounds silly but thats always the answer I get at the feedback panel at the end of Fanime for the last 4 years.
Where's my hateraide? I'm thirsty.
Yes. They usually put up a poster board for the type of dance. But dont that stop you from trying. I'm not good at some dances but I just copy what everyone else is doing.
And yes this is the wrong thread. 

Also take advantage of the free dance lessons leading up to the b and w ball.
Quote from: TC_X0_Lt_0X on May 12, 2015, 03:32:51 PM

Quite literally updates from a week ago.

Rofl. Maps will be soooo helpful, cause I completely forget the layout of Fanime every year. If it wasn't  for Fanime's maps I would never find my way to any of the events. This one year I could not find the dealers hall. It took me 2 days to find it. I was lucky enough to find a pocket schedule with a map in it.

I can't help myself, I had to do it. It's just comical when Fanime puts anything up this late. Then again...It's Fanime.
Ok.. I'll play nice. Got to keep the good vibes and the kiddies happy.   :D

I'm looking forward to the black and white ball, and the music fest. Also enjoying all the near by places in downtown, and I'll check out clockwork alc. a bit longer this time.

Allow me to express my feelings with the splitting the thread in an artful photo with captions.

How I feel the positive people, Ewu or other want to do to me:
How I feel upper management wants Ewu and other mods to handle negative comments:

Positive vibes (don't worry, it's pg-13)

I sincerely hope I didn't make anyone upset, with my "negative vibes".  Oh who am I kidding I'm not the only one that's bitter. I can only imagine how the hard working staff feel about the people holding things up. 

Uh... Nah.  After years of constant disappointments it's hard to let it go.

Tell you what, if the schedule is out by 13th then I'll be a bit more positive. If it comes out on the 19th then I'll be riding the hate train with hateraide as an IV (I'm joking people, that's sarcasm)

But either way I'm still going to Fanime, but this year I'll treat it just like its says on the official FB page as "something to do" in San Jose. So there you have it.  Not much hype for Fanime this year. Maybe next year. 

mod edit: split in its entirety from this thread: Let's Get Excited, Happy, Ecstatic, Good Vibes
Hotel and Facilities / Re: Hyatt Booking Age?
April 28, 2015, 06:02:23 AM
Yeah that's a tough spot. I would call the hotel and get a diffinte answer. Option B would be to ask your parents to check you in. They don't need to stay with you the entire time. You can petty much check your self out. 
Quote from: Mizuki on April 23, 2015, 01:37:22 AM
Quote from: echoshadow on April 21, 2015, 08:07:37 PM

Please refrain from leaving these sort of comments in this section of the forum, it gives literally 0 input/discussion into the topic.

Alright, then let me explain my single word response to you so you can have the proper input you ask of.

You suggested that (you as a moderator) everyone should post their feedback in the ideas and suggestions section. I then told you there is not an official feedback thread and then ask for you to make a pinned official feedback.

Now here's my reason for the "faceplam" comment. 
You concluded that I'm right, there is no feedback thread, then that your not really a moderator and you can't do anything about it, but "you'll ask some one ".

That my dear, was nothing more than "passing the buck" type of response. That also got me thinking why do you have a moderator title and can't make a simple pinned feedback thread? Is there a lot of red tape you have go through? Do you have to ask your higher ups for approval, or wait till your next staff meeting to make a simple request? So there you go. I hope this is enough input or discussion for your satisfaction.

I apologize if it sounded a tad rude, but sadly emotions don't translate well over the internet.   
I filled out the feedback form 2013 and 2014. Seems like these reports don't go to every department manager. Or you where not in a department that needed improvement.

But yes I and hundreds of other people that complain did fill out the feedback form.

Also that link is not a really a feedback thread. Ideas and suggestions feels more like "we think about it" then gets buried and forgoten.

If your really want a feedback thread make an official feedback topic and have it pinned. That way it never gets deleted or get buried.