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I know next year's Fanime is a ways away, but I know loads of people are already thinking about their cosplays. It's better to get a jump start on these things. I make feathered wings, for cosplays, costumes and just for fun! All the information about these wings can be found on my deviantart. Here's a pair of wings I made and commission information:

That's the general size I work in. Smaller wings (the one in the bottom left with the rainbow touches) go for $40. Those are still about 2.5 feet long. The larger wings go for $45, and those are 18" by 21" (about).

I can make 'em purely white; white with yellow, red, pink, purple, light blue, dark blue, green, or teal details; white feathers tipped any color; rainbow details; and any color feathers. If you have a particular shape/size of wings for a specific character you can send me a reference picture (larger wings will cost more though.) I also ship to anywhere in the US!

All of my wings are hand-made by me, forged with my blood, sweat and tears at obscene hours of the morning. Because... I love creating things!

If you are interested, send me an email at [email protected], or send me a deviantart note.