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Topics - Giantsgiants


This is the best song that mankind has ever laid their ears upon. Enjoy! ;D
Gaming / Urban Rivals
June 10, 2012, 05:05:11 PM
Have you guys heard of this game? I saw videos of it on Youtube.

This is the link:
If this topic is inappropriate for the forums, the mods can lock it. I just thought I would spread some world news to you guys.

Link to article
Awesome movie, and Pitbull's song is awesome! ^_^
Gaming / Family Guy MMO game
May 05, 2012, 08:10:49 PM
Looks interesting.

What do you guys think?
Things in the Universe / Reggaeton Thread
April 22, 2012, 11:11:47 PM
So guys, what are your thoughts or opinions on the music known as "reggaeton?" Do you have any favorite reggaeton singers or artists?
Forum Games / Rate the song above you
April 15, 2012, 10:22:05 PM
I've seen this game on other forums. Since I like music, I felt like bringing it here.

Basically, you rate the song that the person above you posted and post a song for the next person to rate out of 10. You can give a reason for your rating, but it's optional.

Link to the song you want people to rate, if possible.

For example:

Poster A

Lady Gaga - Poker Face

Poster B


Blink 182 - All The Small Things

Poster C

7/10. Good intro, but I've heard better vocals.

The Pillows - Ride On Shooting Star

And so on...

Okay let's start. Rate this song.
Nightcore is music that is speeded up and has a higher pitch than normal in order to produce a more happy effect.

Check out the examples below. They're all really good.


Techno Nightcore

Hip Hop Nightcore (Gotta love the bass in rap/hip hop nightcore) :) (This one is really good)

Rock Nightcore (I'm sure you've heard the original song) (I wonder if this song is suitable for the Fanime rave) (Should be familiar if you play Guitar Hero) (This one makes you want to get up)

Michael Jackson Nightcore

It's a new radio station in San Jose. You guys might want to check it out. (I still prefer 99.7 though.) :P
I usually don't unless I'm playing GTA IV and feel like turning to Massive B Soundsystem or Tuff Gong. How about you guys?
Hey guys, which pizza place do you think is better? Zorba's Pizza or Seniore's Pizza?

Why do you think so?
Things in the Universe / Kony 2012
March 16, 2012, 10:57:12 PM
Watch the video if you haven't already. It's terrible what Joseph Kony is doing to those kids in Uganda.

Gaming / Hey guys, is this real or fake?
March 11, 2012, 03:24:52 PM

It's a hidden achievement in Modern Warfare 2 that gives you 150 gamerscore.
Just curious. I could use a nice stereo system to blast my techno and J-pop.
Gaming / Video games are banned in Turkmenistan.
March 01, 2012, 10:32:38 PM
Note: I put this in the gaming forum because this topic is somewhat gaming related. It touches upon the banning of video games.

Sorry to say this guys, but it's true. Video games are banned there.

Along with car radios, lip-syncing, recorded music, ballet and opera, long hair on men, beards and beards. It's all thanks to former president Saparmurat Niyazov.

Some other things he did:

First, he took the name Turkmenbashi (Leader of All Ethnic Turkmen) and declared himself President for Life. Since then, he's undertaken scores of self-aggrandizing – and bizarre – measures to make Turkmenistan a very unique place:

The airport in the capital city of Asgabat was renamed... Turkmenbashi.

The president also renamed the months. January is now called... Turkmenbashi. April is called Gurbansoltan edzhe, after his mother. (Bread, once called chorek, is now also called gurbansoltan edzhe.)

In April 2004 he ordered the building of a giant ice palace in the middle of the desert, the Karakum – the hottest location in central Asia. It would also include a zoo with penguins.

The name of the large port city Krasnovodsk was changed to... Turkmenbashi.

Dozens of streets and schools across the country are now called... Turkmenbashi.

In 1998 a 670-pound meteorite landed in Turkmenistan. Scientist named it... Turkmenbashi.

The image of Turkmenbashi's face is used as the logo of all three state-run TV stations, and is legally required to appear on every clock and watch face as well as on every bottle of Turkmenbashi brand vodka.

In March 2004, 15,000 public health workers were dismissed including nurses, midwives, school health visitors and orderlies and replaced with military conscripts.

In April 2004 the youth of Turkmenistan were encouraged to chew on bones to preserve their teeth rather than be fitted with gold tooth caps or gold teeth.

In 2004 all licensed drivers were required to pass a "morality test".

In 2004 it was prohibited for news readers to wear make-up

In February 2005 all hospitals outside Asgabat were ordered shut, with the reasoning that the sick should come to the capital for treatment. All rural libraries were ordered closed as well, citing ordinary Turkmen do not read books.

In November 2005 physicians were ordered to swear an oath to the President, replacing the Hippocratic Oath.

In January 2006 one-third of the country's elderly had their pensions discontinued, while another 200,000 had theirs reduced. Pensions received during the prior two years were ordered paid back to the state. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan strongly denied allegations that the cut in pensions resulted in the deaths of many elderly Turkmen, accusing foreign media outlets of spreading "deliberately perverted" information on the issue.

In September 2006 Turkmen teachers who failed to publish praise of the Turkmen leader would remain at a lower payscale or be sacked.

In October 2006 Turkmenistan claimed to have set free 10,056 prisoners, including 253 foreign nationals from 11 countries on the Night of Omnipotence. Niyazov said, "Let this humane act on the part of the state serve strengthening truly moral values of the Turkmen society. Let the entire world know that there has never been a place for evil and violence on the blessed Turkmen soil."

Video monitors are required in all public places.

Dogs are restricted from the capital city due to unappealing odor.
I don't live in any of those countries but I have friends in Singapore. ^^
Things in the Universe / Are girls in Argentina hot?
February 17, 2012, 08:37:54 PM
Anyone in this forum live in Argentina or been to Argentina? Do you know if the girls there are hot?

I'm not sure if a thread like this is against the rules, but if it is, fill free to lock.

I'm typing this post and still can't stop laughing.
Gaming / The best game ever made!
February 10, 2012, 09:03:55 PM

There's no commentary, so just sit back and enjoy the music and gameplay. ^_^
...and you have the following items:

This car

This car

And music by this guy.

What do you do?
1. Get one of these cars.
2. Roll up to the convention center.
3. ??
4. PROFIT! ^_^

Works even better if you have a great cosplay outfit! And no, I am not Arab.