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Messages - kuroi

Quote from: yumicchi88 on April 18, 2008, 01:31:41 PM
you gonna make that armor thing yourself? what kind of material are you gonna use for it?

Yeah. The shoulder pads are going to be half-face masks, cut so that they form the curved shape, and then I'll use craft foam for the designs, spray paint them silver, and attach a pin on the inside so that I can take them on and off for packing purposes. It actually shouldn't be too hard, and I should have plenty of time to experiment and get them right over the next couple of weeks ^^. I'm really excited about it, actually <3
question: if we have more than one person in the shoot, we're both supposed to fill out the form, right?

also, this is my first time doing a photoshoot that wasn't a group gathering; do you want us to come up ideas for poses, or should we leave it mostly up to you?
...yeah, seconding the "can we not glomp" or at least "ask first" thoughts. Can you make it just a search instead of a SURPRISE GLOMP! attack? If you need a picture as proof, you'd need to ask the cosplayer if you could take a picture with them anyways. And this can be totally accomplished without the dangerous glomp.

I tend to have pieces that are either delicate, or take me /forever/ to get to look right, and glomping completely destroys that and means I then have to spend time in the nearest bathroom fixing whatever got messed up. And then I miss potentially important things, and am not happy in general. I know a lot of other cosplayers are in the same situation, so if you can just change it to a photo scavenger hunt without the glomp, I know a bunch of people will be grateful. If we get asked first, we're likely to be a lot nicer about being glomped if you have to keep it.
I think I'll grab the 9:00 AM Sunday slot; it'll give me motivation to actually make my sister's cosplay.

Date: Sunday, 9:00 AM
# of people: 2
Characters: Irie Shouichi and Cerevello from Katekyou Hitman Reborn!

Thanks! ^^
yosh! I am now confirmed that I'm doing TYL!Irie Shouichi for Fanime, as all the others (except for Hei, who may never ever get done) are finished, and I'll have a bunch of time in the next couple of weeks to do the shoulder armor things and style the wig(waiting until I get home to do the actual buying fabric and sewing part), and my sister might be a Cerevello, if I can find enough time to make the outfit for her (it shouldn't be too hard, as it's basically the same pattern; I'll just have to make it taller to fit her)
if it's for open mic, sure! I know most of the songs you've got up on the list. I'd love to do Dive to World with you, or Sakura Addiction, since it's not too low ^^ But like I said, I know most of the song you've got on the list, so whichever one you like best on that list, I'd be willing to learn the other part ^^
yosh! Marking down May 4th, because if I don't, I know I'll forget ^^ Thanks for the heads-up! ^^
Live Programming and Events / Re: Swap Meet 2008
March 25, 2008, 03:02:06 PM
Quote from: redroses3164 on March 14, 2008, 10:02:58 PM
"The age of the seller must be at least 18 years old and all sellers must sign an agreement to these rules. "

Dangit. I'm almost there... (turns 18 in June). Gyah guess I won't participate this year like I planned. I'll still go and hopefully find deals though. =)


I'd be more than happy to split cost and share a sheet/tarp/box with you for the swap meet ^^ I've got a bunch of stuff I'd love to bring, but the more stuff, the better the presentation! \o\

I know my roommates (and my mother) will be really happy to hear that I'm selling a lot of the stuff that's been cluttering up my room (both at home and my dorm)
Quote from: pockystix on January 06, 2008, 10:18:23 PM
I've changed my mind. This is probably unheard of, but I think I'm gonna cosplay as Rossiu, despite that everyone, including me, hates his guts. I think it'd be quite the challenge and besides, I'm sure there won't be any doubles, right? lol

I also plan to make a Dai Gurren Dan flag and possibly small hand flags to give out/sell.

If only seen one other person do Rossiu cosplay (and it was pre-timeskip Rossiu), but if you did, I'd probably stalk you for a little; or at least take pictures *is one of the vast minority who doesn't hate Rossiu*
Ahaha, I need more cosplay ideas like I need another hole in my head, but DAMNIT YOU GUYS ARE TEMPTING ME.

...I might be an absolutely retarded dork and try to do Kyle...
haha, I know that come May 20th, I'm going to be looking back at this going "okay, do I have this?"

-cosplay x5 (at least ;_;)(includes costume, shoes, any accessories, required makeup, Febreeze, Downy wrinkle remover, etc) will probably include clothes for B&W
-con bag (little bag usually worn with my yukata; just large enough to fit badge, cards + cash, iPod, cell phone, DS, bobby pins, needle and thread, and a myriad of other things [usually Pocky or other snacks] comfortably and not be large or heavy)
-camera and extra memory card
-8 AA batteries
-iPod and possibly speakers
-cell phone
-chargers for the above
-deck of cards
-camera cord
-multiple tea bags
-pen, pencil and Sharpie
-small notebook
-bobby pins x about 100
-emergency cosplay repair kit (sewing supplies, duct tape, super glue, tacky glue, invisible thread, scissors)
-cough drops
-water bottle
-athletic tape and band-aids
-lots of money
-mass amounts of snacks
-tons of energy and excitement
-patience \o\
Quote from: short_storiesgl on March 24, 2008, 04:53:24 PM
LOOK you can never be too old  ;D

AGREED. I once saw someone who was accompanied by her grandmother, who made one of the best old!Sophie (Howl's Moving Castle) cosplayers that I've ever seen. And she was really energetic and excited about the con, and really fun to talk to. I'd say too old is whenever you can't physically make it to the con anymore.
Quote from: Kyokun on March 24, 2008, 12:56:05 PM
One of our group is arriving late on Friday due to work issues, and probably will not be able to make the 8 pm cut off time (he preregged).  Is there ANY possible way we could get his badge at the same time we get ours (like, have him submit a note with a state ID Xerox or something, or send you guys an email with pertinent information), because we REALLY don't want to have to wait in line twice, especially after Anime Boston reported 10 hour badge lines.

The 10 hour badge lines were for regular reg, and because they only had 3 stations open for 5K+ people. (granted, pre-reg lines were still about 6 hours (with a grand total of five stations), but both of these were apparently insane for the convention and have never happened before) Fanime always has more than 3 stations open (if I remember correctly, at least 10 for each reg and pre-reg, and they've always been really efficient), and I've never had to wait more than and hour and a half in line, even at the height of regular reg lines.

If you're planning on waiting in line with him Saturday morning (as it sounds like you are), if you get in line in the morning, it really shouldn't take you long at all. Last year, my friends and I got there about half an hour before pre-reg opened its doors on Saturday, and it took us about 10 minutes once they started checking people in. The line behind us wasn't that long.

Since he pre-regged, is there any way he could pick it up on Thursday?
Registration / Re: Age&Name..?
March 24, 2008, 01:48:48 PM
The page for filling out registration should have a little box that says "Fan Name:", which would be where you enter whatever you want to actually be printed in large letters on the badge. Fanime's really good about having the fan name bigger than your real name on the badges. But where it asks for your name, put down the name your parents gave you when you were born. It makes it easier for all involved, and your nicknames will still be on the badge.

For hotels, you actually don't have to be 18+ to do the booking, but you have to be 18+ to check into the room. (this rule changes in other states; I'm sure as hell glad it's not 21+ to check in in CA) Which means that your parents will need to be the ones to go up to the front desk and sign in and receive the keys, and depending on the hotel (meaning what type of check-out system they have; the Hilton is really nice and simple- they slip the receipt under your door the morning you check-out, and unless you have any issues with it, like 5 movies you didn't watch, you're free to leave), you will also need to be 18+ to check out, review the charges, and finalize payment.

When you say 18+ to receive your badge are you talking about the Fanime badges or the government-issued IDs? Either way, you don't have to be 18+. If you're over 16, you have a greater chance of having a govn't issued ID in the form of a driver's license, but anyone under that age is eligible to get a regular ID card. If you need to get a state ID, I'd say do it soon, because it's handled by the DMV, who are notorious for their delays. If you've got a passport, I'd say bring it; you save $23, don't have to deal with the DMV, and it's easy enough to keep it on your person at all times. (I keep my ID with me at all times at cons anyways, passport or not)
Ahaha, I'm being insane and am being tempted to do Shouichi (future version) because I haven't seen anyone do it yet, and the Millefiore needs love (as well as Varia) or possibly TYL!Fuuta, since I really want to knit his scarf, and I'm too tall to do him normally ^^
\o/ YES!
oh man, I was at the Gong Show at AX, and it was amazing; I'm so glad you guys are bringing it to Fanime!!!
ack, I still need a few months for cosplay purposes (guess who got stuck with making the costumes for our entire group >_<), and time to get my tax refund, as well as any other money I can save would be excellent ^^

ask me this again at the end of april, and i'll be right in there begging for fanime :D
This would be an awesome, kick-ass way to end Fanime! I always hate the Monday feel of "oh, well, um...we're packed, we need to sign out, uhh, what now? well, I guess we can go..."

Way to come up with a great way to end the con on a high note! \o/
p.s. Love the idea of a conga line XDD
Ideas and Suggestions / Re: Girls T-shirts PLEASE
February 19, 2008, 05:46:04 PM
Girl's shirts for Fanime would be amazing. I've gotten the regular shirts for Fanime the past few years, and I don't wear them nearly as much as I do the girl's shirts from AX, which makes me sad, because I'd much rather promote Fanime than AX, since Fanime is my home con, after all!

Even if they're exactly the same in terms of color and design, that's fine. Different colors or designs would be cool too, but anything that's better cut would be wonderful~
Fanime is probably one of my favorite cons in terms of layout; it's really easy to figure out where things are, nothing's complicated to get to or from (unlike AX last year; good god, the LBCC was a nightmare D:). It's not entirely huge, but it doesn't feel cramped.

It's all on a flat surface, which is really nice when you're running to and from gatherings for a costume change ^^;; It's very pretty, as far as convention centers go, and although there aren't any grassy areas that are the convention center, there are parks incredibly close by (you sit in line in one of them for the Masquerade) There's also a sort of tree bed on the Mariott side, where we've gotten some good pictures in.