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Messages - Melly

ooh actually i could also go in this outfit..

which i kind of totally forgot about :B

and i think i wanna do that one now :D! XD

or even the x-mas one would be cute XD but i dont know if i wanna wear santa stuf in may >_>;; XDD
hmmm ;o well i wasnt really planning on making my Mio dress... but if i was that one it'd be easyyyyyyy i already found a dress off e-bay >_>; that i really wanan get >.< poopy XD hmmm ill make a post about it on Tinierme :D
does hachi have a fancy dressie? ;o well actually there's that one outfit.. but in the piccy i'd probalby have to use my imagation with. DX

@_@ XD!
well i saw some of the like.. default ending ones for her D; but not like full body to wear i could actually see it X_X and from what i saw i didnt like it much >o>; XDD ill probalbly just end up going as ending mio ;-;

but hm..

i suppose i could do her Fuwa Fuwa time outfit.. but its not my favorite by anymeans x_x; i like Yui's Fuwa Fuwa time outfit xD

then theres the maid one too...

and the uh i forgot the name XD

that one >> XD
djsaiofjoaew omg that outfit is cute as hell XDDDD!! i wonder where the reference pictures of that is D8< -still hasnt looked in my mangas today @_@-ooh wait i know i can look online >D XD

i thought that dress was really neat @_@
oooh how cute XD! hmm i'll try to get some online friends to go and gather with me >_> or maybe ill make Cyndi (person im going with) go as Nana O. >_>!! XD or maybe even my cousin.. hmmm >o>
ooh we do need a shin~ i love Shin <3

AND A TAKUMI >___> -obsessive takumi fangirl @_@-

maybe if we got this thread popular people will be like OH COOL LETS HAVE DO THIS -thumbs up-

and hmm i was looking a piccies and i personally like this outfit even though you can't see it all D;

but then i found these too~ -takumi scream- and that one would be easy XD other than Shin's lighter >o>

but then i was loooking up Reira cosplayers and they had some like neat white fluffy-ish outfit that im not finding anywhere >o> maybe its in the anime @_@; -hasnt seen the anime yet-

oh wait i just found it.

<_<;; apparently that one is a popular one ;o! XD

and ill look threw my mangas for other outfits 8D! its 2AM so i just did a fast look for now @_@;
cause i already got the Mio wig >_> and i loveeeee the wig and it'd be a waste not to use it D8< and i can't really think of anyone with black hair that i <3 XD

well i could style the wig to azu's hair maybe.. but i dont wanna wear the school girl outfit >.>; too bleh XD!
OH YEAH. and i might go as Mio in Ritsu's clothes now... (Melly cosplaying Mio cosplaying Ritsu? XD) cause i really dont know if i wanna do Mio if there's gonna be like 223432 and she's not my favorite .-. she just has the best outfit ;o;
ooh i should XD i think people would notice me well if they really liked the show so im not worried about that ;ooo

i should make my friends go as the peoples from Blast and Trapnest.. that'd be so cool DX or just get someone to go as Takumi.. mmm eye candy... >_>;

and actually Phantomhive.LolitaKei~ that'd be cool if we both did the k-on and nana thing 8DD cause then we'd be like hanging out! XD?!?! even though i dont know youu >o> XD!!!
ooh reira has pretty hair @_@ kinda hair like mine in rl only mines brown.. XD and not as long ;o; and not as nice.. but then agian who has messy looking hair in anime D8< XD
xD well i dont even know where anything is.. D; and i posted a thread about Nana/Ai Yazawa cosplayers/gathering thing... so i might host that if i find people doing that @_@; xD but hmmm we'll see it's still months away >D
;ooo that's encouraging 8D and yeah i wasn't expecting a lot of people to cosplay from it >.< cause i mean even though i just started it i know it's older XD!!! but the series is still going so >o>~

and i know k-on is really popular and im really discouraged as going as mio now.. but i already got the wig


but as for the Hachi cosplay this is the one i wanna do~

so i think i'd stand out 8D!
ooh! really? hmm i dunno how to start/form a gathering though.. D:

ive never been to fanime/an anime convention...


but if i know for sure im going as Hachi maybe i could/would start one if someone told me how :D XD
;o YAY so you think there's gonna be some then :D?!?! ahahahah -shakes happily- XD well i guess if i was the only hachi there people would like swarm me D;? -would enjoy that >_>;-
I REALLLLLLLLLY want to go as Hachi... but i don't wanna be the only cosplayer from Nana ;_;... and i'd just pee myself if i saw a Takumi there -swoons- but yeah i'm kinda just curious if anyone else is planning as going as someone from Nana s: if not i guess i'll just adopt punky kids running around xD;; or drop the Hachi outfit i wanna do ._____.
Hopefully going as Shirley in the Angel/Princess/Ending/That's actually the opening O_o/Dress :D XD

so i can glomp an Emperor Lelouch


beware Lulu/s.
Registration / Re: Questions from a noob!
December 05, 2009, 09:35:58 PM
like a California ID card. i believe passports would work too. or Driver's license i believe.
doh >.< i hope this girl host it... what happens if she doesn't host it o-o i'd host it but i have no idea what to do xD............ BUT I REALLY WANT IT TO HAPPEN D:
oooh i dunno if my posting is random or not >_>;

but this is my first Anime convention (:

and i'll be going as Mio in the Don't Say Lazy ending. (:

so it's good to know i won't be the only k-on! cosplayer xD

i didn't realize it was that popular >o> XD