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Messages - Chamberashes

I need a room

Hilton or Marriott only - thursday to monday or friday to monday.

name is Charles and i stopped counting how many years i have been going to fanime. its been many.

i do not drink, smoke or use drugs and would like a room that wont do those things. no party room either as i typically use the hotel for storage and sleep. less people the better.

you can reach me at chuckdeezel (at) hotmail (dot) com. i will pay cash when i get my room key see the bed or floor space i will be sleeping at. i usually don't hang around the room so you might not see me much. great roommate, yes?

everything changes!
have a great time at Fanime.
I need a room

+ I am looking for a room Thursday – Monday. My name is Charles and I am looking for a non-typical hotel arrangement (see Miscellaneous section).

+ Hotel I would like to be in
#1 Hilton or Marrott
#2 Hyatt or Westin san jose,
#3 fairmont

+ cost – I will pay up to half the room bill or negotiated price.

+ contact – facebook :
      Email : [email protected]

Email should be the fastest way to contact me but you can message me here or on fb. I rarely use FB.

+ Miscellaneous – I am looking for a special arrangement. I am looking for a female attendee who has already paid for their room (meaning you already planned to pay for your own room) but may be kicking around the idea of having a somewhat attractive roommate to save a little money and have something to look at when they get back to your room.

I am a great roommate. I don't snore and i am quiet. I sleep on the floor and don't need anything from you. I bath twice a day and can accompany you to breakfast if that is something you want. I can watch anime with you or play video games or exchange chit-chat if you would like or be a silent bump in the corner who helped pay for your room.

the fewer number of people in the room the better. I will never have anyone over to the room. I don't drink, smoke or use drugs.

Im stopping here so not to weigh down this post. Anyone interested please email me soon. It is apr 24th and Fanime sneaks up faster than you think. You can ask me any questions and voice any concerns and hopefully we can work them out.

+ requirement : i need a room key

(negotiable) I am trying to sell at the swapmeet so for a while I will have several boxes with me. It won't take up a terrible amount of space and I rather have It with me instead of taking it to my car every day.
Hotel and Facilities / I NEED A ROOM
April 19, 2014, 06:54:44 PM
good morning or after noon. which ever applies.

i am looking for a room

i am staffing the con this year but have not landed a room with other staff. i am looking for a place to sat from thursday night to monday morning.

i am quite. bath regularly. do not snore. keep to myself if need be. i have no intention of having friends over either.

i would like roommates that do not smoke or drink.  no drugs.

the days are running short so anything will help. you can skype me: dumpfest   it would be best chatted a bit. i will be co existing with you for a few days, it seems like a good idea.   male or female is fine. i work better with shy people.

or email : [email protected]

thanks in advance.
Hotel and Facilities / need a room. last min!
May 05, 2013, 09:04:14 PM
Need a room:
+ Introduction: quiet and non threatening. long time attendee of Fanime who usually get his own room but want to try something new this year. 100% self sufficient but still good company. 
other interests include pathfinder and other d&d stuff. warhammer 40k, games, anime, cosplay (not doing it this year), candy.

+ Hotel Information: i would like to stay at the Hilton or Merritt. Hyatt or Sainte Claire

+ Requirements: no drinking, no smoking, no drugs. no excessive loudness. willing to pay my equal share cash! i will be getting my badge thursday and would like a room thursday to monday morning.
also, for thoes in or near Oakland i can pay for gas if you are willing to drive.
i would like my own room key so not to have to bother anyone with my comings and goings

+ Contact: you can pm me or email me at [email protected].

+ Miscellaneous: i dont spend too much time in the hotel so i dont think you will see too much of me. i shower twice a day....apparently people think that is weird.