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Messages - blancoisma

Since Wish is my all time favorite manga, I would have loved to see it as an anime/ova. They did make like, a 2-3 minute music video featuring the cast in animation. But, since the series was only 4 volumes, I think they could tie everything down in a 12 episode series. I would seriously have loved it.

Another would be After School Nightmare. Great story, great characters, could totally make an awesome anime.
If I could have my way...I would find myself flying through the galaxy similar to the Outlaw Star group. I really liked some of the planets and areas that they visited. Or maybe it's just cause I'm very into to that series, heh.

I would also like to live in the crystal clear, blue world of Daphne in the Brilliant Blue. Again, probably because I am particular to this series.
Despite the fact that I've got another gathering at 2pm and I'm going to be cutting that one short, I'm still willing and going to attend our gathering regardless. If it happens to change to a different time that will work for everyone else, then that's fine with me too, even if it's the butt crack of dawn lol. I just want you guys to know that I'm dedicated to our tea party :)
I want this week done with. My vacation officially starts after this Friday. I haven't had any time off work since last September when I went to Yaoi-Con. I am SO ready for Fanime week.

I've got stuff to do on my cosplay, as everyone, but luckily I'm remaking something from last year, so I've got the patterns and the techniques down. Doesn't deter from the fact that it needs to get done *head desk*

I'm also growing incredibly anxious to see my roomie who's coming up from southern Cali, which is one of the biggest reasons I'm attending Fanime. I can't wait!

Hey, would it be okay if I brought some of my mother's hand crotched doilies? I think it would add a nice element to the tea party :)
Hey senritsu, I wanted to ask, what character is that in your avatar? Don't kill me for saying, but he looks a lot like Seifer from FF8...without the scar.
Thanks everyone for the suggestions, I haven't checked back in for a couple days, so didn't think anyone really would get this into it. I'm still playing around with some ideas, so I think I'll be able to pull the eyepatch off on my right eye, without it killing me :)
General Convention Discussion / Re: getting there
April 28, 2009, 09:32:30 PM
4-5 drive from the Mendocino coast. I've done it the same way every year that I've gone. Nothing special, I just make super nifty remixes and sing along, and before I know it, I'm there.
Quote from: chaosbark on April 27, 2009, 01:34:46 PM
Bad eyesight is a curse... When I don't use my glasses I tend to attach myself to my friends

I assume that you mean sock garters. I know for sure that you can buy them because my grandma has one. Quickly google searched it: They seem to have a wide variety of sock garters. You might have some luck finding a "how-to" guide if you search around (I didn't look much).

Thanks chaosbark! I'll definitely give it a look and see what I can find :)
Hey everyone! I am working my way through my Ciel cosplay and everything is going pretty good, although the one thing that I am missing are those little garter type things that he uses to keep his socks up. I am not sure what the correct term for them is, but any chances you guys know where I can buy them or how to make them?

Also, I would like to just ask Yana Toboso, WHY did she have to curse Ciel's right eye? Couldn't she have given him the curse on his left? I have a condition in my left eye that leaves me seeing everything blurry. But my right eye balances it out. HOWEVER, since Ciel's right eye is covered up by his trademark eyepatch, I'm gonna be a blind mess! I'm trying to work out something in my design so maybe I can avoid the patch or come up with an ingenious way to cover my right side without blinding me. Anywho, can't wait to debut my original design and see you guys there, I am SO excited!
I think everyone pretty much covered how the feel, stay, etc. to the Fairmont was last year. I personally liked it too. Although I did want to share that on my way into the hotel one day, all dressed up in my cosplay ( mind you, I have a huge hat, and I'm jingling cause I have a bunch of beads bounding around ) there's this circle of rich looking women having drinks in the main hall, when one gets up and goes

"WOOHOO! Look, it's one of those costumed people!"

And waves her arms at me and her girlfriends do the same. Getting reactions isn't all that rare considering how people dress up at these things, but considering it was the Fairmont and it's all classy and having these older rich ladies call out to you, it kinda sticks XD
Quote from: Mango Bunny on April 22, 2009, 09:45:30 PM
Quote from: chanocular on April 22, 2009, 09:34:17 PM
Quote from: blancoisma on April 22, 2009, 09:26:29 PM
Well asides from the OMFG amount of work left to do on my cosplay, it's just work, work, and more work.

AND, I had made it my goal to be at Fanime, at least 30 pounds lighter, but I have already went past that goal and I'll be attending Fanime lighter than 42 pounds! I have lost 42 pounds since January, and I'll be losing a bit more within the next month. Finally, I'll be able to cosplay and not feel like a beast, lol.

I've been trying to lose weight since the end of march. I've only lost 12lbs so far. =(

Losing 42 lbs in 3-4 months is good! congrats!!!

I agree, 42 pounds is awesome!

And I've only been trying for like, a week. I went "Ohcrap, fanime." and I think I've lost like, 2-3 pounds? Yay I guess? But once the con is upon us.... it shall be better!

Thanks guys! But it's been a lot of hard work, lol. Been dieting, no red meat, no sugar, no breads, no soda, etc. And at least an hour at the gym every day. So yeah, it's been going great! :)
Well asides from the OMFG amount of work left to do on my cosplay, it's just work, work, and more work.

AND, I had made it my goal to be at Fanime, at least 30 pounds lighter, but I have already went past that goal and I'll be attending Fanime lighter than 42 pounds! I have lost 42 pounds since January, and I'll be losing a bit more within the next month. Finally, I'll be able to cosplay and not feel like a beast, lol.
Alright, so it's Saturday morning and my artist just called me to say he's sick as a dog. So, we're rescheduling for next weekend, so obviously no new work for today. I'll have pictures next Saturday if all goes well. Alright, sorry guys, I'm bummed out too, but things happen. Catch ya later!
Hey those that have been following this thread. Sorry for lack of updates, work has been killing me ( thank jebus the tax season is over ) but I thought I'd let you know that I am going back for my 4th session tomorrow afternoon, so I should have some new color done and new pictures to share. At this point, we might be working on Sailor Saturn, or possibly the cast of Last Exile. It's all up in the air right now lol.

Of course, my sleeve won't be done by Fanime. This will be the last session I go to until after the con, since I have to save up a bit of money and my cosplay is in need of some desperate work ( SO much to do!)

Anywho, I'll keep you guys posted and expect some new pics tomorrow night!
Yay! Another session down! So, Anthy from Revolutionary Girl Utena is finished! I know there are differences in color, and the overall outfit, but it was meant that way. The pictures are a little "eh" but for serious, I am in LOVE with how it turned out. Next session, we tackle Dio, Luciola, and Maestro Delphine from Last Exile on my upper arm. So excited! Oh! I was dead wrong on how many sessions I had left. At this rate, it'll be another 4+ before it's all done  :o

So i'm here at the shop. Keep u posted later!
Quote from: rude32 on April 02, 2009, 09:05:25 PM
so whos the artist?

His name's Jody and he works at Accent Tattoo & Piercing in downtown Ukiah. It's about...2, 2 1/2 hours north of San Francisco. His portfolio is very impressive, check him out at

He's worked on me before, and he's done tons of stuff, but he says this is the first time he's tackled this large, anime style related. So, hopefully it'll turn out great in the end, I'm happy with his work.
Quote from: kollunz on March 31, 2009, 09:01:34 PM
any more updates man?

Not quite yet, I have my 3rd session this upcoming Sunday to fill in the color on all the characters, so I'll post full pics of the character side of my arm later Sunday afternoon :)
Quote from: XpHoBiaX on March 25, 2009, 01:31:05 PM
Hardcore commitment yo.
Props and kudos.
How many sessions to go?
Sit like a sailor?
Did ya cry?? X3

I have 12+ hours on my left arm so far. ;)
I'm gonna do a Nobody symbol in blacklight ink. ;)

I've had two sessions so far for the outline of my characters, the ocean waves and flowers. Both consisted of a little over two hours, and I think I may have another two left. I'm going back in two and a half weeks to do the color on all of my characters, and the last one for the ocean waves and flowers.

As for crying, I haven't yet, lol. There have been some moments where I was ready to kick something over, particularly the giant red Utena rose, but other than that it's been pretty okay :)