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Messages - iAnimePHr34k

Quote from: Bai-MeiEr on April 17, 2009, 08:28:23 PM
Hm, those are pretty cute. (: For $2.50 or so, I would like them to be a bit more intricate, more beads, longer, etc.
But I'd probably buy them; I love cute little beaded things like those.
Well they're gonna be longer and I was planning to find some cool things at Daiso to put on them.
--John Burgmeir (sp?)
Seriously, he NEEDS TO STOP BY A CON.
Would anyone be interested in any of these at Fanime?
I'm planning to make them quite affordable at $2.50-$5.00.
Incredible Stuff I can Make / Re: DeviantArt
April 15, 2009, 07:29:53 PM
This is a totally cool idea!
I'll be going as Mai.
My friend may be Zuko but he hasn't really decided yet.
I'll be there as a chubby Mai from Avatar the Last Airbender.
I've only tried voice acting but I'd be glad to help/check this out! ^__^;
I'm kinda on the "big" side, but I'll volunteer. It depends on the time and day. ^_^;
Yu Yu Hakusho items, um...DnAngel items as well, and...W Juliet perhaps? XDDD
I love those series. ;_____;
Registration / Can you get into Fanime W/O a badge?
January 06, 2009, 03:42:01 PM
I'd like to ask, Can you wander around in Fanime without a badge.
I in I can bring a friend but she really doesn't really want to pay 55 bucks to stay with me all weekend and just sit there to collect money for me at my artist alley table.
Far Away by Nickelback is a great slow song. >w<
It's so romance-y.
Isn't it?
I don't know what dance it should be for though.
"Yeah, on the catwalk, on the catwalk yeah, I shake my little tush, on the catwalk!"
I am going to try to be Mai from Avatar and Mulan. xDD
Once I learn how to sew.
I sang "Real Emotion" with my friend.
We sucked.
xDD I was the cubby Yuki on Saturday.
Next year, I wanna sing Be a Man from Mulan with my friend. xDD
I just really wanted to know because...I like knowing things. xDDD
And I really planned on debuting in my first artist alley booth ever. ^__^;
So thanks for the replies but I still had one more question to ask..
If I get an industry badge, does it still qualify to Artist Alley qualifications for the badge?
Thanks for the replies you two!
I'll try to calm down.
Things in the Universe / Re: the "Ask Otaku" thread
October 05, 2008, 03:22:35 PM
What is "the game?"
Live Programming and Events / Fanime 09 Artist Alley?!
October 05, 2008, 12:35:35 PM
I lost the game.
if I have a relative that got an industry badge and he gave me one, would I still be eligible to sign up for Artist Alley with THAT badge?
It technically should be a full wekend badge right? it true that there really is no more tables for '09?
I know it's a rumor, but it makes me uneasy because I REALLY like to plan ahead for these things and knowing these things sooner is the best, right?
Sorry if I'm sounding irritating or anything, I'm just a bit paranoid.