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Topics - RenRentheGreat

And why it's the reason I'm not going to be attending Fanime next year

The art and commissions were overpriced, there was little style variation between artists and many of the artists I talked to were fairly rude. Artist's Alley is usually my favorite part of conventions, but this was awful. The artists are talented, and I'm not trying to degrade them and their work. However by picking such an elite selection of artists, they were given less competition, resulting in raised prices all around and a general sense of superiority. Many of the artists I've seen at other cons and their prices were definitely increased here as opposed to other times.

But don't feel too bad, Fanime. Really this was just the straw that broke the camel's back. The scheduling was horrid and unorganized, events were difficult to locate due to the separate booklets containing different information, the one way only entrances and exits were pointless and really the only thing that went well was the registration line.

TL;DR this year's Fanime was single handedly the least enjoyable out of all the cons I have attended since 2007 and I will not be returning.