I can understand being uncomfortable meeting and chatting with people and then finding out they're half your age. It feels like it can get real inappropriate real fast, even if you're not making any sort of sexual advances. (I also have the problem of having to reject a lot of 14-year-old baby lesbians who are constantly hitting on me at cons, but I don't think that 18+ badges would help with that :P) Even though nothing salacious is happening, and I'm not a flirty person, I'd much rather chill with people closer to my own age, thankyouverymuch.
For something where it's just a social issue, something like ribbons might be a good idea -- not mandatory, and not something that would allow or disallow access to an 18+ event, but something where if you want it, you can stick it on your badge and indicate to others that you are above/below legal age. Might help parents feel a little more safe with their kids there, though I can also see how predators might try to single underage people out, and it might be an issue if someone under 18 gets a hold of an over 18 ribbon, but if people /are/ trying to hook up and are smart about it regardless of ribbon, that shouldn't be as much of a problem, since they wouldn't be official.
There's no way that badges or anything would be a good way to very age for official reasons, but if it's just the social aspect, it might be worth a shot to try unofficially.
Not everyone who is uncomfortable with the idea of hanging out with people way younger is trying to hook up with them. Besides, OP literally said that she likes to meet women at cons. If you're going to suggest this (hey, nothing wrong with it between consenting adults), then at least get the gender right. ;]
For something where it's just a social issue, something like ribbons might be a good idea -- not mandatory, and not something that would allow or disallow access to an 18+ event, but something where if you want it, you can stick it on your badge and indicate to others that you are above/below legal age. Might help parents feel a little more safe with their kids there, though I can also see how predators might try to single underage people out, and it might be an issue if someone under 18 gets a hold of an over 18 ribbon, but if people /are/ trying to hook up and are smart about it regardless of ribbon, that shouldn't be as much of a problem, since they wouldn't be official.
There's no way that badges or anything would be a good way to very age for official reasons, but if it's just the social aspect, it might be worth a shot to try unofficially.
Quote from: WorldDominationStudios on May 29, 2017, 01:56:11 PM
Is OP afraid that she'll have a one-night stand with someone she meets at the con, only to find out later that he's under 18?
I do not see the purpose of this thread or the suggestion.
Not everyone who is uncomfortable with the idea of hanging out with people way younger is trying to hook up with them. Besides, OP literally said that she likes to meet women at cons. If you're going to suggest this (hey, nothing wrong with it between consenting adults), then at least get the gender right. ;]