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Messages - Artemis.exe

I guess I'll go. No promises because I may have to be reminded, but I love fruity ass drinks.  8)
Alright! With much thought over it, it looks like I WILL in fact be going to Fanime this year, and with that, I figure this is a gathering I legit wanna participate in. I'll be cosplaying as Loran Cehack from Turn A Gundam. :3
Quote from: Artemis.exe on May 31, 2011, 03:36:12 AM
Any pictures of me? I was Tomodachi / Friend from "20th Century Boys". I've seen videos of me when I was up there, next to him mocking the protester dude. I want to know if anyone bothered to take a picture of me. I know a ton of people pulled me over inside to snap shots, too. :3

Guess I forgot to add a reference picture to this post. xDD
But yeah, here's one.
I'd love to see Japanese VA's. It would be great getting the chance to meet them and potentially taking a picture with them and getting my favorite character song albums signed by them. *Coughcough*TheK-On!Cast*CoughCough*  ;D
I was Friend/Tomodachi from 20th Century Boys on Saturday. I know I was messing with the one dude on the speaker during the little Christian protest thing, and a couple people who actually knew what the hell 20th Century Boys was pulled me over for some shots. Anyone here get any pictures of me? :3
Any pictures of me? I was Tomodachi / Friend from "20th Century Boys". I've seen videos of me when I was up there, next to him mocking the protester dude. I want to know if anyone bothered to take a picture of me. I know a ton of people pulled me over inside to snap shots, too. :3
Quote from: yoHmok on May 31, 2011, 01:39:14 AM
All that's left for me now, is to wait for next year's FanimeCon.  It's so great!

Pretty much this. Though I have read of a small con in San Mateo pretty soon. So I might check that up if I have a wild hair to take a bus across the city.
Definite Post-Con Depression here. Sunday Afternoon, I was skating back to the Caltrain Station and it didn't really hit me until I was the only one in that car as the train was put into motion. All that went through my head was "Wow, time to be that loser no one can relate to. I'm no longer immortal, my amazing weekend is over, and the more I stare here at my loot, the more I don't want it to be over. Time to snap back into reality and become a human again. Time to put on my green hat and and apron and get back to brewing these humans coffee. *sigh*" And when I got home, I cried for about a good 15 minutes when I decided to get up and stick my prints I had bought on my ceiling above my bed so I go to sleep with memories of this con, and wake up with those memories. I still have mixed emotions, though. Because I think of a different person and different conversation attached to each of the 12 prints I bought. My feelings change every time I look up at them, though. I'll take a glimpse, and smile thinking of the amazing time I had. But I'll do a double-take and get depressed knowing it's over. One thing that cheered me up though was finding a flyer for Animation On Display 2012 in San Francisco on the sidewalk somewhere near the Conv Center. That inspired me to work on a new cosplay for THAT event and keep my mind occupied for now.  :(
In my personal opinion, Fanime was exquisite, but the lack of schedules was a HUGE letdown. I mean, I had fun nonetheless, but the lack of schedules had me running around the con trying to find out times of supposed events through word-of-mouth which was REALLY annoying. though, I do concur about the gripes of the Dealer's Hall prices. Like, $60 for a Zero No Tsukaima artbook.... WTH!? It was an issue that prevented me from getting that "Ore No Imouto" artbook when I saw it, when I came back they were outttt! :(
I mean, I still had a blast, but those two minor nitpicks were kinda downers. :P