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you may want to give yourself an extra half hour.  the days before long weekends tend to have unusual traffic patterns.
weekend traffic heads up

BART Track closure between Fruitvale and Coliseum,  All day Saturday, May 23 through all day Sunday, May 24, 2015

To accommodate your travel while the work is being done, we will have a "bus bridge" providing lifeline service for customers who don't have other options. The buses will carry customers between the two closed stations. There will be no additional charge for the bus. The bus bridge will cause 30-60 minute delays for some customers.

We recommend that you avoid travel between Fruitvale and Coliseum on the designated weekends if possible. If you are driving, we recommend that you park at the station (Fruitvale, Coliseum or Bay Fair) that will allow you to avoid the bus bridge

Also on Saturday May 23, there will be no Green Line service. Which means: unlike typical Saturdays, customers proceeding north from Fremont will have to use a Richmond (Orange Line) train. There will be a transfer at Bay Fair to a Blue Line train and then the bus bridge between Coliseum and Fruitvale stations. There will also be less overall service capacity and frequency. During the closure, passengers should listen to overhead announcements, employee instructions, and follow temporary signs that will be in place.

San Mateo Bridge to Close May 22-25 for Construction

Caltrans will close the San Mateo Bridge May 22-25 for roadway resurfacing and expansion joint replacement. Full closures for all east and westbound lanes will begin at 10:00 pm on Friday the 22nd and continue until 5:00 am on Monday the 25th. Motorists can use the Dumbarton Bridge, San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge, or the southern route along CA-237 as alternate routes during these closures. For more information

Hotel Stayed: Fairmont
Nights Stayed: Fri-Sat-Sun
Helpfulness of Staff: excellent
Pros of Hotel: great for cosplayers - room has ironing board and iron, also a gigantic closet.  There was also a small desk outside the bathroom but separated by a wall from the rest of the room, that was useful for one of my roommates who was an artist drawing commissions all night.   hotel also provides 2 bathrobes per room.  Elevators were crowded but still faster than other hotels I've stayed at. (there are a few more of them)  There is a fedex store in the first floor but it is closed weekends. 
Cons of Hotel: just far away from the convention center that it's inconvenient to go back and forth often.
Would You Stay Again: yes
Recommendations/Suggestions/Misc: sign up for presidents' club to get the free wifi.
San Jose isn't a tourist destination, and there are no other events that would justify further hotel construction.  This is actually a blessing - convention hotel prices are often double the price in other cities.  The shuttle bus program could probably be expanded significantly though... after all, all those tech buses aren't being used on the holiday weekend.
Hotel and Facilities / Re: Complaints for housing
February 18, 2014, 12:51:14 AM
Artist Alley has had this problem of selling out within minutes and crashing the server for a few years now.  During that time the price of Artist Alley has about doubled.   I would not be surprised if the same happens with the hotel rooms, which seem to have not changed in price for a while and are cheap compared to other conventions.  #bayareahousing
Also note that BayCon, a science fiction convention, is taking place the same weekend in Santa Clara at the Hyatt near Great America.
That is true.  There are probably more people out and about late at night the weekend of Fanime than there are the rest of the year.
Since the convention hotels all filled up, here's a map showing where some other ones are. 

Convention Center station is right in front of the Convention Center main entrance.

VTA light rail starts running around 6am, last trains leave Convention Center between 9:30pm and 11pm depending on where you are going. Details at and  Rides are $2 each or $6 for a day pass.

Note there are plenty of other hotels in the area that are a bit harder to get to without a car. 
San Jose is a BYOBag City
Hi shoppers, for the 2nd year now retailers in San Jose, and that includes vendors and Artist Alley, are not allowed to give you plastic bags.  So bring some bags for your swag!

Recycling Info
YES (put in recycling)
Clean Plastic Containers #1-7
Metal Cans
Clean aluminum foil
Glass bottles

Pizza boxes
Paper products with food on it
Plastic bags
Foam packaging and containers
Bubble wrap
For those on a budget there are a few grocery stores within walking distance.  Cheap restaurants are near San Jose State.

San Jose Japantown, one of only 3 in the US, is a short drive or 4 stops on lightrail away.

More info here:
Since the convention site's info is limited, here's some details based on experience:
This is the Bay Area trip planner.  Google Maps transit directions also works.

VTA Light Rail
Both of the main lines of the VTA Light Rail stops right in front of the convention center - stop is called Convention Center.  It also stops in front of the Fairmont Hotel where badge pickup is.  That stop is called Paseo de San Antonio.

Detail is from the California Rail Map,

Light rail runs from around 6am to midnight.  Trains run every 15 minutes weekdays, 15-30 minutes on Saturday, and 30 minutes on Sunday and Memorial Day.
Schedules: and

VTA also has a lot of bus lines, their map is here:
VTA costs $2 a ride or $6 a day.  Clipper Cards work on VTA.

VTA Bus 181 from Fremont BART
For folks coming from the East Bay this is likely to be the cheapest and fastest way. 
The 181 stop at Fremont is on side of the station closer to the hills.

Get off at 2nd and Santa Clara and walk 2 blocks to the Fairmont where registration takes place.

San Jose Diridon Train Station
This station is served by Amtrak, CalTrain from SF, and the Altamont Corridor Express from Stockton  Regional buses from Santa Cruz and Monterey also stop here.  Megabus from LA also stops here. 

VTA Light Rail stops at San Jose Diridon station, you just need to go down from the platform into the lower level walkway, walk under the tracks, and come up the opposite side.  Light rail to the convention center is a 10-minute ride.  There is also a weekday-only DASH shuttle that runs every 15 minutes and stops outside the station.

Amtrak schedules between Auburn, Sacramento, Davis, Oakland and San Jose:  If you are going in a large group buy a 10-ride ticket, they can be shared among many people and you get 10 rides for the price of 6.  You can use half the rides going to the convention and the other half going home. 

There are other Amtrak trains that stop in San Jose from various places in California and the west coast.  The ride from Fresno is 4 hours and $31 each way.  The ride from SoCal is 8-10 hours and $54-70 each way.  There are no taxes or bag fees.

San Jose Greyhound Bus Station
This station is at 70 S Almaden Ave, San Jose, CA and is 2 blocks / 10 minute walk from the convention center. 

Directions from the Airport
San Francisco: take BART to Millbrae, then Caltrain to San Jose.
Oakland: take BART to Fremont, then bus 181 to San Jose.  There is an Amtrak train also but it doesn't run often enough to be a useful flight connection.
San Jose: take the free Airport Flyer shuttle bus to the VTA light rail station.