Quote from: keyblademaster333 on June 03, 2017, 09:43:22 AM
I understand price being a good reason not to go, but if you don't have the money then you honestly should not attend. Going to the con, complaining about not being able to be in events and other things, and then say "Well I don't have the money" seems like your saying that you want to be able to do everything at the con for free. If you really want to go to the con and have low money then buy the ticket early, it isn't too cheap but it is still cheaper.
More interpreting "not having the money" as "not wanting to spend the money" here in my case...
Depends on why you want to go, and what your situation was at the time. If the only reason you want a badge is to go shopping, and you don't know for certain that there will be anything in artists' or dealers' that makes the cost worth it? Fanime isn't the sort of convention that gets lots of exclusives, so $85 (or $60 for a single day badge) just for the chance that you MAY find that thing you really want to buy? Pretty steep. And in our case, buying badges early was a risky prospect (and honestly, still more than we wanted to spend just to go shopping).
This was my husband and my first year not attending Fanime in years (minus one year where I only attended for a day because of finishing up my degree, I've been attending since 2007). This had nothing to do with Fanime. I had a baby two weeks before the convention, and for a number of reasons, the full convention was NOT going to happen. We took a little time walked around outside the con to see what cool costumes were around each day, met up with some friends, but didn't buy a badge.
We wanted to though, or really, buy a single one day badge for my husband to use to wander Artists' Alley. We may not be have the energy to go to the con, and we weren't going to bring a 2-week-old into the more crowded areas of the con, but we could spare a few hours for one of us to see if there was any cool art.
Not for $60 though.
It'd make enforcement tricker, but I'd really love to see a cheaper "shopper's pass" for attendees who don't care about the events, but want access to Dealers' and Artists'. I understand that putting on the events costs money, so while steep, I'm less concerned about the overall cost of the badge as whole. But not everybody is interested in being a 24 hour attendee.
My point is that wanting to attend the con and not wanting to spend the money =/= thinking all the events should be free. It just means thinking that the cost is too high for the events you do want to to attend.