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Messages - Tsuruneru

I'll need to see what they have. Last I checked, the events this year didn't catch my interests. That's a me problem. But if I do the basic dress up and walk around and do nothing else I'll need to get over it. Thanks again for your input.
Yeah thats mostly the arcade for me unfortunately. Outside of there, not much else interests me. I think panels are also very limited this year too? The socializing is a me problem for being antisocial.

I would only go with my friend who id also room with but this year he just mentioned that its just him and his girlfriend rooming together this year. I'd assume its to lower chances of contracting covid but since then he hasn't really replied to me. So im assuming ill be going alone and just walking around or in the arcade.

I feel like i should have prepared by going to the movies alone or something :P But yeah just was a long shot to see how others feel or what they do when at conventions by themselves and are too nervous to talk to other attendees.
Honestly just the basics. Im too much of a wuss to walk up to anyone and start a convo. The only time someone would talk to me is to ask to take a picture when I'm cosplaying but that would be the end of it. But yeah basics like, how does one feel when they are alone for the full weekend, what do they do and how long are they there per day. I'll be cosplaying Friday-Sunday and just walking around or the arcade. Not a solid plan by myself. Thanks for replying btw.

Long story short, i would go to fanime every year since maybe 2012 and get a hotel room with a couple friends and cosplay. This year i don't have any friends and also very anti social. I'd just cosplay and walk around without talking to anyone but then become a little Jealous of those who have friends that go together. :P

My question is, is anyone else going alone or have gone to conventions alone and how was it for you?
awesome. Hope to see you and other s4 fans.
Quote from: Reyak on April 01, 2013, 06:30:03 PM
Quote from: Tsuruneru on April 01, 2013, 06:26:39 PM
Hello, Are there any fans or cosplayers of the game S4 League that is going to be at fanime this year? I will be going as a fan made S4 character or the modern m set with a crystal plasma sword. Please let me know.

I play S4 league on-and-off with friends and would love to see your costume :)

Awesome. I know one S4 cosplayer went at the 2010 fanime but i was not there. Here's a picture of me in my modern m at sacanime 2012. I'll go again with that one (But with the other sword) or a new S4 costume. Really would like to make new friends there. But i will be there all weekend.
Hello, Are there any fans or cosplayers of the game S4 League that is going to be at fanime this year? I will be going as a fan made S4 character or the modern m set with a crystal plasma sword. Please let me know.
Ideas and Suggestions / Re: Va tournaments
January 22, 2011, 09:40:25 AM
More or less something like this. This has actual voice actors are like judges telling you how you sound and such. Take a look.
Ideas and Suggestions / Va tournaments
January 20, 2011, 07:51:06 AM
Are there going to be any voice acting tournaments at the fanimecon this year? Like AX Idol just wondering.