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Messages - Hachimitsu

Registration / Re: Badge pick up - Where to go?
May 21, 2014, 11:07:31 PM
Quote from: Admiral Donuts on May 21, 2014, 11:03:08 PM
Are you the group leader?

yes I am the group leader, i am just confused as hell and So far the faqs never explained anything if you are a vender to the other events (artist and swap)
Okay I ask registration about the badge pick up but I did NOT recieve a response back!

however I got a response from artist alley that my badge pick up will be EARLY in the morning (10am @ thursday)...
Located on the new ball room...
( i cannot be sure nor confirm this but this was on  from my table partner (he is in charge )

I also signed up for swap meet and I wasn't sure if swap meet is going to hold our badges or not!

Also I have a group registration sooo...

no no i just want the historia Symbols only...
ANything purple is not what I needed because that belongs to the sword

again it's not meant to be a jewelry its actually a very large piece O_O!...sorta...
well it is abit larger than the size of a wayfinder..

but I understand what your saying.. but again i ran out of income for the materials and the time v_v since as of now i have to go support my counsins.....graduation >:(

I cannot bring my projects with me so Today was the final day to work..

question: when you say acryclic.. you meant paint right? or is this another term for Plastic sheet?
Quote from: Decantus on May 13, 2014, 02:01:38 AM
To be clear to everyone, if I could have had it in the main hall, I would.  The Main hall is the most convenient, has the most foot traffic, and has the most space.  Problem is that the space is being used this year by Dealer's, and I'm not about to start stepping on Dealer's Hall Seller's toes.

I SOO wanna hug you and thank you for continue having swap meet as an awesome event T_T!....
I know it sounds weird but seriously, it's one of the reasons why i love this con..

now I need to contact registration because I am having problems where to obtain the badge?
through registration? Artist alley? (I have a group of people with me)..ehh it's confusing and such O_O!...
Quote from: Decantus on May 12, 2014, 01:20:54 PM

Okay fine.

We're in the Civic Center this year.

And don't worry about the size of my battalion, we'll have you covered.
I am trying to deciper if you meant by the whole region or just a specific point but you don't have to put the helvetica Bold 24 point type face...

I only know one place where that is locate.....
ON the plus side we got THURSDAY and friday for swap meet so I am looking forward to see it comming...
just abit shocked on it's location...

btw the reason I asked about the location is because of the permits! I am sorry if I offend you or annoyed you a lot but it is important for all of us to be prepared.
Quote from: miku2013 on May 10, 2014, 08:04:22 AM
I bought a counterfeits figma from abctoy4me last year...

Sorry to hear that but your not alone, I bought Claire (from Claymore) and it was also counterfeit. I should have checked my phone and see if it's official or not but I got a lot of mean looks from them saying "no photos". this was like.. 2-3 years ago.
a while a go I purchased a wayfinder from a guy who does laser cutting and I really thought itlooked cool, but now I kinda need some help!..
I really want this to be cut the same way that guy did with the wayfinder and I don't know how to reach him...

heres the image i have that needs to be laser cut...

and this is the wayfinder i purchased (LAST FANIME ago)


so uhm... again I really need help because cutting a laserdisc is more troublesome than i thought it would.
Quote from: Admiral Donuts on May 10, 2014, 06:59:50 AM
Quote from: Hachimitsu-ink on May 10, 2014, 03:04:51 AM
This is starting to worry me a lot.
- So, we aren't getting a spot like last year due to curfew?
- Swap meet is going to be held outside? (in the cold? wait... IS SWAPMEET in SOUTH HALL!?[so bringing a sweater])

I think you misread Decantus' post:

Quote from: Decantus on May 02, 2014, 05:39:26 PM
I liked last years spot, but we can't get that one because reasons.  South Hall actually has a noise curfew of 10:30pm so we're not able to use it.

The one place Swap Meet won't be is South Hall, because South Hall has a curfew.

sorry, i forgot about that post.. but thank you for the reminder Mr. donut...
so.. i found out artist show (gallery) has posted on twitter today and uhm.. that was kinda surprising O_O! because the registration on artist show supposedly during the convention days....

HOW did artist show got noticed and swap meet still puzzles me about..
This is starting to worry me a lot.
- So, we aren't getting a spot like last year due to curfew?
- Registration forms from swap meet administrator has been submitted but waiting on registration admin to respond back?
- very few Assistance on swap meet this year (heard from one of my friends)
- Swap meet is going to be held outside? (in the cold? wait... IS SWAPMEET in SOUTH HALL!?[so bringing a sweater])

Thank you for doing the best for registering swap-meet to the event. I really hope you are doing the best you can to get this through. I think I understand now how frustrating you must be feeling waiting from other staff members around you to recieve confirmation.
Quote from: kill3rsushi on May 06, 2014, 07:50:52 AM
I thought of another question. Since my friend and I were planning on selling in two separate spaces but plan on selling next to each other if possible and neither of us does this more than once a year, would it be possible to share the seller's permit we have to get? I don't know if they can get to a Board of Equalization office before the con, but I can, so if I put them down as my 2nd on my permit, would they be able to use their own spot?

I am not sure if this sounds possible.. if they are selling it should be under their own name and not someone elses....
I put mines seperate from my sister because we have to pay the city tax (its after the whole talling up the total of things we sold er... ITS just like artist alley... and stuff)..
but that is a good question, I hope I am wrong that it is possible to share a permit, but again I really am not sure..
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: WTS Misc Items
May 06, 2014, 09:49:06 AM
is it possible to see what the conditions are for the kingdom hearts manga?
Gaming / Re: Do You Like Call of Duty?
May 06, 2014, 09:43:42 AM
I played my friends modern warefare 3 with nuke town.. bought my own copy but turns out its not the same (black ops 2?) however the controls are much easier and i like the helicopter drones.. and the warthog (terminator salvation planes..)...
sadly i mostly play co-op kiling enemy bots just to refine skills.

Not very good playing at professional level, but it still a nice fun game to have with 4 players..

LAN party doesn't work since it only limit to 2 players PER CONSOLE!>. WHICH SUCKS because i spent all my rewards from gamestop! to get another copy for my friend.. (was hoping 4 x 4 battle royal (4 on one console = LAN CABLE = 4 on another console)...
Hotel and Facilities / Seeking Room-mates - Hyatt
May 01, 2014, 08:34:39 PM
Room is full...

Comes with::

  • Your very own Hotel Key
  • Small special surprise
If you want to negotiate a price, the chances of the surprise will be reduce to zero...
Surprise hint: it's something you need for fanime...

Hotel Information: Hyatt hotel
The hotel is located on the Hyatt.... right across the street of Fanimecon

People who going::MALE - FEMALE

  • Hachimitsu - hotel leader ^ ^ !(I sleep in the Hallway)
  • jeffrey(he lost his job so.. he's going?)
  • Savaritus
  • misa-chan (She got dibs on the sofa couch or the bed)
  • DAF (shes going to use the room temporary, so she will stop by to use the shower)

Hi my name is hachimitsu, and so far things WERE looking good O_O!.... I had 3 people with me but decided they cannot make it.. Gio said his work place would not allowed to have the days off
So again, im re-posting my Roomate because I really had everyone together!.. now it was 6 people drop down to 3....


  • Don't bring any colored sodas.. a carpet stain  = $75 dollars at your own expense.. its not worth it
  • best to send a private message about yourself... I have alot of concerns meeting new people...
  • please respect other peoples things..if your a messy person.. well, don't worry we are all are >_<!
  • I have some things from swap meet and Artist alley so if I get stressed out.. Please cheer me up...

near my avitar there should be a list of ways you can contact me...

I plan to bring 2 costumes, my artist alley items, and uhm... I sometimes have depression or stressful moments.. try to cheer me up in anyway you can...[/s]
The last 4 fanimes has had the same rulings over and over again, regarding about wheels.
Both Artist alley and Swap meet (not sure about dealers hall)

The following excuses Why they weren't allowed after interviewing rovers and the guy who is in charge..

  • gives a hint you are part of the dealers hall trying to resell items
  • People who brought karts never put them away and left them on the side, creating traffic congestions
  • Violates the union labor laws and you need to hire one of them just to use a cart, rental is like what. $1200
  • We have rovers, you can ask them for assistance (but I noticed THERE aren't many left)
  • easy display stands? (seriously? how does that even work, we used ours as a CHAIR (3 years ago))
  • Stains the carpet (sounds reasonable but again.. the interior of the buildings aren't carpet...except that time from blackout year)

these are all the things i have reported over the past 5 years... since. 2009 I think... I remember one time someone asked me if the box I have has wheels but since i carry the huge damn thing from the gaurage to the fairemont, alot of items were droped into the tracks!

has anyone else by pass this?, I mean seriously I KNOW im notthe only one here, I had a talk with the guy who was incharge and he too didn't like this ruling idea as well...
Quote from: LightandDarkSoul on April 22, 2014, 11:04:33 PM
Another way around that is using Paypal Here. Info and comparison: http://www.cardfellow.com/blog/paypal-here-vs-square/
I personally use Paypal here and, to me, it's a better option as you get your funds immediately. Only requirement is that you have to have an active, verified Paypal account.

OKay paypal and square looks intersting but has anyone tried this one?

I have a big question regarding about families swap meet spots.. Can me and my sister have seperate spots? (even though we are kinda next to each other O_o!)
Live Programming and Events / not selected
April 10, 2014, 01:37:34 PM
Isn't "because we don't have enough tables" and "we do not have enough space" the same answer?
wait im confused how ths works...
I remember submitting my application on time before the deadline and... my response why i wasn't approved was becuase theres no room or no tables...
i guess my question is are these two a good approval thing or was there a third phrase saying "your approval is rejected becuase your artwork is offensive...

I got a table.. thank you so much for reading..

Hi my name is hachimitsu-ink.. and I have not been selected either becuase they ran out of room / they dont have enough tables so I will get to the point..

I have been successful selling my artworks on various conventions and at times i was also very lucky to pay off the things i have purchased(badge ticket, Artist alley registration..so on).

whenever you have a chance please feel free to look at my work...
if some of these offend you, I apologized in advance. My work isn't special like my favorite artists (examples: Bokuman.deviantart.com or http://j-scott-campbell.deviantart.com/ ) but they are my inspirations for drawing artworks.

Poster Short example::


3d Digital Print Paper Cut Illustration

if you have any ideas how we can negotiate please feel free to talk to me or private message me...
I have a booth layout if you dont have one....
let me know if you would like to see it (it's kinda of an evolution process from starting small to getting large...)

I thank you for reading this and hope to hear something wonderful from you...until then, I apologized for wasting your time v_v
Things I can offer you::
- Full reinbursement of your table
- Don't have a booth stand?, I have a booth stand you can use
- Desani/Aquafina Bottle Water from me to you ^ ^!