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Messages - c2chaos

Forum Games / Re: Super-Ultra Random Prize Machine
April 14, 2010, 06:09:35 PM
You got a "Used Toilet Brush"!

**inserts coin**
^ Tracfone. Pre-paid. Lame.
< Boba...? Like the drink? mmmmmm....but it can't beat Nava served cold.
> I just ate an MRE. Not as good as I remembered nor as good as home-cooked food.
v What is your favorite candy that isn't chocolate?
^ Eats paste.
Gaming / Re: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
April 14, 2010, 11:13:50 AM
I reduced my "camping" time and went prowling around the perimeter of the maps. Best piece of advice I ever got. My kills/death ratio has improved significantly, but I'm still not good enough for a nuke, yet. It's always close but no cigar, some guy always kills me when I'm shooting the AC130.

I usually use:

Primary: FAL-Silenced and Halo Scope
Secondary: Raffica-Silenced and Red Dot Scope
Equipment: Semtex
Special Equipment: Flash Grenade
Perk 1: Bling Pro
Perk 2: Stopping Power Pro
Perk 3: Ninja Pro
Death Streak: Martyrdom

Kill Streaks:
Harrier Strike
Tactical Nuke
Forum Games / Re: Super-Ultra Random Prize Machine
April 14, 2010, 10:50:15 AM
You got a "Sad Puppy"!
**inserts coin**
Forum Games / Super-Ultra Random Prize Machine
April 14, 2010, 10:17:10 AM

Say what the poster before you received from the Super-Ultra Random Prize Machine (it could be anything).
Then, you insert your coin and try your luck. (Well, actually...the next poster decides what you get).


c2chaos> **inserts coin**

Liquid> You get a "Stale Cookie"!
Liquid>**inserts coin**

Shinsengumi> You get an "Angry Electrode"!
Shinsengumi> **inserts coin**

and it would go on like that and so-forth.


Let's start!

**inserts coin**
Forum Games / Re: Post an Image!!! Rules added!
April 14, 2010, 09:57:20 AM
^ Oh yeah.

^ If I ever find the resources, I would like to cosplay as Zero from Megaman X.
< Is probably a fan of MGS. Are you?
> Is addicted to COD:MW2. Still working on that Nuke.
v What is the most boring Anime you've ever seen?
Forum Games / Re: I am
April 14, 2010, 09:38:04 AM
I am looking for the remote for the tv!
Dango Daikazoku by Chata
Forum Games / Re: WISH CORRUPTER!!!!! 2.0
April 14, 2010, 09:35:23 AM
Granted! All your vital organs and eyes are placed in a big man-shaped jar. You'll never have to feel tired again!

I wish I had an octo-Luka.
Don't you mean, "As well as who?"

When was this cake ever a lie?
Dang. We're going way back! 8/10!

Xena: Warrior Princess
"I am Zhou Yu...and my wife is 14! I WIN!"
^ Uses glue sticks for his chapped lips.
Because those aren't people. They're mirrors.

WTH!? :o Why is there a bottle of lotion by my computer!?
Forum Games / Re: This or That? 2.0
April 13, 2010, 12:31:51 AM
Green Tea because green is not a flavor.

Jam or Jelly?